Parents, Grandparents and Tax Payers “YOU”
are being called to ACTION!
Join Texans in Austin for the State Board of Education (SBOE) Meeting
It is Time to Take a Stand!
Friday July 18th
9 A.M.
William B. Travis (WBT) State Office Building
1701 North Congress Avenue
Austin, TX 78701
Please contact the Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott 512-463-2100 – Texas State Board of Education Members, State Legislators, Congressmen, elected officials, school administrators, teachers; and tell them that the AP U. S. History Framework/curriculum/exams must be stopped.
How will the New AP US History Framework coming down from College Board President David Coleman affect TEXAS children this Sept.?
New War Over High School U.S. History
“Americans are only just now waking up to a quiet but devastatingly effective effort to replace the teaching of traditional American history in our high schools with a new, centrally-controlled, and sharply left-leaning curriculum.
The College Board, the company that issues the SAT and the various Advanced Placement (AP) exams, has created an elaborate new framework for the AP U.S. History Exam that will effectively force nearly all American high schools, public and private, to transform the way they teach U.S. History.
Texas is at the forefront of the resistance to the new AP U.S. History Exam, but the battle is not going well. Ken Mercer, a member of the Texas School Board, is attempting to introduce a resolution rebuking and rejecting the new AP U.S. History Exam. Unfortunately, he is now being told that he must wait to introduce the resolution until September, when it will be too late.
Texas makes up about 10 percent of the College Board’s market. Were Texas to reject the new AP U.S. History Exam, the entire project could be put into doubt.”
As Stated by SBOE Ken Mercer in his latest Op-ed.
TEXAS SBOE Ken Mercer goes onto say….
“How bad is the new AP U.S. History Framework? Here are a few key items verified with Larry Krieger (retired teacher and author recognized by the CB as one of the best AP teachers in 2004 and 2005) and Jane Robbins (Senior Fellow at the American Principles Project):
- In the period of the American Revolution up to the 1787 Constitutional Convention, almost every Founding Father is omitted – no Jefferson, Adams, Madison, or Franklin. The Framework excludes Lexington, Concord, Bunker Hill, Valley Forge, Saratoga, and Yorktown. The commanders and heroes of these pivotal battles are all omitted.
- The lessons on the Civil War omit the Lincoln-Douglas debates, the Gettysburg Address, and the assassination of President Lincoln. The Framework once again omits crucial battles, key commanders, and the valor of common soldiers.
- The lessons on World War II omit “The Greatest Generation,” Truman, Hitler, D-Day, Midway, the Battle of the Bulge, and every military commander including Dwight Eisenhower. Inexplicably, Nazi atrocities against Jews and other groups are not required. The CB concludes its treatment of WWII with this blunt statement: “The decision to drop the atomic bomb raised questions about American values.”
- The lessons on the Civil Rights Movement do not mention America’s first African-American President. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Cesar Chavez, Rosa Parks, the Navajo Code Talkers, Tuskegee Airmen, 442nd Infantry Regiment, and Barbara Jordan’s famous speech on the Constitution are all omitted.
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