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Request to Texas Elected Leaders

Medicalization of Texas Education

Join parents across America saying… #NotMyChild

Read below: A Request to Texas Elected State Senators and Representatives

If you are a Texas Parent, Grandparent or Taxpayer and you want your VOICE HEARD~TAKE ACTION and SIGN the form below.

Request to Texas Elected Leaders- Medicalization of Education

Please join us in requesting a seat at the table with Elected Texas Leaders, as they work to provide a safe and secure education environment in Texas Schools.
  • If you are a leader of an organization, please include your name and position.

March 6, 2019

Texas Elected Officials
The Texas Capitol
1100 Congress Ave
Austin, TX 78701

Dear Elected Leader,

We believe you, our Elected Representative want to provide a safe and secure
education opportunity to all Texas students. We are requesting an appointment for you to meet with the parents and researchers who do not have a seat at the table at this time but are requesting to begin this discussion which is the process of the implementation of the “Medicalization of Our Schools” through Medicaid.

We are witnessing today what could be described as the grandest expansion of the Nanny State in the history of America. We believe this expansion to be one of the most diabolical, intricate, and subversive schemes to plague the landscape of American public policy toward Socialism.

This atrocity is “The Medicalization of Our Schools.”

A view from the classroom of today would astound onlookers that mental health and social, emotional, and behavioral interventions have replaced academics. With these wrap-around mental health services and interventions into personalities, values, beliefs, and dispositions at school, teachers are expected and forced to monitor and collect personal behavioral data on our children that has nothing to do with education. Data is collected, logged into state longitudinal data systems, shared, and ultimately, exposes our children to ‘surveillance capitalism.’ This personal data is freely given and used by outside contractors, foundations, and businesses to create software, curricula, activities, and programs that delve into changing the personal qualities of children and their families according to a government set of objectives.

Schools represent a “captive audience” and as such, prime targets for social policy change.
From a purely educational viewpoint, this could be termed “The Destruction of the American Educational System.”

From a health care perspective, this could be viewed as “The Subversion of the
World’s Finest System of Health Care.”

From a societal vantage point, this could be described as “The Subduing of the
American Family.”

However, because of the integration of business and labor, this could also just as accurately be dubbed, “The Collectivization of American Capitalism.”

Analyzed from a public policy perspective, it could be called “The Demise of
Representative Government.”

All of these titles would be accurate because each of them describes different appendages of the same program. What is involved in the “Medicalization of Our Schools?” At issue is Medicaid with screenings and interventions that take place under the cloak of prevention and “health.”

Once the government-sponsored health insurance program for the poor, Medicaid has now moved mainstream into our schools. It is paying salaries, funding multiple programs that boldly intrude into the sanctity of the home, and is the cause of escalating federal and state budgets. If this weren’t objectionable enough, the Medicaid component is but one spoke on the wheel of the larger societal restructuring movement that clearly orchestrates a number of large federal entitlement programs to produce what the Obama administration called a ‘safety net and prevention.’ In reality, if left unrestrained, it will become a “seamless web” through which no one will fall and ultimately no one escapes. The merging of federal data in HR 4174 escalates this agenda.

The universal screening of every normal child for social, emotional, and behavioral mental health problems has become the policy to identify as many children as possible for free federal Medicaid money. Our schools are milking the system through bureaucratic maneuvering. This future impetus combines Education and Welfare programs into a common thrust that appears to have bypassed our state legislatures. The fiscal impact of the merging of education and healthcare has not been thoroughly researched as the Medicaid program spans birth to age 20. Yes, American children are in danger of pure behavioral conditioning as a lucrative business. Our children are victimized by the intruding arm of government moving toward a controlled monopoly.

The larger wheel of implementation includes FERPA, Family Education Rights In Privacy Act, and ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act, and both are to blame for the forward movement of these destructive combinations that include data-mining of our children, the identification and labeling of normal children as mentally disabled but not special education, psycho-behavioral interventions to change American children toward this collectivist state, and Medicaid that will pay for this abomination with its tentacles into the family with eventual case management in an Individual Family Service Plan. This plan assures that every American child will be identified with a unique national ID and a recycling system of behavioral interventions laid out in ESSA. The impact of a child having a DSM code (Diagnostic Statistical Manual For Mental Disorders) on their permanent record because of a mental health Medicaid reimbursement would have many future consequences including access to higher education, getting a job, or never owning a gun which would erase the Second Amendment in several years. American children are at risk of losing America in their future.

In Texas, some questionable behaviors have happened over the last couple of years in
regards to the lack of privacy with student information, which has gotten parents from all over the state’s attention.

First, during the summer of 2017, the TEA entered into a no-bid contract with a company named SPEDX. They handed over hundreds of thousands of student Individual Educational Plans (IEP) to SPEDx without proper parent notification or consent. IEPs include student diagnoses, medications, behavioral intervention plans, school accommodations, health data, and more. The SPEDx mission was to data-mine the information from the student’s IEPs and come up with a “plan” to fix special education in Texas. TEA terminated the contract when concerned parents spoke out against it. The owner and founder of SPEDx, Dr. Richard Nyankori, has since started a new company that sells special education software. To this date, the state of Texas has not received notification from SPEDx that the student IEP data was ever destroyed.

Secondly, in 2018 a lawsuit was filed against ACT claiming that ACT illegally sold detailed student disability data to colleges, scholarship programs, and other third parties who use the information for college recruitment and marketing. Colleges must practice “disability-blind” admissions under federal civil rights laws, however, they have gotten around this by buying student information from ACT, which is a direct violation of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), among other laws.

We truly believe that as our Elected Official, you would be able to slow down and stop this “Child Abuse in the Classroom” that is being thrust on our Texas children today. Former President Obama had issued an Executive Order that unlocked the doors of privacy which now allows our children to be data-mined of their personal information which includes social, emotional, and behavioral information. FERPA must be changed.

We are requesting the truth be told to parents about the conditioning techniques codified in ESSA and performed without informed written parental consent that must be stopped. We believe that you would want Texas to continue to be the guiding light of our nation, to educate our children with the best education in the world, and prove to the non-believers that our children can compete with anyone in the world. We pray that you are listening.

Violations In Pursuit of the “Medicalization of Our Schools” Through Medicaid

Data Tracking: Collection of PII (Personally Identifiable Information) on babies, children, and teachers identified with a unique national ID, contracted by Institute for Educational Sciences, NCES/IES, in compliance with Obama’s Executive Order 12866 expanding state longitudinal data systems to collect and share personally identifiable data on our children.

Data Trafficking: States Release Personally Identifiable Information, PII, to 3rd Party Contractors: State Departments of Education are able to enter into written agreements with businesses, foundations, higher education, and other Departments, releasing PII because of the loopholes in FERPA, (Family Education Rights and Privacy Act) that redefine school officials. Personally Identifiable Information, “womb to workforce” data, is freely given to 3rd party contractors through written agreements contracted by each state DOE.

Treatment, Interventions, Psychological Abuse: ESSA, Every Student Succeeds
Act mandates PII collected on attitudes, values, beliefs, and dispositions (grit) carried out by IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act). All students, birth through college-aged students are identified under Title I for social, emotional, and behavioral change, Child Find. Techniques defined in ESSA include behavioral interventions: Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports, Response To Intervention, Multi-Tiered System Of Supports, Universal Design For Learning. The NCES/IES monitors and evaluates compliance, and experimental research through a unique national ID of children and teachers alike.

Privacy Violations: Exchange and Re-Disclosure of PII continues, including data collected on attitudes, values, beliefs, and dispositions, without the knowledge or consent of parents. Directory information is cross-referenced with behavioral data collected on the local level. Privacy protections have been removed. Data, the new currency uses children as a commodity. These blatant data mining violations are child abuse.

Violations of the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment, PPRA: Violations under Title I school-wide through the use of psychiatric, psychological examination, assessment, evaluation, or testing; Psychiatric or psychological treatment/ interventions deceptively used in classrooms without the knowledge, disclosure, or written permission of parents.

Civil Rights Violations: Interventions, treatment, and re-education of attitudes, values, dispositions, and beliefs of children are profound violations of 1st Amendment protections of our God-given right to “right of conscience” and the 4th Amendment protection of our God-given right “to be secure in their persons.”

Public Law 103-33, General Education Provisions Act, Sec 438: Federal Government is supervising and directing curriculum creating a “model national curriculum” and a national test. NCES/IES evaluates and monitors students, teachers, funding, principals, schools, districts, and states for mental health data.

Malpractice and Maltreatment of Children and Babies by Teachers and Preschool Caregivers: Teachers/preschool caregivers, (exceeding their professional certifications), are required to screen, evaluate, perform anecdotal behavioral assessments, conditioning, and implement psychological remediation of the child’s attitudes, values, beliefs, and dispositions called social, emotional learning to comply with global initiatives under ESSA. These interventions are screened by teachers as mental health disabilities through fidelity (Do it right-techniques.) are now called “implementation science.” Standards defined by Department of Labor SCANS Report, create the process of “supply-chain management to humans.” This Social and Emotional Learning system sets up schools to begin coding mental health interventions in the classrooms of America for Medicaid reimbursements.

In Liberty,
Alice Linahan, Vice President Women on the Wall
Anita Hoge, Co-Founder of Child Abuse in the Classroom
Karen Bracken, Co-Founder of Child Abuse in the Classroom

Need Proof this is happening; just watch this…

Link for all appendices: http://womenonthewall.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Appendices-ForMedicalization-Of-Schools-1.pdf

Appendices For The Medicalization Of Our Schools Proof Points

Appendix A Texas

Appendix B Montana

Appendix C Tennessee

Appendix D Pennsylvania


Texas Legislature – Public Education Bills in Committee

“There is money to be made on new education products when education shifts from Reading, Writing and Arithmetic to Rigor, Relevance, and Relationships- Just sayin’……..”- Alice Linahan 
Texas Legislature
Public Education
84th Legislature Regular Session
Report Date: 3/9/2015

Number of Bills: 164Bills In Committee (164):

HB 4 Author: Huberty | Deshotel | King, Ken | Giddings | Ashby
Last Action: 03/10/2015 H Scheduled for public hearing on . . .
Caption: Relating to a high quality prekindergarten program provided by public school districts.
HB 18 Author: Aycock
Last Action: 03/03/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 3 2015 1:59PM
Caption: Relating to college and career readiness training for certain public school counselors.
HB 43 Author: González, Mary
Last Action: 02/09/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 9 2015 2:57PM
Caption: Relating to the creation of a task force to evaluate state assessment instruments administered to public school students with significant cognitive disabilities.
HB 47 Author: Martinez, “Mando”
Last Action: 02/09/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 9 2015 2:57PM
Caption: Relating to the salary paid to certain professional employees of public schools.
HB 49 Author: González, Mary
Last Action: 02/09/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 9 2015 2:57PM
Caption: Relating to a requirement for school districts to report class size to the Texas Education Agency.
HB 51 Author: González, Mary
Last Action: 02/09/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 9 2015 2:57PM
Caption: Relating to limits on the size of certain classes in public schools.
HB 54 Author: González, Mary
Last Action: 02/09/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 9 2015 2:57PM
Caption: Relating to termination or suspension without pay of certain school district employees.
HB 56 Author: González, Mary
Last Action: 02/09/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 9 2015 2:57PM
Caption: Relating to the creation of a task force to evaluate the English language proficiency standards used in public schools.
HB 57 Author: González, Mary
Last Action: 02/09/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 9 2015 2:57PM
Caption: Relating to the review by a school district board of trustees of a hearing examiner’s determination regarding good cause to suspend a teacher without pay or terminate the teacher’s contract.
HB 66 Author: González, Mary
Last Action: 03/03/2015 H Reported favorably as substituted
Caption: Relating to the consideration of the performance of certain students of limited English proficiency on state assessment instruments.
HB 70 Author: González, Mary
Last Action: 02/09/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 9 2015 2:57PM
Caption: Relating to prevention of discrimination and harassment in public schools.
HB 73 Author: González, Mary
Last Action: 02/09/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 9 2015 2:57PM
Caption: Relating to academic assessment of public school students with significant disabilities.
HB 78 Author: González, Mary | Howard | Farrar
Last Action: 02/09/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 9 2015 2:57PM
Caption: Relating to human sexuality education in public schools.
HB 124 Author: Martinez Fischer
Last Action: 02/11/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 11 2015 11:25AM
Caption: Relating to the availability of free prekindergarten programs in public schools.
HB 125 Author: Martinez Fischer
Last Action: 02/11/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 11 2015 11:25AM
Caption: Relating to studying the cost of education index.
HB 135 Author: Flynn
Last Action: 02/11/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 11 2015 11:25AM
Caption: Relating to inclusion of a course on the United States Constitution in the curriculum requirements for public high school students.
HB 138 Author: Flynn
Last Action: 02/09/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 9 2015 2:57PM
Caption: Relating to the posting of the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms.
HB 171 Author: Alvarado
Last Action: 02/09/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 9 2015 2:57PM
Caption: Relating to limits on the size of fifth grade classes in public schools.
HB 173 Author: Alvarado
Last Action: 03/10/2015 H Scheduled for public hearing on . . .
Caption: Relating to information reported by a public school district regarding prekindergarten classes.
HB 181 Author: Bell | Krause
Last Action: 03/03/2015 H Reported favorably w/o amendment(s)
Caption: Relating to information printed by school districts on high school diplomas.
HB 182 Author: Dale
Last Action: 02/11/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 11 2015 11:25AM
Caption: Relating to censure of a member of a school district board of trustees.
HB 186 Author: Thompson, Senfronia
Last Action: 02/09/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 9 2015 2:57PM
Caption: Relating to the availability of free prekindergarten programs in public schools.
HB 198 Author: Huberty
Last Action: 02/12/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 12 2015 11:31AM
Caption: Relating to the carrying of concealed handguns by certain persons attending a school board meeting.
HB 204 Author: Leach | Villalba | Howard
Last Action: 02/10/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 10 2015 11:34AM
Caption: Relating to the first day of instruction at a public school.
HB 205 Author: Leach | Huberty | Bohac
Last Action: 02/10/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 10 2015 11:34AM
Caption: Relating to the provision of human sexuality and family planning instruction in public schools.
HB 218 Author: Márquez
Last Action: 02/10/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 10 2015 11:34AM
Caption: Relating to certification requirements for teachers in bilingual education.
HB 223 Author: Guillen
Last Action: 02/10/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 10 2015 11:34AM
Caption: Relating to acceptable conduct of students in kindergarten through grade five.
HB 228 Author: Guillen
Last Action: 02/10/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 10 2015 11:34AM
Caption: Relating to the optional flexible school day program provided by school districts.
HB 233 Author: Farrar
Last Action: 02/11/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 11 2015 11:25AM
Caption: Relating to school social work services in public schools.
HB 238 Author: Springer | Burrows
Last Action: 02/10/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 10 2015 11:34AM
Caption: Relating to the first day of instruction in certain school districts.
HB 243 Author: Longoria
Last Action: 02/11/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 11 2015 11:25AM
Caption: Relating to the route a school bus takes when transporting a public school student.
HB 256 Author: Howard
Last Action: 03/03/2015 H Reported favorably as substituted
Caption: Relating to use of compensatory education allotment funding to provide assistance with child care to students at risk of dropping out of school.
HB 279 Author: Simmons
Last Action: 02/11/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 11 2015 11:25AM
Caption: Relating to eligibility for a public education grant of certain students receiving special education services.
HB 289 Author: Thompson, Senfronia
Last Action: 02/11/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 11 2015 11:25AM
Caption: Relating to the composition of the board of trustees of certain independent school districts.
HB 296 Author: Wu
Last Action: 03/10/2015 H Scheduled for public hearing on . . .
Caption: Relating to certain prekindergarten programs offered by a school district.
HB 313 Author: González, Mary
Last Action: 02/11/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 11 2015 11:25AM
Caption: Relating to employment of certified school counselors by school districts.
HB 338 Author: González, Mary
Last Action: 02/12/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 12 2015 11:31AM
Caption: Relating to the evaluation of an internal auditor employed by a school district.
HB 340 Author: Dutton
Last Action: 02/12/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 12 2015 11:31AM
Caption: Relating to the receipt of an exemption or waiver for a school district or campus that is academically unacceptable.
HB 345 Author: González, Mary
Last Action: 02/12/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 12 2015 11:31AM
Caption: Relating to the creation of a task force to study the standards of the Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test administered to bilingual educators in public schools.
HB 347 Author: Dutton | Frank | Leach | Villalba | Huberty
Last Action: 02/12/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 12 2015 11:31AM
Caption: Relating to equal opportunity for access by home-schooled students to University Interscholastic League sponsored activities; authorizing a fee.
HB 355 Author: González, Mary
Last Action: 02/12/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 12 2015 11:31AM
Caption: Relating to the creation of a task force to evaluate class size limits in public schools.
HB 356 Author: González, Mary
Last Action: 02/12/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 12 2015 11:31AM
Caption: Relating to a federal waiver to exempt public school students with significant cognitive disabilities from annual assessment requirements imposed by federal law.
HB 357 Author: González, Mary
Last Action: 02/12/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 12 2015 11:31AM
Caption: Relating to the responsibilities of public school counselors.
HB 370 Author: Villalba
Last Action: 03/03/2015 H Reported favorably w/o amendment(s)
Caption: Relating to notifying a parent or guardian whether an employee of a school is appointed school marshal and the confidentiality of information submitted to or collected by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement in connection with a certification for appointment as school marshal.
HB 374 Author: Simmons
Last Action: 02/12/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 12 2015 11:31AM
Caption: Relating to requiring State Board of Education approval to offer advanced placement and international baccalaureate courses in public high schools.
HB 379 Author: White, James
Last Action: 02/12/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 12 2015 11:31AM
Caption: Relating to the failure to attend school for part of a day.
HB 391 Author: Muñoz, Jr.
Last Action: 02/16/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 16 2015 2:50PM
Caption: Relating to providing free full-day prekindergarten for certain children.
HB 405 Author: González, Mary
Last Action: 02/16/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 16 2015 2:50PM
Caption: Relating to the creation of a task force to evaluate training provided to members of a school district board of trustees.
HB 406 Author: González, Mary
Last Action: 02/16/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 16 2015 2:50PM
Caption: Relating to the creation of a task force to determine alternative methods of assessing the performance of public school students and school districts.
HB 407 Author: González, Mary
Last Action: 02/16/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 16 2015 2:50PM
Caption: Relating to school district selection of an alternative assessment method in place of state-administered assessment instruments.
HB 424 Author: Dutton
Last Action: 03/10/2015 H Scheduled for public hearing on . . .
Caption: Relating to providing free full-day prekindergarten for certain children.
HB 435 Author: Raymond
Last Action: 02/16/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 16 2015 2:50PM
Caption: Relating to the instruction of American Sign Language in public high schools.
HB 440 Author: Gonzales, Larry
Last Action: 03/03/2015 H Reported favorably as substituted
Caption: Relating to adapting the public school physical education curriculum to accommodate the needs of students with mental disabilities.
HB 456 Author: Gutierrez
Last Action: 03/03/2015 H Reported favorably as substituted
Caption: Relating to a prohibition on the use and possession of vapor products on school property.
HB 462 Author: Goldman
Last Action: 02/11/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 11 2015 11:25AM
Caption: Relating to successful completion of dual credit courses as an alternative to compliance with end-of-course assessment requirements.
HB 505 Author: Rodriguez, Eddie | Workman
Last Action: 03/03/2015 H Reported favorably w/o amendment(s)
Caption: Relating to a prohibition of limitations on the number of dual credit courses or hours in which a public high school student may enroll.
HB 506 Author: Rodriguez, Eddie
Last Action: 02/16/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 16 2015 2:50PM
Caption: Relating to the issuance of tax-supported bonds by certain school districts and increasing the tax rate limitation on the issuance of those bonds.
HB 513 Author: Moody
Last Action: 02/16/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 16 2015 2:50PM
Caption: Relating to educator financial incentives and salary contingencies based on student performance on certain assessment instruments.
HB 514 Author: Moody
Last Action: 02/16/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 16 2015 2:50PM
Caption: Relating to the creation of an advisory council to research and make recommendations on the use of assessment instruments in public schools.
HB 515 Author: Moody
Last Action: 02/16/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 16 2015 2:50PM
Caption: Relating to the notice to the parent or other person having lawful control of a public school student concerning the student’s class performance.
HB 522 Author: Raymond
Last Action: 02/16/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 16 2015 2:50PM
Caption: Relating to establishing a pilot program in designated public high schools in certain municipalities for placement of students in Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps programs as an alternative to placement in disciplinary or juvenile justice alternative education programs.
HB 544 Author: Dutton
Last Action: 02/18/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 18 2015 12:06PM
Caption: Relating to payment by a school district of the costs of developmental coursework provided by an institution of higher education under the success initiative.
HB 566 Author: Herrero | White, James
Last Action: 02/18/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 18 2015 12:06PM
Caption: Relating to the use of epinephrine auto-injectors on public and open-enrollment charter school campuses and at off-campus school-sanctioned events.
HB 567 Author: Allen
Last Action: 02/18/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 18 2015 12:06PM
Caption: Relating to corporal punishment in public schools.
HB 568 Author: Allen
Last Action: 02/18/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 18 2015 12:06PM
Caption: Relating to a review by the commissioner of education of state law regarding student suspension, expulsion, or other disciplinary action and the implementation of that law by school districts.
HB 588 Author: Hernandez
Last Action: 02/18/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 18 2015 12:06PM
Caption: Relating to restricting certain state and school district assessments of public school students in prekindergarten and kindergarten.
HB 596 Author: Goldman
Last Action: 02/19/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 19 2015 11:53AM
Caption: Relating to the scheduling of the last day of school for students by public school districts.
HB 645 Author: Ashby | Cook | Guillen | Farney | VanDeaver
Last Action: 02/23/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 23 2015 3:22PM
Caption: Relating to the small-sized district adjustment under the Foundation School Program.
HB 654 Author: Aycock
Last Action: 02/19/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 19 2015 11:53AM
Caption: Relating to public school finance and the formation of school finance districts.
HB 657 Author: Aycock
Last Action: 02/19/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 19 2015 11:53AM
Caption: Relating to the training requirements for a member of the board of trustees of a public school district.
HB 662 Author: Dutton
Last Action: 02/19/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 19 2015 11:53AM
Caption: Relating to public school students evaluated for purposes of accountability ratings.
HB 664 Author: King, Ken | Farney | VanDeaver
Last Action: 02/19/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 19 2015 11:53AM
Caption: Relating to funding for career and technology programs in public schools.
HB 666 Author: King, Ken
Last Action: 02/19/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 19 2015 11:53AM
Caption: Relating to the small and mid-sized district adjustments under the Foundation School Program.
HB 667 Author: King, Ken
Last Action: 02/19/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 19 2015 11:53AM
Caption: Relating to permissible uses of the bilingual education allotment provided under the foundation school program.
HB 676 Author: Longoria
Last Action: 02/19/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 19 2015 11:53AM
Caption: Relating to School Bus Safety Week in public schools.
HB 677 Author: Turner, Sylvester
Last Action: 02/19/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 19 2015 11:53AM
Caption: Relating to cardiac assessments of participants in extracurricular athletic activities sponsored or sanctioned by the University Interscholastic League.
HB 680 Author: Gutierrez
Last Action: 02/19/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 19 2015 11:53AM
Caption: Relating to the rulemaking authority of the State Board for Educator Certification.
HB 717 Author: Reynolds
Last Action: 02/23/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 23 2015 3:22PM
Caption: Relating to the election of trustees of certain school districts from single-member trustee districts.
HB 718 Author: Keough
Last Action: 02/23/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 23 2015 3:22PM
Caption: Relating to the number of charters the State Board of Education may grant for open-enrollment charter schools.
HB 719 Author: King, Ken
Last Action: 02/23/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 23 2015 3:22PM
Caption: Relating to the small and mid-sized district adjustments under the Foundation School Program.
HB 720 Author: Frank | Springer
Last Action: 02/23/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 23 2015 3:22PM
Caption: Relating to the small-sized district adjustment under the Foundation School Program.
HB 724 Author: Galindo
Last Action: 03/03/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 3 2015 1:59PM
Caption: Relating to operation of public schools on certain election days.
HB 726 Author: Hernandez
Last Action: 02/23/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 23 2015 3:22PM
Caption: Relating to outreach materials to foster awareness of recent public school curriculum changes.
HB 729 Author: Lucio III
Last Action: 02/23/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 23 2015 3:22PM
Caption: Relating to the employment of certified school counselors by school districts.
HB 730 Author: Lucio III
Last Action: 02/23/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 23 2015 3:22PM
Caption: Relating to the use of public school counselors’ work time.
HB 731 Author: Lucio III
Last Action: 02/23/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 23 2015 3:22PM
Caption: Relating to participation of certain school districts in the three-year high school diploma plan pilot program.
HB 741 Author: Huberty
Last Action: 02/23/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 23 2015 3:22PM
Caption: Relating to the administration to public school students in certain grades of state-administered assessment instruments.
HB 742 Author: Huberty | Galindo | Metcalf
Last Action: 02/23/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 23 2015 3:22PM
Caption: Relating to eliminating certain state-required assessment instruments and certain end-of-course assessment instruments administered to public school students in certain grades.
HB 743 Author: Huberty
Last Action: 02/23/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 23 2015 3:22PM
Caption: Relating to the essential knowledge and skills of the required public school curriculum and to certain state-adopted or state-developed assessment instruments for public school students.
HB 744 Author: Huberty
Last Action: 02/23/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 23 2015 3:22PM
Caption: Relating to the purchase of certain insurance by public school districts.
HB 767 Author: Smith | Turner, Sylvester
Last Action: 02/23/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 23 2015 3:22PM
Caption: Relating to cardiac assessments of participants in extracurricular athletic activities sponsored or sanctioned by the University Interscholastic League.
HB 771 Author: Deshotel
Last Action: 02/23/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 23 2015 3:22PM
Caption: Relating to funding for the Texas Academy of Leadership in the Humanities.
HB 774 Author: González, Mary
Last Action: 02/23/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 23 2015 3:22PM
Caption: Relating to eliminating certain state-required assessment instruments administered to public school students in certain grades.
HB 775 Author: González, Mary
Last Action: 02/23/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 23 2015 3:22PM
Caption: Relating to removing the requirement of satisfactory performance on state assessment instruments for public school grade-level promotion and providing alternative compliance for the requirement of satisfactory performance on state assessment instruments for graduation.
HB 779 Author: Huberty
Last Action: 02/23/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 23 2015 3:22PM
Caption: Relating to cardiac assessments of participants in extracurricular athletic activities sponsored or sanctioned by the University Interscholastic League.
HB 802 Author: King, Ken | Harless | Springer
Last Action: 02/23/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 23 2015 3:22PM
Caption: Relating to the provision of a transportation allotment under the foundation school program based on the price of gasoline.
HB 810 Author: White, James | Springer | Isaac
Last Action: 02/23/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 23 2015 3:22PM
Caption: Relating to employment of persons with professional qualifications as public school teachers.
HB 811 Author: González, Mary
Last Action: 02/23/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 23 2015 3:22PM
Caption: Relating to administering certain assessment instruments to public school students in certain grades for diagnostic purposes only.
HB 829 Author: Zedler
Last Action: 02/26/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 26 2015 4:54PM
Caption: Relating to inclusion of a civics test in the graduation requirements for public high school students.
HB 842 Author: Naishtat
Last Action: 03/02/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 2 2015 3:50PM
Caption: Relating to review of public school instructional materials for compliance with accessibility standards.
HB 868 Author: Flynn
Last Action: 03/04/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 4 2015 5:45PM
Caption: Relating to a defense to prosecution for and civil liability of an educator who uses force or deadly force to protect the educator’s person, students of the school, or property of the school, and suspension of a student who assaults an employee of a school.
HB 874 Author: Sanford
Last Action: 03/02/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 2 2015 3:50PM
Caption: Relating to employment of persons with advanced degrees as public school teachers.
HB 879 Author: Farney
Last Action: 03/02/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 2 2015 3:50PM
Caption: Relating to evaluating the performance of dropout recovery schools.
HB 917 Author: Villalba
Last Action: 02/25/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 25 2015 11:46AM
Caption: Relating to school marshals for private schools, notifying a parent or guardian whether an employee of a public or private school is appointed school marshal, and the confidentiality of information submitted to or collected by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement in connection with a certification for appointment as school marshal.
HB 919 Author: Flynn
Last Action: 02/25/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 25 2015 11:46AM
Caption: Relating to provisional special education funding for certain students in public schools.
HB 925 Author: Guillen
Last Action: 02/25/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 25 2015 11:46AM
Caption: Relating to the balance maintained in a school district’s general fund and associated requirements regarding the general fund.
HB 929 Author: Huberty
Last Action: 02/25/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Feb 25 2015 11:46AM
Caption: Relating to exclusion of certain public school student disciplinary actions from reports required by state or federal law.
HB 945 Author: Rinaldi | Keough
Last Action: 03/02/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 2 2015 3:50PM
Caption: Relating to the repeal of provisions requiring school districts to reduce their wealth per student to the equalized wealth level.
HB 948 Author: Rinaldi | Villalba | Krause | Fallon
Last Action: 03/02/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 2 2015 3:50PM
Caption: Relating to the Texas High Performance Schools Consortium.
HB 959 Author: Menéndez
Last Action: 03/02/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 2 2015 3:50PM
Caption: Relating to limiting certain state-required assessment instruments administered to public school students in certain grades to assessments required by federal law.
HB 980 Author: Hernandez
Last Action: 03/02/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 2 2015 3:50PM
Caption: Relating to a personal financial literacy component in a statistics course offered for public high school graduation.
HB 985 Author: Villalba
Last Action: 03/02/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 2 2015 3:50PM
Caption: Relating to mental health screening for public school students who may be a danger to self or others and to suspension or educational placement of those students; creating an offense.
HB 1013 Author: Canales
Last Action: 03/02/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 2 2015 3:50PM
Caption: Relating to requirements regarding electronic access to instructional materials provided in printed book format purchased for public schools.
HB 1023 Author: Stickland
Last Action: 03/02/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 2 2015 3:50PM
Caption: Relating to public school class size limits.
HB 1033 Author: Leach
Last Action: 03/02/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 2 2015 3:50PM
Caption: Relating to the placement of video cameras in self-contained classrooms providing special education services.
HB 1060 Author: Rodriguez, Justin
Last Action: 03/02/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 2 2015 3:50PM
Caption: Relating to reporting of teacher turnover information by public schools.
HB 1067 Author: Koop
Last Action: 03/02/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 2 2015 3:50PM
Caption: Relating to the first day of the school year for public schools.
HB 1070 Author: Smith
Last Action: 03/02/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 2 2015 3:50PM
Caption: Relating to a reduction in the cost of attendance credits for certain school districts that purchase windstorm and hail insurance.
HB 1100 Author: Johnson | Farney | Thompson, Senfronia | Zerwas | González, Mary
Last Action: 03/10/2015 H Scheduled for public hearing on . . .
Caption: Relating to a gold standard full-day prekindergarten program provided by public school districts.
HB 1135 Author: Muñoz, Jr.
Last Action: 03/02/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 2 2015 3:50PM
Caption: Relating to a transportation allotment for a school district transporting students to dual credit courses.
HB 1139 Author: Fallon
Last Action: 03/02/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 2 2015 3:50PM
Caption: Relating to inclusion of a civics test in the graduation requirements for public high school students.
HB 1142 Author: Dukes
Last Action: 03/04/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 4 2015 5:45PM
Caption: Relating to the establishment of a workgroup to examine the implementation of dating violence awareness and education programs in public schools.
HB 1157 Author: Alvarado
Last Action: 03/03/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 3 2015 1:59PM
Caption: Relating to funding for public school career and technology education programs.
HB 1162 Author: VanDeaver
Last Action: 03/03/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 3 2015 1:59PM
Caption: Relating to eliminating satisfactory performance requirements for public school end-of-course assessment instruments as a criterion for promotion or graduation.
HB 1163 Author: VanDeaver
Last Action: 03/03/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 3 2015 1:59PM
Caption: Relating to the percentage of the annual distribution from the permanent school fund set aside for the state instructional materials fund.
HB 1164 Author: VanDeaver
Last Action: 03/03/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 3 2015 1:59PM
Caption: Relating to the assessment of public school students in writing and English language arts.
HB 1170 Author: Farney
Last Action: 03/03/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 3 2015 1:59PM
Caption: Relating to the applicability to open-enrollment charter schools of certain laws regarding local governments and political subdivisions.
HB 1171 Author: Farney
Last Action: 03/03/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 3 2015 1:59PM
Caption: Relating to the applicability of certain immunity and liability laws to open-enrollment charter schools.
HB 1172 Author: Alvarado
Last Action: 03/04/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 4 2015 5:45PM
Caption: Relating to creating a program to recognize before-school and after-school programs that promote healthy eating and physical activity.
HB 1188 Author: Deshotel
Last Action: 03/10/2015 H Scheduled for public hearing on . . .
Caption: Relating to the creation of a joint interim committee to study and make recommendations regarding early childhood education.
HB 1197 Author: Bohac
Last Action: 03/03/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 3 2015 1:59PM
Caption: Relating to allowing certain extracurricular activities required by public school classes for agriculture, food, and natural resources.
HB 1218 Author: Capriglione
Last Action: 03/03/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 3 2015 1:59PM
Caption: Relating to course content requirements for human sexuality instruction provided by a public school.
HB 1227 Author: Anderson, Rodney
Last Action: 03/03/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 3 2015 1:59PM
Caption: Relating to eliminating the requirement that a school district assess the physical fitness of students.
HB 1231 Author: Fletcher
Last Action: 03/03/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 3 2015 1:59PM
Caption: Relating to the membership of school district and open-enrollment charter school concussion oversight teams.
HB 1300 Author: Capriglione
Last Action: 03/05/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 5 2015 2:59PM
Caption: Relating to the required qualifications of persons admitted to educator preparation programs.
HB 1304 Author: Guillen
Last Action: 03/05/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 5 2015 2:59PM
Caption: Relating to the use of school committees to make determinations regarding graduation for certain public high school students who fail to perform satisfactorily on end-of-course assessment instruments.
HB 1305 Author: Bonnen, Greg | Paul
Last Action: 03/05/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 5 2015 5:44PM
Caption: Relating to a program to provide a free or reduced-price breakfast to eligible students attending a public school and the method of determining the number of educationally disadvantaged students.
HB 1341 Author: Aycock
Last Action: 03/05/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 5 2015 5:44PM
Caption: Relating to review and modification of the essential knowledge and skills of the required public school curriculum.
HB 1347 Author: Howard
Last Action: 03/05/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 5 2015 5:44PM
Caption: Relating to a study on the performance and operations of public schools that operate on a year-round system.
HB 1351 Author: Turner, Chris
Last Action: 03/05/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 5 2015 5:44PM
Caption: Relating to health education curriculum and instruction in public schools.
HB 1366 Author: Herrero
Last Action: 03/09/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 9 2015 3:35PM
Caption: Relating to student eligibility for Foundation School Program benefits.
HB 1373 Author: Giddings
Last Action: 03/09/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 9 2015 3:35PM
Caption: Relating to the assignment of a public school student to an inexperienced or uncertified teacher.
HB 1383 Author: Allen
Last Action: 03/09/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 9 2015 3:35PM
Caption: Relating to the salary paid to classroom teachers employed by public schools.
HB 1451 Author: Fallon
Last Action: 03/09/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 9 2015 3:35PM
Caption: Relating to the availability of certain school district financial information on certain districts’ Internet websites.
HB 1461 Author: Lucio III
Last Action: 03/04/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 4 2015 5:45PM
Caption: Relating to the bilingual education allotment provided under the public school finance system.
HB 1468 Author: Huberty
Last Action: 03/05/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 5 2015 2:59PM
Caption: Relating to the assessment of fourth and seventh grade public school students in writing and English language arts.
HB 1469 Author: Huberty
Last Action: 03/05/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 5 2015 2:59PM
Caption: Relating to the assessment of public school students in writing and English language arts.
HB 1474 Author: VanDeaver
Last Action: 03/05/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 5 2015 2:59PM
Caption: Relating to the placement of money in the state instructional materials fund for public schools to use to purchase instructional materials.
HB 1477 Author: Meyer
Last Action: 03/05/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 5 2015 2:59PM
Caption: Relating to the cost of an attendance credit under the public school finance system.
HB 1478 Author: Meyer
Last Action: 03/05/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 5 2015 2:59PM
Caption: Relating to a limitation on the amount of school property tax revenue that is subject to recapture under the public school finance system.
HB 1479 Author: Meyer
Last Action: 03/05/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 5 2015 2:59PM
Caption: Relating to the equalized wealth level and the guaranteed yield under the school finance system.
HB 1486 Author: Galindo
Last Action: 03/05/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 5 2015 2:59PM
Caption: Relating to a prohibition on vendor contact with a member of the board of trustees of an independent school district during the procurement process.
HB 1559 Author: Parker
Last Action: 03/09/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 9 2015 3:35PM
Caption: Relating to public school Internet website information concerning local programs and services available to assist homeless students.
HB 1593 Author: Blanco
Last Action: 03/09/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 9 2015 3:35PM
Caption: Relating to notification of parents regarding the immunization status of students enrolled at a public school.
HB 1597 Author: Blanco
Last Action: 03/09/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 9 2015 3:35PM
Caption: Relating to state assistance for school employees uniform group health coverage.
HB 1599 Author: King, Ken
Last Action: 03/09/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 9 2015 3:35PM
Caption: Relating to grants for school districts and campuses providing blended and individualized learning staff development activities.
HB 1600 Author: King, Ken
Last Action: 03/09/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 9 2015 3:35PM
Caption: Relating to the establishment of a grant program to assist school districts in developing or implementing innovative blended learning initiatives.
HB 1601 Author: Raymond
Last Action: 03/09/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 9 2015 3:35PM
Caption: Relating to eligibility of certain school district employees for certification as a principal.
HB 1614 Author: Guillen
Last Action: 03/09/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 9 2015 3:35PM
Caption: Relating to reporting of teacher turnover information by public schools.
HB 1664 Author: Leach
Last Action: 03/09/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 9 2015 3:35PM
Caption: Relating to the authority of a school district to excuse from school attendance a student who is exempt from a final examination.
HB 1673 Author: VanDeaver
Last Action: 03/09/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 9 2015 3:35PM
Caption: Relating to eliminating certain state-required assessment instruments and certain end-of-course assessment instruments not required by federal law.
HB 1676 Author: Aycock
Last Action: 03/09/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 9 2015 3:35PM
Caption: Relating to authority of public and open-enrollment charter school campuses to maintain a supply of and administer anaphylaxis medicine.
HB 1677 Author: Aycock
Last Action: 03/09/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 9 2015 3:35PM
Caption: Relating to the public school finance system.
HB 1682 Author: Bohac
Last Action: 03/09/2015 H Referred to Public Education: Mar 9 2015 3:35PM
Caption: Relating to the salary paid to certain professional employees of public schools.

Now is the time to give #APUSH~ Fight back for our children!


If ever there was a time to show up in Austin-

Now is that time.

Show up ~ SPEAK UP ~ and Protect the next Generation!

APUSH-Ad-Artwork-bg (1)

From the creators of Common Core, David Coleman and the College Board, the new AP US History course is an assault on our country’s heritage.

The new AP US History (APUSH) framework presents a relentlessly negative view of American history, emphasizing every problem and failing of our ancestors while ignoring or minimizing their achievements.

The College Board’s reinterpretation of US history, as presented in the new APUSH course, is a biased and inaccurate view of many important facets of American history, including the motivations and actions of 17th -19th-century settlers, American involvement in World War II, and the conduct of, and victory in, the Cold War.

The period of the American Revolution up to the 1787 Constitutional Convention

Almost every Founding Father is omitted – no Jefferson, Adams, Madison, or Franklin. The AP US History Framework excludes Lexington, Concord, Bunker Hill, Valley Forge, Saratoga, and Yorktown. The commanders and heroes of these pivotal battles are all omitted.

Civil War

Omits the Lincoln-Douglas debates, the Gettysburg Address, and the assassination of President Lincoln. Once again omits crucial battles, key commanders, and the valor of common soldiers.

World War II

Omits “The Greatest Generation,” Truman, Hitler, D-Day, Midway, the Battle of the Bulge, and every military commander including Dwight Eisenhower. Inexplicably, Nazi atrocities against Jews and other groups are not required. APUSH concludes its treatment of WWII with this blunt statement: “The decision to drop the atomic bomb raised questions about American values.”

Civil Rights Movement

Does not mention America’s first African-American President. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Cesar Chavez, Rosa Parks, the Navajo Code Talkers, Tuskegee Airmen, 442nd Infantry Regiment, and Barbara Jordan’s famous speech on the Constitution are all omitted.

United States Military

A word search of the entire 98-page document will not find one military commander or one Medal of Honor recipient. Our best and brightest students will thus learn nothing of the heroism and sacrifices of Americans in uniform.

Usurping Local Education Control

“The redesigned Framework is best described as a curricular coup that sets a number of dangerous precedents. By providing a detailed course of study that defines, discusses, and interprets ‘the required knowledge of each period,’ the College Board has in effect supplanted local and state curriculum by unilaterally assuming the authority to prioritize historic topics.” – Jane Robbins, American Principles Project

“Combat New AP U. S. History Course by Taking Action”

by Donna Garner 9.7.14

ACTION STEP – Sign this Petition to stand with SBOE Ken Mercer! 

[gravityform id=”9″ name=”Petition to #STANDwithMercer to REJECT the new AP Anti- U.S. Framework and Exam”]

Members of the public (e.g., moms, pops, grandparents, concerned citizens, AP U. S. History teachers) who object to the redesigned AP U. S. History course (APUSH) are needed to testify before the Texas State Board of Education either on Wednesday, Sept. 17, or on Friday, Sept.19.




Nothing in  the Texas Education Code (TEC) gives AP U. S. History teachers permission to ignore the teaching of the fact-based, patriotic, state-mandated Social Studies TEKS (Texas’ curriculum standards) adopted by the elected members of the Texas State Board of Education. 


Nothing in the TEC states that the AP U. S. History (APUSH) Framework should displace the teaching of the Social Studies TEKS. 


The public testimony on the importance of all Texas public school students being taught the K-12 Social Studies TEKS will take place on Wednesday, Sept. 17. Here is the link to the SBOE agenda for that day: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index4.aspx?id=25769815951



 September 2014 Meeting

Texas State Board of Education

Regarding:  College Board’s new 2014 Framework

Advanced Placement United States History

WHEREAS, the purpose of College and Career Readiness Standards(CCRS) and advanced high school courses is to prepare students to understand a variety of views and opinions from across the political spectrum, and to be able to discuss and debate those ideas free from bias and outside influence; and

 WHEREAS, the systematic or deliberate discouragement of certain points of view within the scope of any curriculum framework undermines the basic tenets of our society and education system; and,

 WHEREAS, the Texas Education Code (TEC) Section 28.002(h) states:

 The State Board of Education and each school district shall foster the continuation of the tradition of teaching United States and Texas history and the free enterprise system in regular subject matter and in reading courses and in the adoption of textbooks.

      A primary purpose of the public school curriculum is to prepare thoughtful, active citizens who understand the importance of patriotism and can function productively in a free enterprise society with appreciation for the basic democratic values of our state and national heritage;and,

WHEREAS, almost 500,000 U. S. students, approximately 46,000 of whom are from Texas, take the College Board’s Advanced Placement U. S. History (APUSH) course each year; and

WHEREAS, the APUSH course may be the final U.S. History class for what many believe are the brightest and best of our high school students; and,

WHEREAS, the APUSH course has traditionally been designed to present a balanced view of American history and to prepare students for college-level history courses; and

WHEREAS, the College Board, a private, non-elected organization unaccountable to the public has recently released a new 98-page Framework that mandates a highly politicized approach to teaching the APUSH course; and

WHEREAS, the new APUSH Framework reflects a radically revisionist view of American history that is critical of American exceptionalism and emphasizes negative aspects of our nation’s history while omitting or minimizing positive aspects; and

WHEREAS, the anti-American, revisionist history of Howard Zinn and his textbook “The People’s Guide to U.S. History” is a recommended textbook in each of the four syllabi originally presented at the Summer 2014 training of APUSH educators; and

WHEREAS, the APUSH Framework includes little or no discussion of the Founding Fathers, the principles of the Declaration of Independence, the religious influences on our nation’s history, and many other critical topics that have always been part of the APUSH course; and

WHEREAS, the Framework excludes discussion of the U. S. military (no battles, commanders, or heroes) and omits many significant individuals and events that greatly shaped our nation’s history (for example, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, Albert Einstein, Jonas Salk, George Washington Carver, Rosa Parks, Cesar Chavez, Dr. Martin Luther King, Tuskegee Airmen, Navajo Code Talkers, the Battle of Gettysburg, the Holocaust, D-Day, liberation of the Nazi concentration camps, and the election of our first African-American President); and

WHEREAS, the Framework presents a clearly biased and inaccurate view of many important events in American history, including the motivations and actions of 17th- through 19th-century settlers, American involvement in World War II, the free-enterprise economic explosion in the 1940s through 1960s, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the development of Cold War tensions and ultimate fall of the Iron Curtain, and the successful landing of a man on the moon; and

WHEREAS, the Framework describes its detailed outline as the “required knowledge” for APUSH students, and admits that the APUSH examination will not test information outside this “required knowledge”; and

WHEREAS, because the Framework differs radically from the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)  so that APUSH teachers will have to ignore the TEKS standards to prepare students for the AP examination; and

WHEREAS, the released APUSH sample examination questions continue, via behavioral testing techniques, to promote a negative, anti-American bias toward U.S. History; therefore be it

RESOLVED, the elected Texas State Board of Education strongly admonishes the College Board for failing to listen to the numerous complaints of parents, educators and concerned citizens; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, the Texas State Board of Education recommends that a committee be convened to draft an APUSH Framework that is consistent both with the APUSH course’s traditional mission and with the shared purpose of the CCRS, the TEKS and the Texas Education Code, and with the desires of Texas parents and other citizens for students to learn the true history of their country; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, the Texas State Board of Education requests that Members of the Texas Legislature and the U. S. Congress investigate this matter; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Texas State Board of Education requests that the College Board rewrite the APUSH course and examination in a transparent manner to accurately reflect U. S. history without a political bias and to respect the sovereignty of Texas over its education curriculum; and be it

FINALLY RESOLVED, that upon approval of this resolution the Texas State Board of Education shall promptly deliver a copy of this resolution to every Member of the Texas State Legislature and to every Texas Member of the United States Congress.

Respectfully submitted by:

Ken Mercer Member: Texas State Board of Education, District 5


On Friday, Sept. 19, SBOE Member Ken Mercer will present his Resolution against the redesigned AP U. S. History course (APUSH). A vote on the Resolution by all the SBOE members will be taken.  


Registration to testify for either the Wednesday, Sept. 17 session or the Friday, Sept. 19 session starts at8:00 A. M. on Friday, Sept. 12 until 5:00 P. M. on Sept. 15. Those who call the Texas Education Agency early get to testify earlier – it’s first come first served.


It is not necessary for you to be a Texan to submit your support for the Resolution since the new and objectionable APUSH course is being driven by the College Board into schools throughout this nation.  


Calls, letters, and e-mails are effective and should encourage the SBOE members to vote for SBOE Member Ken Mercer’s Resolution.  


If you support this Resolution, please send an e-mail to each of the elected members of the SBOE by using this common SBOE e-mail address:  sboesupport@tea.state.tx.us


Here is a link to each of the SBOE members, their bios, and contact information:  http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index4.aspx?id=2147506719




It is important for testifiers to give specific examples from the APUSH Framework that indicate bias and that do not follow the Texas Education Code (Chapter 28)  

Link to Texas Education Code – Chapter 28: http://www.statutes.legis.state.tx.us/?link=ED


Link to Public Testimony Registrations and Procedures as posted on the Texas Education Agency website — http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index4.aspx?id=25769804082

For those who testify, it is important for them to give specific examples from the new APUSH Framework that contradict what is in the Social Studies TEKS


Link to Social Studies TEKS:  http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/rules/tac/chapter113/index.html



9.6.14 – “SBOE’s Mercer Resolution Seeks To Stop Radical APUSH Redesign in Texas”

by Merrill Hope – Breitbart Texas — http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-Texas/2014/09/6/SBOE-s-Mercer-Resolution-Seeks-To-Stop-Radical-APUSH-Redesign-in-Texas

Here is what USED to be in the 5-page APUSH – Course Description – Effective Fall 2010 — Please go to pp. 7 – 12 to see the Themes in AP U. S. History.



Here is the link to the new 98-page, anti-American, 2014 APUSH – Course and Exam Description Including Curriculum Framework – Effective Fall 2014:  http://media.collegeboard.com/digitalServices/pdf/ap/ap-course-exam-descriptions/ap-us-history-course-and-exam-description.pdf




8.22.14 – Short Video Clip – College Board Under Fire for New AP U. S. History Framework – by James Rosen — FoxNews.com — http://video.foxnews.com/v/3744498137001/college-board-under-fire-for-new-ap-history-framework/#sp=show-clips


9.3.14 – “Why Does the College Board Hate George Washington and MLK?” – by Larry Krieger — Heartland–



9.2.14 – “Imperiling the Republic: The Fate of U. S. History Instruction Under Common Core” – by  — Ketcham, Stotsky, Lewis – Pioneer Institute —  http://pioneerinstitute.org/download/imperiling-the-republic-the-fate-of-u-s-history-instruction-under-common-core/


9.2.14 – “U. S. History Instruction Damaged by Common Core Literacy Standards” — Truth in American Education –



9.2.14 – “Madison Scholar Condemns AP U. S. History Redesign” – by Stanley Kurtz — National Review



8.30.14 – “The Left’s Attempt To Institutionalize the Rewriting of U. S. History” – by Ron Radosh – PJ Media  



8.25.14 – “Common Core Architect’s History ‘Deeply Biased’ Against U. S. – by Leo Hohmann — Mobile World Net Daily



8.25.14 – “How the College Board Politicized U.S. History” – by Stanley Kurtz – National Review —



8.22.14 – “Pushing American History As a Long Tale of Oppression” – by Peter Wood – Nat. Asso. of Scholars — http://www.nas.org/articles/pushing_american_history_as_a_long_tale_of_oppression


8.19.14 – “29 Biased Statements in the AP U. S. History Redesign” – by Larry Krieger — Heartland.org –http://news.heartland.org/newspaper-article/2014/08/19/29-biased-statements-ap-us-history-redesign


8.15.14 — “Why Won’t the College Board Reveal its AP U.S. History Authors?” — by Larry Krieger and Jane Robbins — http://www.educationviews.org/wont-college-board-reveal-ap-u-s-history-authors/


8.13.14 — PODCAST – Alice Linahan Conference Call – Discussion of the new AP U. S. History Course (including the Framework and the new AP U. S. History test itself) and dual credit courses —https://soundcloud.com/alice-linahan/women-on-the-wall-conference-call-ap-advanced-placement-and-dual-credit-is-it-a-good-thing


8.9.14 – “Ken Mercer: The Texas Voice in the Uphill Battle To Push APUSH Back” – by Merrill Hope —Breitbart Texas — http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-Texas/2014/08/09/Ken-Mercer-The-Texas-Voice-In-The-Uphill-Battle-To-Push-APUSH-Back/


8.9.14 — “Child Abuse – Destroying Children’s Love for America” – Donna Garner




8.7.14 – “New AP U. S. History:  Greatest Americans missing from proposed curriculum” – by Rhett Miller — FoxNews.com — http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/08/07/historic-fail-greatest-americans-missing-from-proposed-curriculum/



8.6.14 — “Anti-American AP U. S. History Course & Links to APUSH Documents” –by Donna Garner —http://www.educationviews.org/anti-american-ap-u-s-history-links-apush-documents/



8.1.14 — “Chock-Full of Info – Saving America’s Youth” — by Donna Garner



7.13.14 – “The New AP U. S. History Exam – Deal or No Deal?” – by Jane Robbins, Larry Krieger – Breitbart— http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/07/13/The-New-AP-US-History-Exam-Deal-or-No-Deal


7.10.14 – “Update on AP U. S. History” – by Peter Wood – Nat. Asso. Of Scholarshttp://www.nas.org/articles/update_on_ap_us_history



7.7.14 – “Look What the College Board Has Done to U. S. History” – by Peter Wood – Nat. Asso of Scholars — http://www.nas.org/articles/look_what_the_college_board_has_done_to_u.s._history



7.1.14 – “The New AP History: A Preliminary Report” – by Peter Wood – Nat. Asso. of Scholars —http://www.nas.org/articles/the_new_ap_history_a_preliminary_report



Here is what USED to be in the 5-page APUSH – Course Description – Effective Fall 2010 — Please go to pp. 7 – 12 to see the Themes in AP U. S. History.



Here is the link to the new 98-page, anti-American, 2014 APUSH – Course and Exam Description Including Curriculum Framework – Effective Fall 2014:  http://media.collegeboard.com/digitalServices/pdf/ap/ap-course-exam-descriptions/ap-us-history-course-and-exam-description.pdf

Please view The Concept Outline in the new 2014 APUSH on pp. 28 – 37:http://media.collegeboard.com/digitalServices/pdf/ap/ap-course-exam-descriptions/ap-us-history-course-and-exam-description.pdf

Here are the Related Articles in the 2014 APUSH Course Content:


Join Texans As We “STAND” for Our U. S. History and Our HEROES!

 Mercer Stand.001

Parents, Grandparents and Tax Payers “YOU”
are being called to ACTION!


Join Texans in Austin for the State Board of Education (SBOE) Meeting 

It is Time to Take a Stand!

Friday July 18th

9 A.M.

William B. Travis (WBT) State Office Building

1701 North Congress Avenue

Austin, TX 78701 

Please contact the Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott 512-463-2100 – Texas State Board of Education Members, State Legislators, Congressmen, elected officials, school administrators, teachers; and tell them that the AP U. S. History Framework/curriculum/exams must be stopped. 

Then SIGN THE PETITION: http://womenonthewall.org/

How will the New AP US History Framework coming down from College Board President David Coleman affect TEXAS children this Sept.?


New War Over High School U.S. History

As Stanley Kurtz stated in his article New War Over High School History….http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/382400/new-war-over-high-school-us-history-stanley-kurtz 

“Americans are only just now waking up to a quiet but devastatingly effective effort to replace the teaching of traditional American history in our high schools with a new, centrally-controlled, and sharply left-leaning curriculum.

The College Board, the company that issues the SAT and the various Advanced Placement (AP) exams, has created an elaborate new framework for the AP U.S. History Exam that will effectively force nearly all American high schools, public and private, to transform the way they teach U.S. History. 
 Texas is at the forefront of the resistance to the new AP U.S. History Exam, but the battle is not going well.  Ken Mercer, a member of the Texas School Board, is attempting to introduce a resolution rebuking and rejecting the new AP U.S. History Exam.  Unfortunately, he is now being told that he must wait to introduce the resolution until September, when it will be too late.

Texas makes up about 10 percent of the College Board’s market.  Were Texas to reject the new AP U.S. History Exam, the entire project could be put into doubt.” 
As Stated by SBOE Ken Mercer in his latest Op-ed. 

“For today’s patriots, this is our Valley Forge and our D-Day – 
this is the Revolution of 2014!”   Ken Mercer, Texas State Board of Education

TEXAS SBOE Ken Mercer goes onto say….

“How bad is the new AP U.S. History Framework? Here are a few key items verified with Larry Krieger (retired teacher and author recognized by the CB as one of the best AP teachers in 2004 and 2005) and Jane Robbins (Senior Fellow at the American Principles Project):

  • In the period of the American Revolution up to the 1787 Constitutional Convention, almost every Founding Father is omitted – no Jefferson, Adams, Madison, or Franklin. The Framework excludes Lexington, Concord,  Bunker Hill, Valley Forge, Saratoga, and Yorktown. The commanders and heroes of these pivotal battles are all omitted.
  • The lessons on the Civil War omit the Lincoln-Douglas debates, the Gettysburg Address, and the assassination of President Lincoln. The Framework once again omits crucial battles, key commanders, and the valor of common soldiers.
  •  The lessons on World War II omit “The Greatest Generation,” Truman, Hitler, D-Day, Midway, the Battle of  the Bulge, and every military commander including Dwight Eisenhower.  Inexplicably, Nazi atrocities against Jews and other groups are not required. The CB concludes its treatment of WWII with this blunt statement:  “The decision to drop the atomic bomb raised questions about American values.”
  • The lessons on the Civil Rights Movement do not mention America’s first African-American President. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Cesar Chavez, Rosa Parks, the Navajo Code Talkers, Tuskegee Airmen, 442nd Infantry Regiment, and Barbara Jordan’s famous speech on the Constitution are all omitted.
A word search of the entire 98-page document will not find one military commander or one Medal of Honor recipient. Our best and brightest students will thus learn nothing of the heroism and sacrifices of Americans in uniform.
The CB instead presents an overwhelmingly negative viewpoint of U.S. history that will please America-haters such as former Illinois professor Bill Ayers.
This unelected body is rewriting United States history and promoting among our students a disdain for American principles and a lack of knowledge of major American achievements.
History is a dramatic story which, if taught well, allows students to study both the good and bad of America. The new APUSH Framework purposely stresses the negative while dismissing America’s positive contributions.
If we do nothing, this radical AP U.S. History course will enter our high schools this fall.


Sign the Petition.

[emailpetition id=”6″]


Texans Needed To Testify at SBOE Meeting — Against Mexican American Course

Photo from Breitbart.com

Photo from Breitbart.com

by Donna Garner


It is my understanding that next Tuesday (April 8, 2014) at the Texas State Board of Education(SBOE) meeting (Committee of the Full Board — http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index4.aspx?id=25769810402 ) there is to be a discussion about adopting a new course called Mexican-American Studies. I believe that someone from Ysleta ISD is going to present this idea and that his Hispanic supporters may be out in force.  Please read my comments posted below. We need many people to testify against the development of this new course for the reasons that I have given below.  At the bottom of this page, I have posted the details about how, when, and where to testify in front of the SBOE on Tuesday, 4.8.14.


To:  Concerned Texas Citizens  

From:  Donna Garner

I believe our position should be that we want no new courses such as Mexican-American Studies or Ethnic Studies to be added to already over-burdened school districts that are trying to cope with the 5 new endorsements, foundation program, and other requirements under HB 5.  Even calling the course Ethnic Studies would end up emphasizing ethnic/racial differencesamong students at a time when schools are trying so hard to create unity among the students and faculty. 

I believe this Mexican American course is a direct attempt by the Democrats to turn Texas blue and that we need to stand firmly against it – creating no compromises (i.e., Ethnic Studies Course).  The definitions posted below should help keep us all on the same page.


First, I have posted some definitions further on down this page that I believe will help in the upcoming SBOE meeting. I believe it is very important for like-minded conservatives to “define the terms” rather than allowing others to do so. The term needs to be Hispanic and not Mexican-American.  Mexican-American is very discriminatory and much too exclusive. By defining the terms early-on, those who want to use the term Mexican-American will be identified as being discriminatory and exclusive (which they are).

Second, I hope that an attorney will testify.  The attorney needs to build the case that a Mexican-American course would be highly discriminatory to other language groups, races, and ethnicities.

Third, it would be good to get demographic information from Houston ISD. I think I remember reading that HISD has hundreds of different language groups in it.  A Mexican-American course would be highly discriminatory to the other language groups.  (It should not be difficult to get this language group, demographic information from Houston ISD or from the TEA.)

Fourth, these questions need to be asked and answered:  Under state law, can local school districts offer courses for local credit?  Do those courses have to be approved by the SBOE and/or the TEA?  It could be that if the voters in Ysleta ISD want to offer this multicultural/politically correct course for local credit, then they could offer local credit for it.  Does the SBOE need to be brought into this issue at all – either with a Mexican-American Studies Course or an Ethnic Studies Course?  The curriculum is already so full now that teachers cannot teach everything they need to teach. Why add any more courses, particularly those that could become a hotbed for indoctrination and controversy?  It is evident that there is nothing that we can do to satisfy the left-leaners. If we move a little bit left, they want more.  If we go all the way to their side, they still want more. I believe our best position is to make a stand, do not apologize for it, clearly state our position, and then let the chips fall. This is the way to stop the bullying and intimidation that has become so prevalent under the Obama admin. If we keep compromising, then we will keep losing our conservative principles.


Excerpts from various websites – Hispanic vs. Mexican


The term “Hispanic” broadly refers to the culture, peoples, or nations with a historical link to Spain. The term commonly applies to countries once colonized by Spain, particularly the countries of Latin America that were colonized by Spain. It could be argued that the term should apply to all Spanish speaking cultures or countries, as the historical roots of the word specifically pertain to the Iberian region. It is also difficult to label a culture with one term, such as Hispanic, as the customs, traditions, beliefs and art forms (music, literature, dress, architecture, cuisine or others) vary widely depending on country and even within the regions of said country. The Spanish and Portuguese cultures are the main cultural element shared by Hispanic peoples.[6][7]



Usage Note: Though often used interchangeably in American English, Hispanic and Latino are not identical terms, and in certain contexts the choice between them can be significant. Hispanic, from the Latin word for “Spain,” has the broader reference, potentially encompassing all Spanish-speaking peoples in both hemispheres and emphasizing the common denominator of language among communities that sometimes have little else in common. Latino—which in Spanish means “Latin” but which as an English word is probably a shortening of the Spanish word latinoamericano—refers more exclusively to persons or communities of Latin American origin. Of the two, only Hispanic can be used in referring to Spain and its history and culture; a native of Spain residing in the United States is a Hispanic, not a Latino, and one cannot substitute Latino in the phrase the Hispanic influence on native Mexican cultures without garbling the meaning. In practice, however, this distinction is of little significance when referring to residents of the United States, most of whom are of Latin American origin and can theoretically be called by either word. · A more important distinction concerns the sociopolitical rift that has opened between Latino and Hispanic in American usage. For a certain segment of the Spanish-speaking population, Latino is a term of ethnic pride and Hispanic a label that borders on the offensive. According to this view, Hispanic lacks the authenticity and cultural resonance of Latino, with its Spanish sound and its ability to show the feminine form Latinawhen used of women. Furthermore, Hispanic—the term used by the U.S. Census Bureau and other government agencies—is said to bear the stamp of an Anglo establishment far removed from the concerns of the Spanish-speaking community. While these views are strongly held by some, they are by no means universal, and the division in usage seems as related to geography as it is to politics, with Latino widely preferred in California and Hispanic the more usual term in Florida and Texas. Even in these regions, however, usage is often mixed, and it is not uncommon to find both terms used by the same writer or speaker.


JUNE 19, 2013


Hispanics of Mexican Origin in the United States, 2011


An estimated 33.5 million Hispanics of Mexican origin resided in the United States in 2011, according to the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey. Mexicans in this statistical profile are people who self-identified as Hispanics of Mexican origin; this means either they themselves are Mexican immigrants or they trace their family ancestry to Mexico. Mexicans are the largest population of Hispanic origin living in the United States, accounting for nearly two-thirds (64.6%) of the U.S. Hispanic population in 2011.1




 noun \ˈmek-si-kən\

: a person born, raised, or living in Mexico

: a person whose family is from Mexico

Full Definition of MEXICAN


a :  a native or inhabitant of Mexico

b :  a person of Mexican descent

Southwest :  a person of mixed Spanish and Indian descent




 adjective \hi-ˈspa-nik\

: coming originally from an area where Spanish is spoken and especially from Latin America; also : of or relating to Hispanic people

Full Definition of HISPANIC

1:  of or relating to the people, speech, or culture of Spain or of Spain and Portugal

2:  of, relating to, or being a person of Latin American descent living in the United States; especially :  one of Cuban, Mexican, or Puerto Rican origin




April 2014 Committee of the Full Board Tuesday

April 8, 2014

1:30 p.m.

Public Testimony – Individual testimony will be taken at the time the related item comes up for committee discussion or action. The procedures for registering and taking public testimony at State Board of Education committee meetings and general board meetings are provided at http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index4.aspx?id=25769804094.

1. Public Hearing on New Course Development 

A public hearing before the State Board of Education (SBOE) is scheduled for Tuesday, April 8, 2014, in the William B. Travis Building, Room 1-104. Testimony will be presented regarding new courses, including courses that might be developed in the future to align with requirements of House Bill (HB) 5.



Women On The Wall.org Community Conversation Conference Call

Donna Garner

Donna Garner

By Donna Garner 

Alice Linahan’s Community Conversations — Women on the Wall Conference Call. We are taking on Common Core/ College and Career Ready, and Next Generation Learning Standards! 

“Major changes to Texas high school graduation requirements because of HB 5 are about to alter the fundamentals of the public school system across the state.” WILL YOUR KIDS BE READY FOR THE REAL WORLD IF DEPRIVED OF BASIC KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS? 

The truth is that the curriculum standards (TEKS) adopted by the Texas State Board of Education starting in 2008 through 2012 are rigorous and, if taught by teachers well, will get Texas students ready for college and/or careers. 

By watering down the courses and allowing students to escape responsibility, the end result will be Texas producing high-school graduates who are not ready to take on the challenges of adulthood. For people to make good citizens of the United States, they all need to have a common set of foundational knowledge and skills. 

Please plead with your local school officials to adopt a local requirement that all graduates must take TEKS-based English IV, Algebra II, World History, World Geography, and a fourth year of Science. Without these courses, students will not make knowledgeable employees nor capable voters with the abilities to reason and analyze well. 

To read through the TEKS for each subject area, please go to this link and look under “Texas Knowledge and Skills by Chapter” — http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index2.aspx?id=6148


Texans Let Your Voices Be Heard~ New Performance Standards for Education Service Centers Proposed

Photo Courtesy of Education Blog Dallas Morning News

Photo Courtesy of Education Blog Dallas Morning News

You have between now and February 3rd for your voices to be heard Texas.

One thing that has become abundantly clear is the Texas Educational Service Centers that brought CSCOPE to Texas have had absolutely no oversight by the TEA. To rectify that Commissioner of Education Michael Williams has proposed new rule in the Texas Register regarding Regional Education Service Centers (ESCs) – 

If you go to the Texas Register by clicking the link below.  Once at this website, click on Texas Education Agency.  In the body of the text, there is a reference to Figure: 19 TAC §53.1021(b) (.pdf).  http://www.sos.state.tx.us/texreg/archive/January32014/index.html.

Commissioner Williams has proposed an ESC (Education Service Center) Performance Standards and Indicators Manual.  The manual is intended to provide clear expectations to ESCs and executive directors for programs, products, and services developed and provided to school districts and charter schools. The public comment period on the proposed rule goes through February 3rd. 


“Agency legal counsel has determined that the commissioner should take formal rule making action to place into the Texas Administrative Code procedures related to the regional education service center performance standards and indicators. The intent is to update, as needed, 19 TAC §53.1021 to refer to the most recently published Regional Education Service Center Performance Standards and Indicators Manual, which would be updated to remain current with applicable statutes and procedures.

Proposed new 19 TAC §53.1021 would adopt the Regional Education Service Center Performance Standards and Indicators Manual in rule as Figure: 19 TAC §53.1021(b), which would establish performance standards and indicators used in the evaluation of regional education service centers and executive directors. The manual would provide clear expectations to regional education service centers and executive directors for programs, products, and services developed and provided to school districts and charter schools. The manual would also provide clear expectations for ensuring compliance with statutory requirements.

The proposed new section would establish in rule the performance standards and indicators by which regional education service centers will be annually evaluated. The proposed new section would have no locally maintained paperwork requirements.

Julie Beisert-Smith, director of regional education service centers, has determined that for the first five-year period the new section is in effect there will be no additional costs for state or local government as a result of enforcing or administering the new section.

Ms. Beisert-Smith has determined that for each year of the first five years the new section is in effect the public benefit anticipated as a result of enforcing the new section would be to inform the public of the existence of annual manuals specifying regional education service center performance standards and indicators by including this rule in the Texas Administrative Code. There is no anticipated economic cost to persons who are required to comply with the proposed new section.

There is no direct adverse economic impact for small businesses and microbusinesses; therefore, no regulatory flexibility analysis, specified in Texas Government Code, §2006.002, is required.

The public comment period on the proposal begins January 3, 2014, and ends February 3, 2014. Comments on the proposal may be submitted to Cristina De La Fuente-Valadez, Rulemaking, Texas Education Agency, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701, (512) 475-1497. Comments may also be submitted electronically to rules@tea.state.tx.us or faxed to (512) 463-5337. A request for a public hearing on the proposal submitted under the Administrative Procedure Act must be received by the commissioner of education not more than 14 calendar days after notice of the proposal has been published in the Texas Register on January 3, 2014.

The new section is proposed under the Texas Education Code (TEC), §8.101, which authorizes the commissioner to establish performance standards and indicators for regional education service centers.

The new section implements the TEC, §8.101.ESC Manual

§53.1021.Regional Education Service Center Performance Standards and Indicators.

(a) In accordance with the Texas Education Code, §8.101, the commissioner of education shall establish performance standards and indicators for regional education service centers to be used in the annual evaluation of each regional education service center and executive director.

(b) The specific performance standards and indicators by which the commissioner shall evaluate each regional education service center and executive director are described in the Regional Education Service Center Performance Standards and Indicators Manual provided in this subsection.

Figure: 19 TAC §53.1021(b) (.pdf)

(c) The specific criteria used in the Regional Education Service Center Performance Standards and Indicators Manual are established by the commissioner and communicated to all regional education service centers and executive directors.

The agency certifies that legal counsel has reviewed the proposal and found it to be within the state agency’s legal authority to adopt.”


 Time is of the Essence to stop the “Fundamental Transformation” of education in America. It is time for parents and grandparents to give the “Gift of American Exceptionalism” back to their child or grandchild. To do this we must go into our children’s school and say…..


Can I see Photo cover

#CanISee WHAT you are teaching my child, #CanISee HOW you are teaching my child and #CanISee WHO is financially benefiting from the curriculum products my child’s teacher is being evaluated on.

To follow the movement building a coalition of parents and teacher to give the gift of ”American Exceptionalism” to the next generation follow the hashtag #CanISee on Twitter.

If you think it is important I do urge you to support Women On the Wall and our efforts to educate people. 

Screen Shot 2014-01-10 at 9.32.45 AM

Stand with Texas Parents and Teachers who are fighting against the Federal Take Over of Education across our country.

Please sign the petition linked below and then pass it onto your friends and neighbors.
Ask them to Join the Movement! 

 Impeach Thomas Ratliff


Call for Review Panels for K-12 Social Studies and more…..

Text Books

Please listen to the Women On The Wall Radio show posted below with Texas Mom Kara Sands as she shares  just how important the Text book Review Panels are in Texas. The far left is working to fundamentally transformation education in America and it is our time to give the gift of American Exceptionalism to our children, the next generation. 

The shift is from American Exceptionalism to Globalization. 

There is a Call out now for State Review Panel Nominees 

The Texas Education Agency is now accepting nominations to the state review panels that will evaluate instructional materials submitted for adoption under Proclamation 2015.

To nominate yourself or someone else to serve on a state review panel, please complete the form posted at http://www.tea.state.tx.us/WorkArea/linkit.aspx?LinkIdentifier=id&ItemID=25769808256&libID=25769808258 and submit it to the TEA on or before Friday, January 24, 2014.

Proclamation 2015 calls for instructional materials in the following areas:

·   Social Studies, grades K-12

·   Social Studies (Spanish), grades K-5

·   Mathematics, grades 9-12

·   Fine Arts, grades K-12

State review panels are scheduled to convene in Austin for one week during the summer of 2014 to review materials submitted under Proclamation 2015. The TEA will reserve hotel lodging and reimburse panel members for all travel expenses, as allowable by law.


· Panel members should plan to remain on-site for five days to conduct the evaluation. 


· Panel members will be asked to complete an initial review of instructional materials prior to the in-person review. 


· Panel members will receive orientation and training both prior to the initial review and at the beginning of the in-person review. 


· Panel members might be asked to review additional content following the in-person review.


· Because many of the samples will be delivered electronically, panel members should be comfortable reviewing materials on-screen rather than in print.


· Panel members should also have a working knowledge of Microsoft Excel.  


Upon initial contact by a representative of the TEA, state review panel nominees begin a “no-contact” period in which they may not have either direct or indirect contact with any publisher or other person having an interest in the content of instructional materials under evaluation by the panel. The “no contact” period begins with the initial communication from the Texas Education Agency and ends after the State Board of Education (SBOE) adopts the instructional materials. The SBOE is scheduled to adopt Proclamation 2015 materials at its November 2014 meeting.


Nominations are due on or before Friday, January 24, 2014.  The nomination form is posted on the TEA website at http://www.tea.state.tx.us/WorkArea/linkit.aspx?LinkIdentifier=id&ItemID=25769808256&libID=25769808258.  


If you have any questions, please contact review.adoption@tea.state.tx.us


Join the movement Give the Gift of American Exceptionalism to your child or grandchild. 

 Understand the Challenge and take Action! 

Go into your child or grandchild’s classroom and say….. #CanISee WHAT and HOW you are teaching my child in the classroom. 

CanISee movement

Now is the time to go into your child’s classroom and say……..

#CanISee Backpack and Boots on the Ground

Help WomenOnTheWall.org carry out our mission. We are the grandmothers, mothers, daughters, sisters of American women of all political persuasions, age and race and are the stewards of the home and hearth. We will stop at nothing to defend and protect our families.Your financial support is critical to ensuring that we can carry out our mission of protecting our nation for future generations and to fight for the safety and security of our children and grandchildren. Help us in our efforts by making a contribution of $25, $50, or $100 so we can keep fighting for our conservative values.

The Battle Is On for Your Childs Mind-

Texas Board of Education 2013



The Texas State Board of Education decides what every student in Texas public schools will learn from kindergarten through high school. This is done by adopting curriculum standards and textbooks for public schools in Texas. 

The board is made up of 15 members elected from districts across the state. 



Barbara Cargill, Chair
Thomas Ratliff, Vice Chair
Mavis B. Knight, Secretary

Tom Maynard, Chair

Sue Melton-Malone, Vice Chair
Martha M. Dominguez
Geraldine Miller
Marisa B. Perez

Patricia Hardy, Chair

Lawrence A. Allen, Jr., Vice Chair
David Bradley
Ken Mercer
Thomas Ratliff

Donna Bahorich, Chair

Marty Rowley, Vice Chair
Barbara Cargill
Ruben Cortez, Jr.

Mavis B. Knight


This week the State Board of Education (SBOE) decides whether the next generation of Texas public school students have textbooks that teach 21st-century/Common Core science which is filled with  Global Warming/Climate Change propaganda that demonizes the oil/ natural gas industry. If these textbooks are approved Texas’ oil/natural gas industry will eventually be destroyed. The oil/gas industry drives our Great State’s economy and provides thousands of jobs–we must protect it.

Call write, tweet, facebook do what ever it takes to let them know you do NOT want them to adopt the proposed Science text books. 


This is the situation. Final evaluations by the text books reviewers were sent to the publishers in mid-September, who would not address the concerns that the reviewers had. This vote on the Texas Science Textbooks will determine which science, K-8 math and Tech Apps textbooks are put on the state adopted list.


The problem is that the publishers choose to basically stick with the Common Core philosophy of education and would not change what the Texas Reviewers requested. If they vote for these textbooks they are voting to basically align with the Common Core Type 2 Philosophy in our Texas text books.


The board has scheduled a final public hearing on the textbooks for today Wednesday afternoon in Austin. 

On Thursday board members will debate the adoption of the textbooks and take a preliminary vote most likely that afternoon. The final, official vote on the adoption is set for Friday. 

To be clear. The forces working to change the hearts and minds of the Next Generation use strategies and tactics to get their agenda in no matter how the (SBOE) votes. We as parents and grandparents must go into their classroom and say…. #CanISee WHAT you are teaching my child and HOW you are teaching my child. 

Here is the proof.  Full video is linked Here.  

Join the movement – Give your child or grandchild the gift of American Exceptionalism back.

Say #CanISee WHAT and HOW you are teaching my child in the classroom! 

Dewhurst (1)

Now is the time to go into your child’s classroom and say……..

CAN i SEE slide 1920 x 1080 (3) 

Things you need to know-


Ethics Complaint against Thomas Ratliff

Texas Teachers Understand and Parents will STAND

Race To the Top in Texas?

Stand with me a Texas Mom who is fighting against the Federal Take Over of Education across our country.

Please sign the petition linked below and then pass it onto your friends and neighbors.
Ask them to Join the Movement! 
Impeach Thomas Ratliff from the SBOE

Fundamentally Transforming America through our Children~


“A short trip to HELL”

fish bateJust a note from Ray Myers to explain how Obama and his team plan to fundamentally change our country. His plan is simple, yet very sinister. Here is the short version.

Think of it like this: When any government agency, City Hall, School Board, County Commissioner or State Agency accepts stimulus money for anything. Obama will gladly send the requesting agent millions of stimulus dollars. Here’s the catch—when the stimulus money runs out, the fine print states that the agency must keep up the programs with continual tax dollars. When the in debt agency calls Mr. Obama and says, but Mr. President–we are out of stimulus money and we cannot afford to continue these programs. Here is the TRAP—He sets the Hook! Well that is GREAT—don’t worry about a thing—we will take your agency over and run it ourselves. The city /school etc has taken the bait. From the School House to the State House—“Don’t Take The Money!” “Don’t Take The Bait!”


grey_reef_shark45The challenge we face is that Congress may just throw us to the sharks….

Much like ObamaCare but this is ObamaCore….

S. 1094, the “Strengthening America’s Schools Act of 2013, is a 1200 page regulatory tsunami on local school systems.  All local control of your child’s education will be washed away if this bill passes.  It includes forced implementation of Common Core Standards and puts all decisions on education policy in the hands of Washington, DC bureaucrats.

They’re creating a national school board by Jason Laird

If you thought No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top were bad, think again.

The U.S. Senate is poised to pass a bill that’s far worse. 

S.1094, the “Strengthening America’s Schools Act of 2013,” is a 1200 page regulatory tsunami on local school systems.

All local control of your child’s education will be washed away if this bill passes.

Why is it so bad?

S.1094 puts approximately 150 new reporting requirements on states relating to:

  • Teacher evaluations
  • Learning goals
  • Curriculum standards
  • Standardized testing
  •  Annual reporting 
S.1094 also continues the war on local schools through FORCED implementation of Common Core Standards.
A longstanding line of defense used by Common Core advocates is that it is voluntary for the states to participate.
With the passage of S.1094, participation and implementation of Common Core Standards will be required of states.
This bill puts every single major decision on American education policy in the hands of Washington DC bureaucrats in the U.S. Department of Education. 

Yikes!What’s worse is that local school systems are required to implement all of these new federal mandates and standards in a very short time frame.

This means that teachers and local school administrators will be spending more time trying to comply with silly federal mandates and less time on actually teaching your child.

The Education Freedom Committee opposes S.1094 because we fundamentally reject the idea that the federal government should have any role in the education of our children.

We would like nothing more than for the Congress to replace No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top with. . .
If this bill passes, parents, teachers, and students will be sent to the sidelines.The bill has already been rubber stamped in the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee and could be voted on in the U.S. Senate at any time.
Now is our time to protect Americas children…. 

Texas SB 1474 Gives Parents the Power in local Schools~

Your Childs educationNow it is time to use it in the battle against CSCOPE.

From District to District across the state of Texas Moms, Dads and Teachers should be demanding their voice be hear.

Demand a hearing before CSCOPE is adopted or renewed in your district and that the process for adoption follow SB1474.

There is an unknown bill that passed in the Texas Legislature that is not getting play and we believe it needs to.

SB1474 passed and went into effect immediately. 

BILL ANALYSIS SB 1474 by Sen. Duncan

Senate Research Center S.B. 1474
83R10136 CAE-F By:  Sen.Duncan

S.B. 1474 provides a process for school districts to follow before any major curriculum initiative is adopted. By doing so, school districts would be given the opportunity to obtain feedback while deciding if any proposed curriculum meets the needs of their district. Before a district adopts a major curriculum initiative, they would be required to gather input and opinion from both teachers and district employees. The local school board would also gather input and opinion from both teachers and district employees and would be required to have a hearing to discuss the proposed initiative and allow feedback from community members.

As proposed, S.B. 1474 amends current law relating to the adoption of major curriculum initiatives by a school district.


This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency. 

SECTION 1. Amends Section 28.002(g), Education Code, as follows:
(g) Requires a school district (district), before the adoption of a major curriculum
initiative, including the use of a curriculum management system, to use a process that:
(1) includes teacher input;
(2) provides district employees with the opportunity to express opinions
regarding the initiative; and
(3) includes a meeting of the board of trustees of the district at which information
regarding the initiative is presented, including the cost of the initiative and any
alternatives that were considered, and members of the public and district
employees are given the opportunity to comment regarding the initiative.
SECTION 2. Effective date: upon passage or September 1, 2013.

The curriculum your district uses in not the choice of the local Superintendent who wants a consulting position when they retire with the ESC (Education Service Centers), TASA (Texas Association of School Administrators) or TASB (Texas Association of School Boards).

It is the choice of Teachers, District Employees, the local School Board and Parents.

It is time to be EMPOWERED!

TASA Conference

Who is Teaching Sex Education in your Child’s Classroom or Library?

Do you know? Are you asking the questions to find out?

Hat Tip to the South Dakotans against the Common Core who found The Common Core Sex Education Standards 

The National Sexuality Education Standards

national sex standards cover

Click here to read page 6“The National Sexuality Education Standards were further informed by the work of the CDC’s Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool(HECAT)3; existing state and international education standards that include sexual health content; the Guidelines for Comprehensive Sexuality Education: Kindergarten – 12th Grade; and the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics, recently adopted by most states. 

 You might say…… “We won’t allow it in our schools. We will go to the school board.”

 “Specifically, the National Sexuality Education Standards were developed to address the inconsistent implementation of sexuality education nationwide and the limited time allocated to teaching the topic.” The whole idea behind Common Core is to create universal standards.

Remember this tweet from Planned Parenthood and Media darling Texas Senator Wendy Davis? 

Wendy Davis Tweet

Question Parents are you okay with Tx Sen. Wendy Davis proposing to provide age-appropriate health education to students. Understand folks here is how Planned Parenthood wants access to your children. Through the education system.

In Texas Common Core is coming in the back door-  by the ESC’s (Edcation Service Centers) who formed an NGOs (Non-governmental organizations 501c3) who has access to our tax dollars. CSCOPE exposed exactly how they do this. Develop a product or curriculum they can rent to the district on a yearly basis. It is a money making gold mine. 

Who is behind the Sex Education Curriculum? Here are just a few-

Nora Gelperin, was the recipient of the national 2010 Mary Lee Tatum Award from the Association of Planned Parenthood Leaders in Education! http://answer.rutgers.edu/page/nora_award

Deb Hauser has been with Advocates for Youth for almost 20 years, first as Director of the Support Center for School-based Health Care, then as Executive Vice President. In January 2012, Deb became the organization’s fourth President and Executive Director, representing Advocates with the media, funders and colleagues organizations and speaking nationally and internationally about young people’s rights to honest sexual health information, confidential sexual health services and equitable social and economic opportunities.

Cynthia Lam, Sex, Etc. Teen Editorial Staff who has been writing for Sex, Etc since she was 14, she’s now 17.

Robert McGarry, EdD

Director of Training and Curriculum Development
Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN)

You might remember hearing about GLSEN and Kevin Jennings back in 2009

White House “safe schools” appointee Kevin Jennings: How he pushed the homosexual agenda in America’s schools

POSTED: Sept. 13, 2009

Kevin Jennings, now the “safe schools” appointee in Barack Obama’s US Department of Education, is a prominent homosexual activist who has devoted his career to pushing homosexuality in the nation’s schools. Founder of the nationwide Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN)

“Of course educating kids to be accepting of people who are different from them is good. Nobody is opposing that. But Obama’s appointment for Safe-School “czar” and those supporting him have other agendas to undermine the efforts of parents who try to protect the innocence and morality of their children.”-Matthew Warner

I totally agree with Matthew Warner

 Mary Scheel-Buysse shares “What information do the these people think is age-appropriate.”

womb. classroom“Parents will no longer have the right to decide what is developmentally and age appropriate for their individual child.” 

On page 12 it says
“By the end of 2nd grade, students should be able to: Use proper names for body parts, including male and female anatomy.” 

On page 14 it says:
“By the end of 5th grade, students should be able to: Describe male and female reproductive systems including body parts and their functions. Identify medically-accurate information about female and male reproductive anatomy.  Define sexual orientation as the romantic attraction of an individual to someone of the same gender or a different gender.”

On page 9 under “Guiding Values and Principles”

“Instruction by qualified sexuality education teachers is essential for student achievement.”
Wouldn’t that be the parents? Who decides who is “qualified”?

“Students need opportunities to engage incooperative and active (I underlined those two words) learning strategies, and sufficient time must be allocated for students to practice (I underlined that one too) skills relating to sexuality education.”
What does that mean? Something like this?

And I just have to highlight this principle:
Students need multiple opportunities and a variety of assessment strategies to determine their achievement of the sexuality education standards and performance.

I know this is already in many of our schools. This is sex-education on steroids. You can download your own copy of the standards here.

I have only highlighted a very few of the items I, as a mom, find objectionable. You may not have any issues with the standards, principles and skills that children will be taught as a part of the Common Core Standards. I’m not asking you to agree with me. After all these are only minimum standards. Page 6 –  Outline what, based on research and extensive professional expertise, are the minimum, essential content and skills for sexuality education K–12 given student needs, limited teacher preparation and typically available time and resources. I just want you to be aware of the details.

If Common Core is so wonderful, why did they bring it in the back door without legislation? Education we are paying for, without representation. 

Have you ever had one of those Oh MY GOSH moments when listening to a radio show? Well that happened on the Women On The Wall radio show this morning.  Click and listen to the audio and then check out the Pamphlet by the American Library Association that Education Correspondent Mary Bowen shared with us on the show here>> womenonthewall.org/wp-content/uplo…wyourrights.pdf

The Library lesson Mary referenced in the show is found in this video on Sexting. www.teachingchannel.org/videos/danger…-sexting?fd=1

So here is the question….. Parents and Teachers what are you going to do about it?

Are you willing to STAND in the GAP for the Next Generation! 

Stop Common Core in Texas

[emailpetition id=”4″]


Join the Movement- Take a #Stand4Life

By Donna Garner

photoPLEASE TAKE A #STAND4LIFE: Monday, July 8, 2013, 9:00 A. M., Austin, Texas wear blue, bring water and snacks

This coming Monday, July 8, 2013, the Senate Health and Human Services Committee will hear SB 1 (authored by Sen. Glen Hegar)  at 10:00 A. M.  SB 1 is the companion bill to pro-life bill HB 2 that passed the House State Affairs Committee last Tuesday night. 

Sen. Jane Nelson is the chair of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee and has a strong conservative record. Her committee is to meet at 10:00 A. M. in Room E1.036 in the Capitol extension with witness registration to begin at 9:00 A. M. outside Room E1.036.

The time allotted to each witness will be limited to 2 minutes. Written testimony may be turned into the clerk to be distributed to the members of the committee. If submitting written testimony, please provide 20 copies with your name on each copy. (Parking information is posted at the bottom of this e-mail.)

These are the members of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee:

Chair: Sen. Jane Nelson

Members:  Senators Bob Deuell, Joan Huffman, Robert Nichols, Charles Schwertner, Larry Taylor, Carlos Uresti, Royce West, Zaffirini


Also, please come to the Rally for Life at 7:00 P. M. on Monday, July 8, 2013, at the Capitol Grounds, Austin Texas. Because the state and national news media will undoubtedly cover this rally, it will be important to have as many pro-life/pro-family people as possible to let this nation know that Texans care about the unborn and about making sure that abortions are not performed on babies past the 20 weeks mark when they most certainly can feel pain.

We pro-life/pro-family Texans also want our nation to know that we believe in protecting women by making sure that abortion facilities meet strict surgical standards of care.  We  do not want a Kermit Gosnell “House of Horrors” nor the type of abortion facilities in Houston, Texas, that are being investigated for similar atrocities. 

The Harris County D. A.’s Office is investigating Dr. Douglas Karpen, Houston abortionist,  because three informants have provided cell phone photos and have given testimony saying that Karpen “goes one shocking step further” than Dr. Kermit Gosnell.  “Karpen kills the babies with his bare hands by twisting their necks execution style…” 

One of Karpen’s surgical assistants who worked for him for 15 years has stated, “When he did an abortion, especially an over 20 week abortion, most of the time the fetus would come completely out before he cut the spinal cord or he introduced one of the instruments into the soft spot of the fetus, in order to kill the fetus….I thought, well, it’s an abortion you know, that’s what he does, but I wasn’t aware that it was illegal…Most of the time we would see him where the fetus would come completely out and of course, the fetus would still be alive.”

Partial-birth abortion (as reported above) has been illegal in the United States since 2003 and is defined as “the person performing the abortion deliberately and intentionally vaginally delivers a living fetus until, in the case of a head-first presentation, the entire fetal head is outside the body of the mother, or, in the case of breech presentation, any part of the fetal trunk past the navel is outside the body of the mother…then kills the baby.”  

When passed and signed into law, SB 1 and HB 2 will prohibit the atrocities as committed by Gosnell in Philadelphia and purportedly by Karpen in Houston.

To learn more:

5.17.13 – “Douglas Karpen, Who Kills Babies Born Alive” – by Steven Ertelt —  http://www.lifenews.com/2013/05/17/new-web-site-exposes-douglas-karpen-who-kills-babies-born-alive/

5.17.13 – “Houston doctor accused of illegal abortions” – by Brian Rogers, Houston Chronicle —http://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/Houston-doctor-accused-of-illegal-abortions-4519565.php

7.3.13 – YouTube video — “A Tale of Two Texas Senators: Wendy Davis and Donna Campbell” – 6-minute video produced by WomenOnTheWall.org #Stand4Life — 



· Capitol Visitor Parking Lot* – 1201 San Jacinto Blvd, east of the Capitol. Seehttp://www.tspb.state.tx.us/SPB/Plan/Parking.htm 

· Meter parking* – meters are limited around the Capitol and you must move your car after 3 hours.

*Double Tree Suites – 303 W. 15th Street, west of the Capitol.

*Bob Bullock Museum – 1800 N. Congress, north of the Capitol.

*Wells Fargo Garage, 400 W 15th St., west of the Capitol.

*Fees apply

Backpacks & Boots on the Ground Education Summit ~ Conroe, Texas


Montgomery Tea Party

Montgomery County Tea Party

Education Summit you do not want to miss! 

Saturday, July 20, 2013 from 7:00 AM to 4:30 PM (CDT)

Conroe, TX 



Stop Common Core in Texas

Be informed – Join us for great speakers and tons of current information on what is going on in our schools and how we can help.

Here’s the schedule, subject to change, but this is the plan:

7:30-8:00AM – Register and have some breakfast

8:00AM til 12:15PM   Speakers on:

Legislature (by Texas State Representative Steve Toth) 
Common Core
Social Media 
Home Schools

12:15PM – 4:30PM – Lunch (provided) and afternoon session including:

The Romeike family from Germany came here for religious/educational freedom & this administration is deporting them back to Germany..
How we can support conservative High Schools
Filing a PIR – what you can find out about your school district.
What are the tools available to fight back and take back local control of our schools?


PAT TIBBS, President, Montgomery County Tea Party

LYNNETTE SMITH, Vice President, Montgomery County tea Party and Chair of this Event

ALICE LINAHAN, Board Member of WomenontheWall.org




RYAN ELKINS, First Scholarship Recipient to the Patriot Academy

COLLEEN VERA, TexasTrashTalk.com


A block of rooms have been reserved at:

Spring Hill Suites, 16520 I 45 S., The Woodlands, TX 77384. Deadline for special ratesof $99//Kg. Suite is June 28.  Montgomery County Tea Party Is the name of the room block.   936-271-0051

Book King Suite at SpringHill Suites Houston The Woodlands for $99.00 per night

CHECK OUT OUR LIBERTY SCHOOL ON 7/19/13 FOR JUNIOR PATRIOTS, Ages 7 to 10 yrs:   www.mcteaparty.org

 Any questions, please call the Event Chair:  Lynnette Smith @ 281.363.9514

“ACTION ALERT: Texas Schools on Cusp of Failure”

From the Communication Team Conference call last night we learned about an underhanded maneuver  in the Texas Legislature.

HB 2836 a bill which is dumbing down Texas students is MADE EVEN WORSE BY SECT. 39.0236. 

Along with the other “dumbing down” sections of HB 2836, Sen. Dan Patrick added Sect. 39.0236 to the Senate bill. This section would create an interim study committee made up of 12 appointed members with only 2 elected members of the Texas State Board of Education. This committee would have the majority voting power (12) to change the TEKS in the foundational grade levels of 3 through 8 and change them right back into Type #2.  

Please read:  5.17.13 – “SUPER TEXAS ALERT: The Education Bureaucracy at Its Worst” http://educationviews.org/super-texas-alert-ed-bureaucracy-at-its-worst/


HB 2836 was passed by the House on 4.30.13 and by the Senate yesterday, 5.22.13. Because no engrossed version from the Senate is posted online yet, I called Sen. Dan Patrick’s office since he authored Sect. 39.0236.  I talked to three different people to find out whether Sect. 39.0236 is still in the final version of HB 2836.  No one seems to know even though I have waited hours for a response.  His office staffers also do not know whether HB 2836 will be sent to a House/Senate conference committee because of differences between the House and Senate versions. 

If the bill goes to conference committee, then we must first WRITE and then CALL our Texas Legislators to tell them that we do not want HB 2836 to be passed at all and we certainly do not want Sect. 39.0236 to be a part of it.  

If HB 2836 should make it to the Governor’s desk, we will need to contact Gov. Perry and plead with him to veto this bill.  

Unfortunately, another bad bill, HB 866, is already on Gov. Perry’s desk and would work in conjunction with HB 2836 to dumb down our Texas students.  Both HB 866 and HB 2836 must be vetoed if Gov. Perry wants our Texas schools to lead the nation in academic excellence.   


The irony is that parents around the nation are beginning to look to Texas as the bellwether state in authentic education reform as they realize that their own children are trapped in the Type #2 Common Core Standards.

Our state has done it right with Type #1 standards, Type #1 STAAR/End-of-Course tests, and challenging graduation requirements of 4 years each of English, Math, Science, and Social Studies.  

Thank you Steve TothMany Texas Legislators have worked effectively with grassroots citizens to debunk CSCOPE.  Now if Texas Legislators and Gov. Perry would allow Texas’ already-well-thought-out New Plan to move forward, this year’s 10th graders on down would be the beneficiaries of a quality education.  If not, then the responsibility for allowing our public school children to continue to be immersed in Type #2 will be on the heads of the 83rd Legislative Session.

Request for Public Information (PIR) Templete for TASA and TASB 

The Battle continues~ Common Core is seeping in the back door.#StopCommonCore in Texas. TASA, TASB and the TESCCC must be stopped completely.

Stop Common Core Presser

Knowledge is Power and together we can make the difference!!

Join the Movement to #StopCSCOPE ~ New Way To Fight – HB 945

Stop CSCOPE graphic
Do you want to help put a big dent in the development of CSCOPE courses in the Texas Virtual School Network?
The obsolete government entity (Harris County Department of Education) that I have been trying to shut down for the past two years is the developer/provider of the CSCOPE courses in the Texas Virtual School Network. Now I know why there are so many educational big shots trying to keep them open.
They are actually the Harris County School Trustees, an entity left over from the days when counties operated our public schools in Texas – before the onset of the ISD. Believe it or not, Harris County still elects County School Trustees over 50 years after our last countywide school closed! I have been fighting to shut them down because they are a duplicate of ESCs – thus a waste of our local tax dollars. I had no idea I was fighting CSCOPE too.
Fighting CSCOPE in TexasThe bill to close them down will be heard on Tuesday April 16th. If you will be in Austin (or know someone who will be) who also wants to take down CSCOPE, you can help by simply signing in at the Capital on Tuesday  morning in support of HB 945.
Hearing:  Tuesday, April 16, 2013
                  House Public Education Committee
                  Texas Capital Extension – Second Floor (E2)  –  Room E2.036
                  Upon final adjourn./recess. Before 10:00am
House Bill 945
Purpose:  Abolish Office of Harris County School Trustee / County Superintendent
Author:    Rep. Debbie Riddle
You must come in person to register your support “For” the bill to have your name in the public record. You do NOT need to speak.
·        You must register electronically using a House Witness Registration  kiosk or your own IPAD inside the Capital Building the day of the hearing – BEFORE your bill is heard  –
Ø  Select Hearing: House Public Education Committee
Ø  Select Agenda Item:  HB 945
Ø  Register Your Position:  FOR
Ø  Select  – you do NOT wish to testify
That’s all you have to do. You do not have to attend the hearing. Just a large number of people registering support FOR the bill would be very helpful.
Funny that I have been working on two bills, this one and CSCOPE and had no idea they were related until now.
Colleen Vera


Join the Movement to Stop CSCOPE

Click the photo to sign the Petition and Join the movement to#StopCSCOPE 

Women On the Wall  takes on the issues that matter. Sharing information and updates on our weekly radio show on Monday mornings at 10 am CST. You will not want to miss this show. We will have up to date information on CSCOPE  and guests who are the experts on education and other issues that are effecting our children and grandchildren.


Knowledge is Power and together we can make the difference!!

Alice Linahan

Follow @AliceLinahan on twitter and Facebook 

Voices Empower has partnered the Freedom Trailer Teams to Educate, Inspire and Motivate.

Women On The Wall.org


Voices Empower

Check Out Voices Empower Articles .

Join Alice Linahan Tues. night in Lewisville~ Allowing Education Jihad in the name of School Choice

Are we creating a National Security Threat here in Texas by transforming our Charter Schools?

Come Tuesday night, listen and you decide.


Texas Harmony Science Centers Hurst, Texas

Texas Harmony Science Centers Hurst, Texas



Learn about Gulen Charter Schools

When:            TUESDAY    APRIL  2nd

6:30pm  Meet and Greet    7:00pm Program

Where:           Lewisville Chamber of Commerce building

551 N. Valley Parkway      Lewisville

Because we are taking on the public schools via #StopCSCOPE efforts parents are looking for other avenues to educate their children. Many who can’t afford private schools (even though private schools use CommonCore and CSCOPE) run to charter schools. Who by the way target the lower income hispanic and black community.

Just to be clear, I am not against all Charter Schools. Although I firmly believe we must have major safe guards in place to protect our citizens from organizations who seek access to our children to harm our nation. I also believe we should hold elected officials accountable for the legislation they put forward which may pose a National Security threat to our nation.

By promoting Charter School legislation some elected officials see a way to get votes and stay in their positions of power giving them the opportunity to move to higher office. It opens the door to raise huge campaign donations from charter school lobbies.  An example of such organizations giving free all expense paid trips to legislators in Texas and across the country and whose consultant was former executive director of the Republican Party and trusted advisor to President George W. Bush, Karen Hughes Hughes. 

If you are reading this an asking what are the Harmony Charter Schools? Below is a great video by Frank Gaffney founder of the (Center for Security Policy) as he works within his own community to stop the Gulen movment in Loudoun Virginia. Harmony is the name for the Gulen/Cosmos Foundation schools in Texas. In other states they go by different names. “


List of Gulen Charter Schools in the United States

Below is a breakdown of Texas Senate Bill 2 currently working its way through the Texas Legislature.  Some of the heroes on exposing CSCOPE are now pushing a bill that completely opens the door for the Gulen Charter Schools to come into Texas in mass numbers.

Senate bill 2 is a comprehensive overhaul of the laws that govern charter schools.  Changes are made on the authorizing, governing, and establishing of charter schools in Texas.

Looking at the bill, there were a lot of areas of concern, given the recent experience on CScope in Texas.


  • The current laws cap the number of charter schools in Texas at 215.  The cap is entirely removed.


  • A new governing board of 7 appointees will be the only oversight of these schools.  The State Board of Education will have no authority to grant or revoke charter school privileges in this state.  This puts us back in the position of non-elected officials in charge of the education.


  • If there are any vacant or underutilized facilities in a school district, the ISD “shall” lease that taxpayer funded facility to any approved charter school that wants it.  Note the word in the bill is shall (a mandate) rather than the word “may” (which is a choice).


  • First time charter schools will be granted a license to operate for a term of 5 years.  It will automatically renew at that point for 20 years.  Most of the Harmony/ Gulen charter schools (currently under question) will fall in the 20 year category.


  • The TEA will be required to post all vacant or underutilized facilities for all to see.  For organized charter efforts underway, it will be easy to snap up these facilities all over the state.


  • No new charter will have to pay rent or purchase the facility.  They pay $1.


  • The license of a charter school can be revoked by the newly formed commission only under the following circumstance:

a.  The school performs badly in 3 out of 5 years
b.  The school is not fiscally satisfactory on multiple reviews

Questions to ask…..

1. Why are non- elected officials being put in charge without public accountability?
2.  Why a 20 year renewal?
3.  Shouldn’t we worry about enormous expansion of schools of any type without input?
4.  What if the curriculum is found to be offensive?
5.  Why is our state funding for-profit enterprises?

The Education Committee on SB 2 (Senator Dan Patrick) concerning Charter Schools is considering what to do.  They must hear from you. ASAP The committee members are:

Chair: Sen. Dan Patrick   512) 463-0107
Vice Chair: Sen. Eddie Lucio, Jr.  (512) 463-0127
Members: Sen. Donna Campbell  512) 463-0125
Sen. Robert Duncan  (512) 463-0128
Sen. Kel Seliger  (512) 463-0131
Sen. Larry Taylor  (512) 463-0111
Sen. Leticia Van de Putte  (512) 463-0126
Sen. Royce West  (512) 463-0123


Below are charter school safeguards that have been proposed by various experts.

1. That a financial audit conducted under generally accepted accounting practices by an independent, reputable auditor be required – and publicly available – from any charter school operator applying for bond guarantees or other financial incentives;

2. That the name, address, and citizenship of all board members and key administrators applying for said guarantee(s) or other financial incentives issued by the state be recorded and made available to the public;

3. That the funds in the underlying bonds or other financial incentives to privately owned, publicly financed schools are to be used solely for schools within Texas;

4. Severe criminal penalties for fraudulent activities involving bond guarantees or other financial incentives issued by states – such as a Class 2 Felony for criminal or securities fraud violations.


Below Safeguards proposed in the 82nd Legislative Session in Texas but that the Texas Legislature did not pass:

1.  Proof of U. S. citizenship for all charter school operator board members and top five highest-paid administrators. (Public ISD trustees must be U. S. citizens.)

2.  Names, titles, and biographies posted online for all charter operator board members and top five highest-paid administrators.

3.  Check registers posted online. (It is estimated that over 70 % of local ISD dollars are online.)

Why did these safeguards not pass? I believe some elected officials were beholden to the lobby groups in Austin vs the people who elected them as their Representatives. 

Women On the Wall will be taking on this issue and sharing information and updates on our weekly radio show on Monday mornings at 10 am CST. You will not want to miss this show. We will have up to date information on CSCOPE  and guests who are the experts on education and other issues that are effecting our children and grandchildren.


Knowledge is Power and together we can make the difference!!

Alice Linahan

Follow @AliceLinahan on twitter and Facebook