CURE(Citizens United for Responsible Education) ~ Stands in the Gap

Group of Young People Holding Hands

Below you will find an amazing letter written by the team at C.U.R.E. connecting the dots for the Southern Baptist Annual Meeting and calling for a Resolution to be passed by Pastors to Stand in the Gap at their annual meeting.

You are encouraged to take this letter and use it as a templet to call on your Pastor, Priest or Rabbi to STAND IN THE GAP! 

C.U.R.E.-Citizens United for Responsible Education




              STAND IN THE GAP


Mathew 18:5-6 states:  “ And whoever receives and welcomes one little child like this for MY sake and in MY name receives and welcomes ME.

Vs6: But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in and cleave to me to stumble and sin– who entices or hinders him in the right conduct or thought—it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be sunk in the depth of the sea.

Ezekiel 22:30 states:  “And I sought for a man among them who should build up the wall, and stand in the gap before ME for the land, that I should not destroy it; But I Found NONE… 


Are you standing in the GAP with God for our children according to God’s charge in Matthew 18:5-6 OR are you the Ones HE is looking for in Ezekiel 22:30 ?

Hosea 4: 1  “Hear the Word of the Lord oh children of Israel; for the Lord has a contention with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no faithfulness, kindness, pity and mercy, or Knowledge of God in the Land.

As in the days of Hosea, God has a contention with we, HIS believers, because we have lost our Faithfulness to God.  We have allowed God to be removed from our lives, our schools, our towns, and Political Correctness and Compromise are ruling our churches;  501-C-3’S ARE THE NEW GOD….Our nation has turned it’s back on God… Our children are lost more and more to the world’s ways each day via technology, destruction of family and values and because we are “too busy” or feel we must compromise to get attendance.  Whatever the reason, we have forgotten our charge in His word to put God first in our lives and our nation and to protect and teach the “little ones” our children… Are we truly STANDING IN THE GAP FOR GOD??

Our children are becoming victims of our political system through education…Our education system was never designed by our Founders to destroy our History but to enhance it..  The Old Deluders’ Satan Act was passed in Massachusetts in 1647.  It was America’s First Education Act. Teachers were required to teach, not only reading and writing, but the Bible as well.. They wanted to avoid generations of poor and unintelligent people.  They made sure that every citizen got enough education to read so that they could and would understand the laws and to be able to read the Bible.. Life in the 1600’s was based on religion. Their laws came from the Bible..

Our Founders equally maintained this focus as, once America was firmly established, our First Congress actually printed the 1st Bible in English to be used as a textbook in schools by teachers.. How far we have strayed..

The Ole’ Deluder Act established the first town school system in America, a system that recognized the importance of the Bible in a civilized society… Not run by the government but by the towns themselves.

How far have we strayed as a body of believers from the Word of God and our Founding?  How far removed are our children?

Today our children have lost their foundations and are no longer rooted in God.. Instead they are rooted in the world because we have failed them.. WE are accountable to God for this.  The family unit has been undermined as we passively sit by and watch our children being led to slaughter by the world (the government education system)…”This dismal state of the modern church is not totally the parents fault, although they have their share, but fundamentally this is due to an Evolution concept that has produced anti-God teachers and ungodly curriculums which greatly influence the young minds and PastorsBecause parents are more engrossed in their secular careers today, children spend much more time being brainwashed by indulgent materialism, TV and other technology than in the company of their parents. So what kind of teaching are our children getting?; over 8 hours ungodly anti-God school, more than 8 hours ungodly violent TV, maybe a few minutes with the parents who have nothing to teach and then to bed; no wonder we have feral kids”…. , Today we have Southern Baptist Minister’s and parents who are having to confront the issue of the Progressive take over of our schools and universities and now they are coming for children ages 3yrs., and Pre-K through 12…Sexual education through Common Core will begin at 5yrs of age. They will be taught, not Godly values but worldly values like LGBT lifestyles and encouraged to participate and embrace these values.. God must be removed from our children in order for this agenda of the Globalists to be achieved…The Boys and Girl Scouts of America, previously God and value based organizations, have now succumbed to the pressures of worldly anti-God values of homosexuality forcing them to open their clubs to this LGBT agenda.. Boys and girls are being encouraged to experiment with these lifestyle choices to promote so called “equality” both in our schools and our organizations..   Today we put before you a list of Charges that we pray you will open your minds and hearts to and help us to reach parents and teachers, leaders, and Pastors around the country to the perils that face our children today.. 

Our government is pushing an educational agenda called Common Core Educational Standards which are standards set forth by government that all States must comply with if they are to receive any Title One grants for RTTT or NCLB acts… In Nov.’09 to Jan, ‘2010,   46 of our States Governors and Chief State School Officers  sold out their children and schools to the copyrighted national standard for RTTT monies without knowledge or approval of their legislatures.   I believe God says in HIS word (1Tim 6:10)…”For the love of money is the root of all evils for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness and pierced themselves through with many sorrows”…   Well, money has corrupted on all levels as even the Catholic schools have now signed onto this program.. Will our Christian schools and homeschoolers be next as they are not exempt from this national takeover of education???  Will they stand in the Gap or will they compromise??.. That is the question we ask today… Remember the German Christian family, the Romeike’s, who sought and were granted asylum in the US to be able to practice their belief in the Lord and homeschool their children in the land of the free.. Unfortunately this current administration did not agree with the Federal court’s grant of asylum and filed suit to have them returned to Germany where the parents will be imprisoned and the children placed in Government care… This administration’s justification was that “parents have no right to homeschool their children” therefore, their premise for asylum was invalid..  After being granted asylum by the Federal Courts, The Romeike family lost their case and are currently under appeal..  Is this the America we want?  A nation founded under God is now persecuting those very founding principles…

While the government wraps this Common Core into a “warm and fuzzy” “it will improve education” propaganda campaign, one has to but research Common Core to understand it comes not from God but Satan himself…

Common Core Educational Standards are part of a much larger picture which stems from the Sustainability movement that originated in the United Nations, and was brought to the US in 1993 by then President Clinton..  ” Utilizing the global Agenda 21/UNESCO language from the United Nations Agenda for the 21st Century Treaty, which was not ratified under George H.W. Bush, Clinton created, via Executive Order, the “Presidents Council on Sustainable Development” aka “Sustainable America”.. The goals of this program were established years ago by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)….

To gain control over our children, The United Nations Global Governance Movement has attempted to get the United States to ratify a new treaty. Because the UNCRC   (“United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child” ) adopted by UN General Assembly on Nov. 20, 1989 and ratified by all nations except the United States and Somalia ) was not ratified by the US, the UN created an alternate treaty, new name, same language… Under this deception, The UN and this Administration attempted once again to ratify an International treaty under the name of: “UN Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities Act” and was promoted in the US Senate by this Administration in 2012 to be ratified.. It was defeated.  Both of these treaties were designed to undermine Parental Rights and to turn parental rights over to the International Community with UNESCO in charge

These treaties would have given control over the disabled and special needs children and all children to the United Nations… Is this what God intended for our children?

“And you Fathers, provoke not your children to wrath; but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” (Eph 6:14)

“Be not deceived; Evil companionships corrupt good morals.” (1Co 15:33)

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when his is old, he will not depart from it.: (Pro 22:6)

Nowhere in these scriptures does God tell us to turn our children over to the United Nations or the Federal Government.  Why then are we allowing this to happen without Standing in the Gap for our children?

Below are quotes based on UNESCO and their goals for education.. This was done under Julian Huxley’s guidance (Julian Huxley prime mover of UNESCO from 1945. Huxley served as its first director. Huxley also served as the VP of Eugenics Society from 1937-1944…).   These quotes are old but the men who wrote them were laying a foundation for how the world should evolve.. UNESCO has not wavered from these attitudes and principles today.  In fact, the organization has refined its message and honed in on its purpose..

[Now is the time for the final push via the education system since they have successfully achieved the media and propaganda war…Enter Common Core Standard Curriculum (if one can call it a curriculum—brainwashing would be more appropriate). Look at our children today.. TV , Technology, Materialism and self interest have become their God.. Again, where are the Pastor’s and parents standing in the gap to protect our children from this evil that threatens the very foundations of our beliefs??]

To Continue: The below quotes reflect their attitudes toward education and mass media.  Julian Huxley was “1962 Humanist of the Year, a member of the Communistic Colonial Bureau of the British Fabian Society.”

In 1948, Huxley Wrote:

“In its education program, [UNESCO] can stress the ultimate need for a world political unity and familiarize all peoples with the implications of the transfer of full sovereignty from separate nations to a World Organization…Political unification in some sort of World Government will be required…

“As we have seen earlier, the unifying of traditions in a single common pool of experience, awareness, and purpose is the necessary prerequisite for further major progress in human evolution. Accordingly, although political unification in some sort of world government will be required for the definitive attainment of this stage, unification in the things of the mind is not only necessary but can pave the way for other types of unifications.. it must also eventually include a unified common outlook and a common set of purposes.. This will be the latest part of the task of unifying the world mind…”—(-Julian Huxley, author of UNESCO: Its purpose and its philosophy, page 17)

“Taking the techniques of persuasion and information and true propaganda that we will have learnt to apply nationally in war, and deliberately bending them to the international tasks of peace, if necessary utilizing them, as Lenin envisaged, to “overcome the resistance of millions” to desirable change.  Using drama to reveal reality and art as the method by which, in Sir Stephen Tallent’s words, “truth becomes impressive and a living principle of action,” and aiming to produce that concerted effort which, to quote Grierson, “needs a background of faith and a sense of destiny.” This must be a mass philosophy; a mass creed and it can never be achieved without the use of the media of mass communication.  UNESCO, in the press of its detailed work, must never forget this enormous fact.  (Julian Huxley, author, UNESCO: Its purpose and its philosophy, page 60)

“There are thus two tasks for the Mass Media division of UNESCO, the one general, the other special.. The special one is to enlist the press and the radio and the cinema to the fullest extent in the service of formal and adult education, of science and learning, of art and culture. The general one is to see that these agencies are used both to contribute to mutual comprehension between different nations and cultures, and also to promote the growth of a common outlook shared by all nations and cultures.”—(Julian Huxley, author UNESCO: It’s purpose and it philosophy, pg. 60)

“It may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the State with money and equipment.” (Humanist philosopher and UNESCO advisor, Bertrand Russell)

“….education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished… diet, injections and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible.  Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so.”  (Humanist philosopher and UNESCO advisor Bertrand Russell quotes German philosopher and Marxist, Johann Fichte)

Teaching World Citizenship by Professor Walter J. Veith,

One obstacle that world government proponents foresee is the patriotic education parents often give their children.

Nevertheless, it has become a priority in global education curriculum to guide children away from the teaching they receive in the home… 

John Stormer explains that, under Huxley’s guidance the United Nations prepared a guidebook for teachers.. This guidebook reminds them the  “destruction of a child’s love of country and patriotism is the fist step in educating that child for world citizenship”..

The report said on the opening page of Volume V, “In The Classroom With Children Under Thirteen Years of Age…before the child enters school his mind has already been profoundly marked and often injuriously, by earlier influences.. first gained, however dimly, in the home.”

On Page 9, the teacher is told: “The kindergarten or infant school has a significant part to play in the child’s education.. Not only can it correct many of the errors of home training but it an also prepare the child for membership, at about age seven, in a group of his own age and habits—the first of many such social identifications that he must achieve on his way to membership in the word society (emphasis added).”

Stormer explains that “the UNESCO study makes It plain that the errors in home training include parental encouragement of patriotism.. On page 58, the guidebook for teachers says: ‘As we have pointed out, it is frequently the family that infects the child with extreme nationalism.  The school should therefore use the means described earlier to combat family attitudes (emphasis added).”

Stormer also tells us that the strategy for solving the “problem” of patriotism has already been decided:

UNESCO gives a specific suggestion in Volume V, page 11, on how this can be done: “In our view, history and geography should be taught at this age as universal history and geography… The study of history …raises problems of value which are better postponed until the pupil is freed from the nationalist prejudices which at present surround the teaching of history.”

It is clear that the spiritual and political aims of the UN are being carried out through the push to global education…

Does any of this sound like God’s Word or is this the World’s way and we are being led, like sheep, to the slaughter.?????  Will we STAND IN THE GAP and Restore God to HIS rightful Place in our lives, our churches, our homes and our country??? Pastors, you have a responsibility to feed God’s sheep.. it is time to stand and educate and activate from the PULPIT.. The IRS cannot take away your 501-c… they admitted as much when the 1600+ Pastors STOOD and called their bluff.. God tells us in HIS word.. “DO NOT FEAR”.. We must go boldly!

Unfortunately, we do not have until the next election cycle to overturn these educational mandates. Time is of the essence.. Even if we did, have our “elected leaders” not led us to the crossroads we find ourselves today?  Have they been pillars of truth and virtue??  Hardly!  Instead we find ourselves in an unholy democratic society with corrupt leadership that have sold their souls to power, greed and self interest at the expense of this nations governing principles, its citizens and its children. Our so-called leaders have abandoned our Constitution and the Godly principles of this nations founding, so, why would we look to them to solve a problem they created?  The laissez-faire approach of our democratic society is even worse for the children have been left void of any righteous references, knowing not what is right and wrong in the Lord, and so the child will grow up following the whims of his heart and this World, which are always evil as the Lord attests in Gen 6:5 and 2Tim3:1-4.

We Must Not look to these representatives as honest, moral leaders but instead, We must become our own “representatives” and look to God as our source FIRST in ALL THINGS.. WE MUST BE THE ONES THAT STAND IN THAT GAP…

Now is the time to sound the alarm to all members of all churches, all ministers and missionaries who serve as watchman (Ezek 33:1-9). Through education, we must alert parents to the perils of the public schools and hopefully encourage them to remove their children from the public education system and encourage them to make alternative choices such as Christian Schools and private homeschooling associations who have not “sold out” and taken the “carrot of compromise—government monies” such as Sylvan learning Centers and Catholic schools..  We have grassroots Professionals in the Education field who are conducting seminars and webinars across the country.  We are developing curriculums using these grassroots educational leaders to educate our children with Basic Math, English, The Constitution and re-introducing the Bible as originally intended..


  • Create substantial identical Common Standards across all States—one size fits all education for children is a misguided attempt to create secular “equality”.. Not State Led as purported
  • Data Mining collection on children and families including health history, religious affiliations, political affiliations etc…(see: “Promoting Grit, Tenacity and Perseverance” –Dept. of Ed Report Feb/13—Pg. 32-44 Data Mining Techniques)
  • Data available to companies for development of textbooks and technology to produce a “global sustainable citizen”
  • Tenured teachers can be removed if deemed ineffective for two years after being evaluated by Master Teachers. Teachers will no longer teach, they will “facilitate” the learning of these standards set forth by the government.. Hence they will be referred to as “Facilitator’s”.. Facilitators of God or man?  That is the question…
  • Federal Funding is tied to “testing” so States will be using “Facilitators” (more like “Enforcers”) to insure that children are taught to a test rather than actual learning. Once again the “carrot” of coercion.

In closing, we respectfully submit our Resolution in hopes that God will embolden you to stand with us and be resolute against any and all implementation of the Common Core Standards:  No one is immune or will escape it’s control, not even Christian schools, private schools or homeschoolers.. all will be at the mercy of government with total loss of parental rights.. This is the perfect marriage between Big Government and Big Brother; only to benefit the elite at the expense of our nation and our children. There are alternatives and together we Can and MUST explore and implement these alternatives to Government education and bring control back to Parents and their Communities.. We do have options.. Let’s use them…one immediate action is to eliminate the choke hold McGraw Hill and Pearson text book publishers have over what information goes into or is removed from textbooks nationwide.  They are working in unison with UNESCO so I’m sure you understand the urgency of this action, as these text publishers will serve Common Core up to our children. .  Much information is available on Common Core that we are happy to furnish to you for your education and activation.

Let’s all do as God has called us, join arms in HIS army and STAND IN THE GAP!!   We respectfully submit our requests below:


WHEREAS, Federal law prohibits the federalizing of curriculum, this current administration funded the CCSS plan via the 2009 Stimulus Bill monies that funded RTTT (Race to the Top) grant competition via coercion of the States to either sign onto to CCSS or lose their grant monies; and

WHEREAS, Common Core State Standards are a set of achievement standards promoted by this government, the National Governors’ Assoc (NGA) and the Council of Chief School Officers (CCSSO) (NOT STATE LED as represented) as a means of forcing students into a “one size fits all” set of achievement goals that focus on competitive global workforce solutions, and global citizenry; and

WHEREAS, NGA and CCSSO receive millions of dollars from private organizations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to fund the development of CCSS, creating a process not subject to any congressional or legislative approval and the effects on children have never been tested; and

WHEREAS, Clinical Psychologists say that the “oppositional behavior” techniques of CC will create extreme emotional and behavioral problems for the children as they try to conform to this new global agenda. It is completely foreign to American standards and eliminates all Parental Rights. This agenda encourages Psychologists/Physchiatist in the use of DRUG management to control any child with a behavior issue due to CC without consent of parents; and

WHEREAS, The NGA and CCSSO in partnership with Corporations such as Microsoft, GE, AT&T Exxon Mobile, Wal-Mart and others, developed CCSS “assessments” creating new textbooks and technology and other teaching materials as the delivery system for CC that must be adopted by the States and which the States must pay for; and

WHEREAS, Each State will be responsible for 64% of the “upfront costs” of CCSS as only a small percentage of monies will come from Federal Government, which States can ill afford; and

WHEREAS, CCSS includes federal funding for testing and data mining and the ultimate sharing of massive amounts of information on each student, parents, families and teachers respectively with international organizations and corporations; and

WHEREAS, CCSS removes educational choice and competition in a “one size fits all” program.  All schools must adhere to the Common Core “assessments” for all students to be able to advance in this new global, sustainable educational system and to higher educational pursuits; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that CURE recognizes that National Standards, in whatever form, undermines State sovereignty and Parental Rights; and be it further

RESOLVED, that CURE recognizes that Common Core is an inappropriate intrusion to reorganize and control the way our children think, talk, walk and are educated with NO Parental Control.. Parents will be forced to except the new robotic form of existence. Our children are NOT guinea pigs, science projects and for the slow learners, the chance for the eugenicists to experiment and/or exterminate those who cannot keep up with the tasks (refer to UN quotes); and be it further

RESOLVED, that CURE rejects the collection of personal student data (Data Mining—this is being done now as Florida recently did retinal scans on children without any Parental notification-Parents were told “after the fact”.)  for any non-educational purpose without the prior consent of an adult student or a child student’s parent and that is rejects the sharing of such personal data without the prior written consent of an adult student or a child student’s parent, with any person or entity other than schools or education agencies within the state;  and be it further

RESOLVED, that CURE recognizes the need to defund CC at the Congressional level along with the Dept. of Education and to repeal the numerous federal regulations which interfere with State and local control of public schools and therefore CURE maintains the Common Core State Standards puts a “stranglehold” on academic freedom, personal academic achievement and competition; and be it further

RESOLVED, that CURE recognizes Common Core is an overreach of government to standardize and control the education of our children so they will conform to a “preconceived normal” set forth by a corrupt system of elites; and be it further

RESOLVED, We as CURE (Citizens for Responsible Education, a National Coalition Against Common Core) ask that the Southern Baptist Convention and all decision makers in the organization open their doors for us to educate and reach as many people as possible in as short time as possible…We thank you in advance for your genuine attention to this urgent matter. We are STANDING IN THE GAP and pray you will join us.

Respectfully submitted by:

Christina Michas

Co-Founder: CURE, Citizens United for Responsible Education, a National Coalition

Chapter President, Eagle Forum 

Founder/Leader: Palm Springs Patriots Coalition     

2010 Salvatori Award Recipient – Heritage Foundation

Friday Guest: Dr. Laurie Roth Radio Show/The Roth Report


Diana Crews,

Co-Founder: CURE, Citizens for Responsible Education, a National Coalition

City on A Hill Radio Show Host, Alabama

Dawn Wildman

Co-Founder: CURE, Citizens for Responsible Education, a National Coalition

Co-Founder: Southern California Tax Revolt Coalition, Inc.

Guest Host: City On A Hill Radio Show

Ruth Bryant White

CURE Senior Member

2010 Salvatori Award Recipient – Heritage Foundation

CEO: Breaking News Journal.Net/ Facebook/Twitter: BNJ Global (News)

Breaking News Journal On Air LIVE Radio Show Host

Breaking News Journal Clean TV and Feature Films 

Founder of the Lady Producers of Project Red Slipper

How Did the Gates Foundation Allocate $150 Million to Common Core?

by Henry W. Burke

Stop Common Core in Texas ~ Stop CSCOPEThe Washington Post published the following article on 5.12.13 by Valerie Strauss about the Gates Foundation Grants – “Gates Gives $150 Million in Grants for Common Core Standards”

Excerpts from this article:

For an initiative billed as being publicly driven, the Common Core States Initiative has benefited enormously from the generosity of the private philanthropy of Bill and Melinda Gates. How much? About $150 million worth.

Take a look at this list of grants, obtained from their foundation’s Web site. Note not only the amounts but the wide range of organizations receiving money. Universities. Unions. State education departments. Nonprofits. Think tanks. The grants were given for a range of reasons, including developing materials aligned to the standards and building support for the standards.

You can see how invested the Gates Foundation is in the success of the Common Core.  What kind of Core support do these grants buy from the organizations that receive them?

[The Washington Post article includes a detailed listing of the Gates Foundation grants directed to the Common Core.]


In Donna Garner’s 5.13.13 article on this subject, she wisely stated:  As you read through these grants that Bill Gates gave to “Universities. Unions. State education departments. Nonprofits. Think tanks,” remember which corporation stands to gain the most financially if Common Core Standards (CCS) are implemented throughout the United States – Microsoft Corporation. 

In other words, a corporation that stands to gain billions from CCS is owned by the private philanthropist who has been driving education policy.  This is called “a direct conflict of interest” by a vendor who is working alongside the Obama administration to create education policy to federalize standards, curriculum, assessments, teacher evaluations, and a national database of intrusive personal information.

 The end result would be billions for Microsoft and the indoctrination of our nation’s school children into Obama’s social justice agenda.  

As someone who has followed the grim progression of Common Core Standards which is the Obama administration’s takeover of the public schools by the federal government, I thought it would be interesting to provide a breakdown of the roughly $150 million ($146.6 million) in grants for the Common Core Standards.  The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (Gates Foundation) is clearly the major sponsor of the Common Core Standards Initiative (CCSI).

The largest category by far is “Think Tanks,” which garnered about $67 million or 46 % of the $147 million total.  State Departments of Education received $22 million or 15 % of the total.  The other categories obtained 3 – 12 % of the total.


Summary of Gates Foundation Grants

(All Amounts in Millions of Dollars)




($ Millions)




Think Tanks     66.758     46 %
State Departments of Education     22.288     15 %
National Associations     17.629     12 %
Universities     12.293       8 %
Common Core “Project Leaders”     11.500       8 %
Institutes     11.193       8 %
Local School Districts       4.946       3 %
    Total   146.607   100 %


The lion’s share of the Gates Foundation Common Core grants were directed to Think Tanks.  The Gates Foundation spent major dollars on Think Tank organizations that are advocating CCS and developing Common Core materials.  As a group, Think Tanks obtained about $67 million (46 % of the Gates Common Core $146.6 million total).  Clearly, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is utilizing Think Tanks to promote the Common Core agenda.

Because the Think Tanks played a huge role in shaping education policy, it should not surprise us that they received much of the Gates Foundation funding.  By driving education policy, the Gates Foundation will control what happens in the local classrooms.



Grants to Think Tanks

Organization Year



($ Millions)

WestEd 2013     0.030
LearnZillion, Inc. 2013     0.966
National Paideia Center, Inc. 2013     0.660
The Achievement Network 2012     3.002
BetterLesson, Inc. 2012     3.527
JUMP Math 2012     0.699
Center for Curriculum Redesign, Inc. 2012     0.198
State Education Technology 2012     0.500
Student Achievement Partners, Inc. 2012     4.043
The College-Ready Promise 2011     0.300
Scholastic, Inc. 2011     4.464
New Venture Fund 2011     0.378
Learning Forward 2011     1.000
Americas Promise-Alliance for Youth 2011     0.500
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc. 2011     4.619
Khan Academy, Inc. 2010     1.465
Khan Academy, Inc. 2011     4.079
National Writing Project 2011     3.096
Creative Commons Corp. 2011     0.813
Reasoning Mind, Inc. 2011     0.743
MetaMetrics, Inc. 2010     3.468
New Visions for Public Schools, Inc. 2010     8.150
Center for Teaching Quality, Inc. 2010     0.396
Alliance for Excellent Education, Inc. 2009     0.551
Alliance for Excellent Education, Inc. 2010     3.200
Cristo Rey Network 2010     0.556
Research for Action, Inc. 2010     1.309
Common Core, Inc. 2009     0.551
Colorado Legacy Foundation  2011     9.707
Colorado Legacy Foundation  2012     1.748
The Education Trust 2009     2.040
  Subtotal — Think Tanks     66.758

The Gates Foundation issued about $22 million in grants to the State Departments of Education.  Gates singled out the Kentucky DOE for $12.028 million (54 % of the State DOE total).  The Louisiana DOE received around $7 million (33 % of the State DOE total).



Grants to State Departments of Education

Organization Year



($ Millions)

Delaware 2013     0.400
Georgia 2010     1.981
Kentucky 2010     1.000
Kentucky 2011     9.125
Kentucky 2012     1.903
Louisiana 2011     7.352
Pennsylvania 2010     0.527
  Subtotal — State DOEs     22.288

An assortment of National Associations obtained mostly small grants from the Gates Foundation.  Together, they received $17.6 million (12 % of the total).  The two major teachers’ unions (NEA and AFT) grabbed 31 % of the National Association total.



Grants to National Associations

Organization Year



($ Millions)

National Education Assoc. Found. (NEA) 2012     0.100
American Federation of Teachers (AFT) 2011     1.000
American Federation of Teachers (AFT) 2012     4.400
National Indian Education Assoc. 2011     0.500
Office of Supt. of Public Instr. (Tribal) 2011     0.075
Council of State Governments 2010     0.400
Council of State Governments 2011     0.370
National Association of SBOEs 2009     0.451
National Association of SBOEs 2011     1.078
Council of Great City Schools 2010     0.100
Council of Great City Schools 2011     4.911
Education Commission of the States 2010     0.799
Military Child Education Coalition 2009     0.270
Military Child Education Coalition 2011     0.150
Assoc. for Supervision and Curr. Develop. 2011     3.025
  Subtotal — National Associations     17.629

Seven universities obtained grants totaling $12 million from the Gates Foundation.  The largest recipient was the University of Arizona at $3.4 million.



Grants to Universities

Organization Year



($ Millions)

University of Kentucky 2013     1.000
University of Arizona 2012     3.417
University of Michigan 2012     2.000
Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (MIT) 2011     2.889
University of State of New York 2010     0.893
University of State of New York 2011     0.600
Purdue University 2010     1.454
New York University 2010     0.040
  Subtotal — Universities     12.293

The Common Core Standards Initiative has been led by the Council of Chief State School Officers and the National Governors Association.  Not surprisingly, the Gates Foundation provided $11.5 million in funding to these organizations.



Grants to Common Core “Project Leaders”

Organization Year



($ Millions)

Council of Chief State School Officers 2011     9.389
Council of Chief State School Officers 2012     0.475
National Governors Association 2011     1.598
National Governors Association 2012     0.038
  Subtotal — CCS  “Project Leaders”     11.500

Gates gave grants to four Institutes, with the largest amount ($5.5 million) going to the James B. Hunt Institute; $3.6 million went to the Aspen Institute.  Common Core supporter Thomas B. Fordham Institute received almost $1 million.



Grants to Institutes

Organization Year



($ Millions)

The Aspen Institute 2013     3.616
American Enterprise Institute 2012     1.069
James B. Hunt Institute 2009     5.549
Thomas B. Fordham Institute 2009     0.959
  Subtotal — Institutes     11.193

The Gates Foundation sent about $5 million in funds to local school districts and local/state organizations.



Grants to Local School Districts

Organization Year



($ Millions)

Albuquerque Public Schools  (NM) 2010     0.500
School District of Philadelphia  (PA) 2010     0.500
Cleveland Metro School District  (OH) 2010     0.498
Forsyth County Schools  (GA) 2010     0.151
Fund for Public Schools  (NY) 2012     1.816
Baton Rouge Area Foundation  (LA) 2012     0.500
Nellie Mae Educ. Fdn.  (New England) 2011     0.350
Pennsylvania Business Roundtable  (PA) 2012     0.257
Hillsborough County Council  (FL) 2011     0.025
Massachusetts Business Alliance  (MA) 2010     0.151
Pritchard Committee for Acad. Exc.  (KY) 2011     0.198
  Subtotal — Local School Districts       4.946



What did $150 million in grants to the Common Core do for Bill Gates?  For one thing, these grants bought a great deal of control over education policy in this country.  This means that a man who owns a private corporation is directing public policy that will control what is taught to millions of students in their local classrooms.

Gates believes in the ideology enshrined in Common Core, and he knows money talks.  With many organizations clamoring for Bill Gates’ grant funds, they are more than willing to promote whatever he wants; and he likes the Common Core agenda.

The Common Core Standards will require huge commitments to technology.  According to the Pioneer Institute, the 46 CCS states will need to spend $6.9 billion for Technology to implement CCS.  Of course, not all of that money will be for computer hardware and software, but the computer portion will be substantial.

As the co-founder of Microsoft Corporation, William “Bill” Gates has strong ties to the corporation.  He is the former CEO and is its current Chairman.  Bill Gates is the largest individual shareholder of Microsoft, with 6.4 % of the common shares.  Under the Common Core computer demands, Microsoft stands to gain immensely.

It seems obvious that Bill Gates is involved in a classic conflict of interest situation.  Through the Gates Foundation, Bill Gates is actively supporting and promoting the Common Core.  Microsoft will greatly benefit from the huge increase in technology spending required by the Common Core.  Do we need to say more?

Henry W. Burke


“Common Core Standards with Henry W. Burke on Dr. Laurie Roth Show” – gives state-specific costs for implementation of Common Core Standards — audio clip – listen to interview —


CSCOPE-Texas Teachers’ Concerns & $100 Million into Bottomless Pit

Screen Shot 2013-05-21 at 8.40.15 AM

Women On the Wall ~ Communication Team Conference Call hosted by Alice Linahan– audio clip (easy listening on iPhone, iPad, computers) –5.22.13


Anita Moncrief  former Leftist but now a committed conservative, exposed ACORN at national level, reveals Leftist agenda behind Common Core Standards

John Griffing investigative journalist for World Net Daily with well-researched articles on CSCOPE, Common Core Standards, burqa incident at Texas public school, dangers of lack of accountability/no paper trail with online learning

Bill Ames Social Studies expert who served on the Texas curriculum standards writing team, describes 4thgrade Texas classroom in which look-alike Common Core Standards are being taught

Various Texas teachers, Marie Frazier, Donna Garner  – speaking out on CSCOPE, Common Core Standards, indoctrination of public school students


5.24.13 – From Ginger Russell


Thank you, thank you, thank you! I do not know what control this thing has over superintendents, but it’s a scary thing! Prior to the hiring of our supt., we had district curriculum consultants who with teachers’ assistance, developed curriculum calendars for all subjects. Our ELA scores were amazing!

And then the current supt rolls in. Cscope is the Bible, Cscope is the National Archives, Cscope is everything a teacher needs….if you listen to the supt. Countless meetings have been held with the assistant supt. to share concerns but to no avail.

I have gone from a teacher having the confidence that I could accomplish anything in the classroom to a teacher that hasn’t known which end is up. Metaphors are our mantra…a ship without a rudder, a kite without a string, a compass without a needle.

How sad that education in our district wears the mask of deceit. I just wish that sanity could return to our classrooms.

Thank you so much for your continued work in exposing Cscope for what it is. Isn’t it interesting that this conflict has never been experienced over a textbook adoption?


[Below is a link to a letter sent by Janice VanCleave to Dr. Duron, Deputy Commissioner for Finance and Administration at the Texas Education Agency.  Janice is inquiring about the $100 Million in Rider 42 funds that were given to the Texas Education Service Centers to train teachers adequately on the new curriculum standards (TEKS).  Instead, the ESC’s were so busy throwing all their efforts into their money-maker CSCOPE that they did a terrible job of providing teachers with the proper training.  Janice wants to know what happened to all that $100 Million, and why it was not spent appropriately.  — Donna Garner]

5.26.13 – “What Happened to the $100 Million Sent to the Education Service Centers To Train Teachers on the New Curriculum Standards – the TEKS?” – by Janice VanCleave — 

Petition to Remove CSCOPE from Texas Schools

THe Children are our Future

“ACTION ALERT: Texas Schools on Cusp of Failure”

From the Communication Team Conference call last night we learned about an underhanded maneuver  in the Texas Legislature.

HB 2836 a bill which is dumbing down Texas students is MADE EVEN WORSE BY SECT. 39.0236. 

Along with the other “dumbing down” sections of HB 2836, Sen. Dan Patrick added Sect. 39.0236 to the Senate bill. This section would create an interim study committee made up of 12 appointed members with only 2 elected members of the Texas State Board of Education. This committee would have the majority voting power (12) to change the TEKS in the foundational grade levels of 3 through 8 and change them right back into Type #2.  

Please read:  5.17.13 – “SUPER TEXAS ALERT: The Education Bureaucracy at Its Worst”


HB 2836 was passed by the House on 4.30.13 and by the Senate yesterday, 5.22.13. Because no engrossed version from the Senate is posted online yet, I called Sen. Dan Patrick’s office since he authored Sect. 39.0236.  I talked to three different people to find out whether Sect. 39.0236 is still in the final version of HB 2836.  No one seems to know even though I have waited hours for a response.  His office staffers also do not know whether HB 2836 will be sent to a House/Senate conference committee because of differences between the House and Senate versions. 

If the bill goes to conference committee, then we must first WRITE and then CALL our Texas Legislators to tell them that we do not want HB 2836 to be passed at all and we certainly do not want Sect. 39.0236 to be a part of it.  

If HB 2836 should make it to the Governor’s desk, we will need to contact Gov. Perry and plead with him to veto this bill.  

Unfortunately, another bad bill, HB 866, is already on Gov. Perry’s desk and would work in conjunction with HB 2836 to dumb down our Texas students.  Both HB 866 and HB 2836 must be vetoed if Gov. Perry wants our Texas schools to lead the nation in academic excellence.   


The irony is that parents around the nation are beginning to look to Texas as the bellwether state in authentic education reform as they realize that their own children are trapped in the Type #2 Common Core Standards.

Our state has done it right with Type #1 standards, Type #1 STAAR/End-of-Course tests, and challenging graduation requirements of 4 years each of English, Math, Science, and Social Studies.  

Thank you Steve TothMany Texas Legislators have worked effectively with grassroots citizens to debunk CSCOPE.  Now if Texas Legislators and Gov. Perry would allow Texas’ already-well-thought-out New Plan to move forward, this year’s 10th graders on down would be the beneficiaries of a quality education.  If not, then the responsibility for allowing our public school children to continue to be immersed in Type #2 will be on the heads of the 83rd Legislative Session.

Request for Public Information (PIR) Templete for TASA and TASB 

The Battle continues~ Common Core is seeping in the back door.#StopCommonCore in Texas. TASA, TASB and the TESCCC must be stopped completely.

Stop Common Core Presser

Knowledge is Power and together we can make the difference!!

The Latest News on CSCOPE

If you are in Dallas on 5/16/2013 we highly encourage you to attend the AD HOC CSCOPE Meeting. Here is a link to the information TEA Adhoc CSCOPE Meeting 

From Donna Garner: 

Donna-Garner1Sen. Dan Patrick has taken the CSCOPE issue very seriously (please see his Facebook link posted further on down the page), and I appreciate his efforts on that education issue.

Unfortunately, while Sen. Patrick has been doing some effective investigation of CSCOPE, he and the other Legislators are doing irreparable harm to the high education standards set in place by those of us who have battled for well over 10 years to increase the knowledge-based, academic rigor of our Texas public school students:

5.14.13 – “Texas Legislators: Determining Students’ Fate” —

5.8.13 — “Duped Through Ignorance or Intent: Texas Legislators”  —

To be totally honest, it is SB 6 that was passed during the last legislative session and supported by Sen. Patrick and other legislators which opened the door to the proliferation of CSCOPE and other inferior and out-of-alignment curriculum throughout our state.  Under SB 6, these materials can be purchased with taxpayers’ dollars at the local level without their having to pass through the organized and public review process of the elected members of the Texas State Board of Education.

What makes that SBOE review process so important is that it is done publicly!  First, the IM (instructional materials such as textbooks, etc.) are made public; and copies of the IM with page numbers, lesson unit numbers, and other identifiers are made available so that people who review them can designate problem passages along with the exact reference points. The hard copies of the IM make it possible for evaluators to cut/copy/paste exact passages onto a WORD document along with reference points and evaluators’ comments, expediting the ability for all concerned to be able to discuss the same passages with one another.

In contrast, CSCOPE materials are a hodge-podge of various pages; they are not consecutively paginated; the pages are erratically formatted with small and hard-to-read print, making it extremely difficult to read online. Because of the way CSCOPE is formatted, an evaluator cannot cut/copy/paste troublesome excerpts from the online site in order to put those passages into a WORD document along with proper documentation and page references for ease of transmittal to other committee members.  How can committee members discuss the problem verbiage if all of the members cannot easily locate the same passages at the same time in the CSCOPE lessons?

CSCOPE Questions, who are the wormsBefore any review can be done by anyone, including the SBOE, CSCOPE must provide their materials in print form with consistent formatting for ease of reading and with the ability for reviewers to be able to cut/copy/paste questionable passages onto a WORD document with accompanying documentation and reference points.

Until CSCOPE provides the materials in a workable format with pagination and reference points, it is useless for anyone to try to review the lesson content.  Simply putting the CSCOPE lessons online will not allow for the free-flow of discussion among the evaluators.

The good of the SBOE public review is that it will do just that – make the CSCOPE lessons public.  Then the public can testify, offer their concerns along with documentation, and discuss with the SBOE in open session the various passages.  This is the advantage of putting CSCOPE under the purview of the SBOE: transparency.

Once the problem passages are identified, they should be submitted to CSCOPE; and if the normal textbook adoption process were in place, any problem passages left in the CSCOPE lessons would accrue a sizeable penalty.  Wouldn’t it be nice if those penalties had to be paid out of the pockets of the CSCOPE directors who allowed objectionable passages to remain in the lessons?    



5.15.13 – From Sen. Dan Patrick regarding the latest news on CSCOPE:

5.6.13 – Letter from Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott to TESCCC making it clear that parents should not be charged a fee to access CSCOPE materials:


Texas Mom says NO to CSCOPE ~ Read WHY!!

By Jessica Feuz Kern

CSCOPE is not right for Rockwall schools. I am the parent of a kindergartener (with 2 more kids who will one day attend Rockwall schools) and I have a master’s degree in secondary English Education from Columbia Teacher’s College, where I studied several of the names brought up in arguing against CSCOPE. I also taught 9th grade English for several years in New York City’s public schools.


I need a hero to stop CSCOPE in Texas

I need a hero to stop CSCOPE in Texas

Here’s why I don’t like CSCOPE:
1. The money flow. It is paid for with tax dollars, yet we must lease it every year? And what exactly do we get? My friend and neighbor wants to help her son struggling in math, yet there is no textbook and she has very limited access to the curriculum.
2. CSCOPE is poor in quality and substance. From the grammar mistakes to tests and “assessments” not aligning with the material that the students are taught, this curriculum or curriculum management system is a waste of money. Our students (my children!) deserve better.
3. CSCOPE is rife with misrepresentations and secrecy. Why do we need HB 760 to force it to be transparent?
4. It is harmful to students. The poor quality and scripting ignores the needs of students who are struggling. Even students who are not struggling may mentally “check out” when presented with tests and other curriculum materials full of errors.
5. The ideology. Now, I am fully aware that we live in a large, diverse world, and our students need to know about it. My concern here is the timing. My friend’s 5th grader had a lesson where he needed to design a communist flag. I think students need a solid foundation in US history in elementary school before they expand their worldview in the higher grades.
6. CSCOPE devalues our teachers. Scripted lesson plans and frequent evaluations disrupt the many wonderful things that happen in our classrooms. We have good teachers and we need to let them teach.

Teachers FirstI thank those of you who have kept reading. (And this is the BRIEF list of why I don’t like CSCOPE!) Now I am not going to complain without proposing a solution. I think we need to give the power back to the teachers in our community. If we really need a curriculum management system, let’s create our own like the Highland Park ISD. It may cost more money in the short run, but in the long run it will save money and improve the quality of education in Rockwall ISD.

CSCOPE is here, it was a mistake, and now it is time to correct the mistake. I am voting for school board candidates that I believe will correct this mistake and move Rockwall forward.





By Donna Garner



5000 Pages of documents arrive after threat of a subpoena earlier in the week from Senator Patrick.

AUSTIN—Over the past several months, Senator Dan Patrick, Chair of Senate Education, and a vocal critic of the CSCOPE program, has asked for detailed financial information from the TESCCC and the 20 Board members who sell the CSCOPE lesson plans to nearly 900 school districts statewide. After becoming frustrated with a lack of response for the detailed financial information, Senator Patrick sent a letter earlier this week to all 20 participants in CSCOPE saying he would request a subpoena for this information if his committee did not receive it before today at 5 p.m. Late this afternoon the Senate Education Committee office received over 5000 pages of detail dating back 5 years on each CSCOPE region.

“I’ m glad that the CSCOPE board finally recognized that they must respond to our request for detailed financial information,” said Senator Patrick. “I only wish I didn’t have to threaten a subpoena before getting this information,” added Senator Patrick. “For some reason the board at CSCOPE believes they are above open disclosure and total transparency to parents and legislators.

Over the past year CSCOPE directors have fought back against requests from parents and others for information. They had used the  non-profit corporation that they set up several years ago as the reason claiming they were not a public entity. The very first question Senator Patrick asked the CSCOPE witnesses in committee in January was about the non-profit.

Senator Patrick established that the non-profit didn’t have a phone number, an address, a checking account, or an address. He then asked them to close it down which they agreed to do. “It was clear to me the non-profit was set up to hide information from someone. I’m glad the board is beginning to understand they are a public entity and the people of Texas and the legislature have a right to their records,” said Patrick



From anti-CSCOPE parent in ECISD:

Good news gang! I just got off the phone with one of the NEW ECISD school board members, Doyle Woodall. He is going to be asking for a complete audit of CSCOPE spending! Last night we threw 4 incumbents out! It looks like the pro-CSCOPE “interim” Supt. might be on the way out.


Green Yellow and Red CSCOPE People

Green Yellow and Red CSCOPE People

5.11.13 –Mary Ann Whitaker (Lufkin, Texas – Hudson ISD Superintendent and Chair of the Legislative Committee for the Texas Association of School Administrators) is a spokesperson for the “yellow people.”  (To better understand who the “green, yellow, and red people” are, please go to this link:

Please post your rebuttal to Whitaker’s article in the comments section at

Following are excerpts from Jason Moore’s rebuttal to Whitaker’s article:

Let’s see…The very people who run CSCOPE admitted at TX SENATE HEARINGS many of the facts that these great patriots [citizens against CSCOPE] have alerted taxpayers to many months ago!  If there were no problems with CSCOPE why have the ESC’s flown in to overdrive to pull lessons, revamp their website, redefine back & forth whether they are curriculum or not? Most normal people can only conclude that you [ESC staffers, TESCCC/CSCOPE personnel, etc.] must have a financial interest in seeing CSCOPE continue.  And you are right CSCOPE was “not a private, for-profit vendor” it was a PRIVATE non-profit corporation (TESCCC). Hmmm.  TESCCC created a multi-million dollar piece of “intellectual property” with NO expenses, NO income, NO employees, NO offices.  FACT: their own testimony is that they used ESC employees and resources to develop CSCOPE.  Taxpayers paid for the development of CSCOPE for the privilege of then paying for it again through charges to each of the school districts who BOUGHT it.  Is Bernie Madoff the Chairman of the Board of TESCCC?



5.11.13 – “Power shift on Irving school board; council runoffs ahead” by Avi Selk, Dallas Morning News —

 Excerpts from this article:

IRVING — A huge power swing occurred on the Irving school board Saturday night…

Trustee Steven Jones backed both men and also endorsed Norma Gonzales, who was unopposed for the District 6 seat.

After Jones won his seat two years ago, he led a growing minority of trustees intent on overhauling district curriculum and reducing bilingual education in the heavily Hispanic district. He clashed often with Superintendent Dana Bedden. More senior trustees voted to censure him last month, accusing him of trying to undermine Bedden.

If Mosty, Randle and Gonzales are seated, Jones and his allies will control all but one seat on the seven-member school board.

All three candidates want to take a hard look at CSCOPE, a third party curriculum package Bedden introduced.

The district’s bilingual education program is also likely to change, with more focus on English immersion.

“There will be some changes,” Randle said last month. “In some people’s eyes, some of them may be considered major.”

While Jones and the candidates deny intending to oust Bedden, outgoing board president Ronda Huffstetler has said Jones told her he would do so after the election…


5.11.13 – GOOD NEWS FROM STAN HARTZLER, LULING ISD SCHOOL BOARD  — Stan Hartzler, a leading critic of CSCOPE and a teacher who quit his job rather than continue to teach CSCOPE, has just been elected to the Luling ISD School Board.


CSCOPE Poplin5.8.13 — Excerpts from Wichita Falls Times Record-News – “CSCOPE Questions Answered: Social studies will be delayed; parents can’t be charged for copies” – by Ann Work

Excerpts from this article:

She [Anne Poplin, Executive Director of ESC 9 in Wichita Falls] also announced that the Texas attorney general sent letters out to all districts Monday telling superintendents that they must not charge parents for copies of CSCOPE lessons.

Some districts had charged parents hundreds of dollars for paper documents of materials used in their children’s classrooms.

Frossard [Wichita Falls ISD Supt.] also announced that his chief academic officer, Tim Powers, who brought CSCOPE to the district, will retire in December and begin doing special projects only starting July 1. Frossard will hire Powers’ replacement to start July 1, he said.

Frossard said he seemed to be the only person asking when CSCOPE would lower its prices to districts. “Once they recoup the development costs, they should bring the price down. (The price) is a barrier to stay with CSCOPE,” he said.

Frossard was unable to answer the parent who asked, “How has CSCOPE helped not the teacher but the student?” 

Brazosport parents show up to StopCSCOPE5.13.13 – CSCOPE — More good news from an anti-CSCOPE parent in Brazosport ISD:

 BISD (Brazosport ISD) just ousted two incumbents this election as well! The Board President is especially shocked as she had stayed a staunce CSCOPE proponent since March when the community grew very concerned.  She called us misinformed and misled. I think she is in disbelief we got her out!!!! We now have two members who are against CSCOPE on the board and are already looking to replace the two up for re-election next year! Stay Strong Texas!!! 

Karli RileyElection Success: Kilgore ISD elected Karl Riley, an anti-CSCOPE candidate in the only contested race. Awesome work Kilgore Parents and Community Tax Payers!! Your voice has been heard!! You Rock!! Congratulations Karl Riley!


Reported from Ginger Russell over at Red Hot Conservative: 

I am happy to report that Montgomery County Independent School District has made the right decision in not renewing their CSCOPE contract, just after one year of purchasing it from Texas Education Service Center VI.

Dr. Beau Rees, superintendent of Montgomery ISD obviously is listening to teachers and the community in regard to the controversy and concerns about CSCOPE. Hats off to you Dr. Rees. Our children will benefit because of your decision.


Stop CSCOPE Yard Sign

CLICK Photo to StopCSCOPE!!