Charter school bill (SB 2) should be reviewed. The Cosmos Foundation run by  a Turkish man named Fethullah Gulen is running 38 charter schools in Texas which sell themselves as Math and Science centers but in fact teach turkish ways and culture and are numbing Americans to the islamic threat we face inside our country.


A Public Hearing in the Education Committee on SB 2 (Senator Dan Patrick) concerning Charter Schools is pending and will probably be held Today. It would create an appointed “Authorizing Authority” taking that responsibility from the elected State Board of Education. The committee members are:

Chair: Sen. Dan Patrick   512) 463-0107
Vice Chair: Sen. Eddie Lucio, Jr.  (512) 463-0127
Members: Sen. Donna Campbell  512) 463-0125
Sen. Robert Duncan  (512) 463-0128
Sen. Kel Seliger  (512) 463-0131
Sen. Larry Taylor  (512) 463-0111
Sen. Leticia Van de Putte  (512) 463-0126
Sen. Royce West  (512) 463-0123

Ask Education Committee members to add amendments to the bill to:

#1 require charter school owners to be American citizens.

#2 require charter school checkbooks to be online for taxpayer review. This would reveal how much money goes to Turkish educators and elsewhere.

Photo By New YorK Times Click Photo to linked article.

Photo By New YorK Times Click Photo to linked article. 

Because we are taking on the public schools parents are looking for other avenues to educate their children. Many who can’t afford private schools (even though private schools use CommonCore and CSCOPE) run to charter schools. Who by the way target the lower income hispanic and black community.

By promoting Charter School legislation some elected officials see a way to get votes and stay in their positions of power. Which gives them the opportunity to move to higher office. In addition it opens the door to raise huge campaign donations from charter school lobbies such as the Cosmos Foundation/Harmony/Gulen Science Centers who are giving free all expense paid trips to legislators in Texas and across the country and whose consultant was former executive director of the Republican Party and trusted advisor to President George W. Bush, Karen Hughes Hughes. 


Just to be clear, I am not against all Charter Schools. Although I firmly believe we must hold elected officials accountable for the legislation they put forward which may pose a National Security threat to our nation.

If you are reading this an asking what are the Harmony Charter Schools? Below is a great video by Frank Gaffney founder of the (Center for Security Policy) as he works within his own community to stop the Gulen movment in Loudoun Virginia. Harmony is the name for the Gulen/Cosmos Foundation schools in Texas. In other states they go by different names. “


List of Gulen Charter Schools in the United States


An example of what results is Texas Senate Bill 2 currently working its way through the Texas Legislature.  Some of the heroes on exposing CSCOPE are now pushing a bill that completely opens the door for the Gulen Charter Schools to come into Texas in mass numbers.

Below is a breakdown of Senate Bill 2.


Senate bill 2 is a comprehensive overhaul of the laws that govern charter schools.  Changes are made on the authorizing, governing, and establishing of charter schools in Texas.

Looking at the bill, there were a lot of areas of concern, given the recent experience on CScope in Texas.


  • The current laws cap the number of charter schools in Texas at 215.  The cap is entirely removed.


  • A new governing board of 7 appointees will be the only oversight of these schools.  The State Board of Education will have no authority to grant or revoke charter school privileges in this state.  This puts us back in the position of non-elected officials in charge of the education.


  • If there are any vacant or underutilized facilities in a school district, the ISD “shall” lease that taxpayer funded facility to any approved charter school that wants it.  Note the word in the bill is shall (a mandate) rather than the word “may” (which is a choice).


  • First time charter schools will be granted a license to operate for a term of 5 years.  It will automatically renew at that point for 20 years.  Most of the Harmony/ Gulen charter schools (currently under question) will fall in the 20 year category.


  • The TEA will be required to post all vacant or underutilized facilities for all to see.  For organized charter efforts underway, it will be easy to snap up these facilities all over the state.


  • No new charter will have to pay rent or purchase the facility.  They pay $1.


  • The license of a charter school can be revoked by the newly formed commission only under the following circumstance:

      a.  The school performs badly in 3 out of 5 years
b.  The school is not fiscally satisfactory on multiple reviews

Questions to ask…..

1. Why are non- elected officials being put in charge without public accountability?
2.  Why a 20 year renewal?
3.  Shouldn’t we worry about enormous expansion of schools of any type without input?
4.  What if the curriculum is found to be offensive?
5.  Why is our state funding for-profit enterprises?


Action Needed Now~ Contact your Texas Senators immediately and ask them to vote against SB 1724.

Our History is what they are trying to rewrite!

“What Gets Measured Gets Treasured: SB 1724 Would Harm Our Students” 

by Donna Garner 

Texas World History Standards

Photo courtesy of the Texas Tribune

“What gets measured gets treasured.”  This is an oft-quoted statement among teachers. In other words, what gets tested gets taught.  It is for this reason that I am absolutely mystified about Texas SB 1724 which is authored by some of our most insightful Texas Senators – Patrick, Birdwell, Campbell, Hegar, Lucio, Paxton, and Taylor. 

 Under SB 1724, Texas high-school students would not be required to pass STAAR/End-of-Course tests in World History andWorld Geography. (Please refer to chart on SB 1724 posted below.)

It was over the curriculum standards (TEKS) for World History and World Geography that the Texas State Board of Education members waged some of their most ferocious battles back on 5.23.10.

The end result is that Texas’ World History and World Geography standards (along with the other Social Studies standards) are the most fact-based and patriotic curriculum standards (TEKS) in the entire country.  They are indeed “Type #1.”  


[To learn the definitions of Type #1 and Type #2, please go to: ]

Below, I have excerpted a few of the elements found in the World History and World Geography TEKS (as posted on the Texas Education Agency website).  Please take the time to scan over them.

As you ponder them, remember this:  Unless teachers and their students are held accountable on the World History and World Geography STAAR/End-of-Course tests to teach/learn the new Type #1 TEKS, many Texas teachers most likely will continue teaching their “old” Type #2 curriculum units  — revisionist history.


Also, please notice that it is in the World History and World Geography TEKS that the world’s religions are to be taught.  If we lose the STAAR/EOC “measuring stick” in these two courses, how will parents and the public know whether Texas students have been taught Type #1 or Type #2 curriculum?


Some of the most troubling lessons in CSCOPE (and in other curriculum materials) are those that cover World History and World Geography (e.g., students designing Communist/Marxist flags, Islamic fundamentalism, burqas, Christianity as a cult, The Middle East, Christopher Columbus as an eco-warrior, 9/11 terrorists as “freedom fighters,” portrayal of Communism as superior to Capitalism, etc.).


Have we grassroots citizens worked so hard to disclose these egregious Type #2 World History and World Geography revisionist history lessons only to lose the “battle” by removing the accountability of the STAAR/EOC’s that will force teachers to teach Type #1?  Yet, SB 1724, if passed, would remove that accountability for both teachers and students.

If the Texas Legislature does away with the World History and World Geography STAAR/EOC’s (SB 1724), how will parents and the public ever know whether TASA iCLOUD, regular public schools, charter schools, CSCOPE, Turkish Gulen Harmony Charter Schools, dual-credit courses, Texas Virtual Academy, online learning, Advanced Placement courses, International Baccalaureate programs, Web 2.0 Tools, and Safari Montage are actually moving our school children into Type #1? 


Please read:  3.19.13 — “Some Texas Legislators Being Duped” written by Donna Garner —


Link to SB 1724 – Legislation on STAAR/End-of-Course Tests



English I

English II

Algebra I


U. S. History

Take 5 tests and must pass a minimum of 4
English I

English III

Algebra I


U. S. History

Take 5 tests and must pass a minimum of 4


English I

English III

Algebra I

Algebra II


U. S. History

Take 6 tests and must pass minimum of 5
English I — diagnostic only — does not count toward graduation


State will pay costs for students to take SAT or ACT



 Please scan over the following excellent World History and World Geography curriculum standards (excerpts taken from TEKS).  We as Texans want all Texas public school graduates to know these and much more so that they will become knowledgeable, patriotic American citizens and voters.  




§113.42. World History Studies (One Credit), Beginning with School Year 2011-2012.

(c)  Knowledge and skills.

(3)  History. The student understands the contributions and influence of classical civilizations from 500 BC to AD 600 on subsequent civilizations. The student is expected to:

(A)  describe the major political, religious/philosophical, and cultural influences of Persia, India, China, Israel, Greece, and Rome, including the development of monotheism, Judaism, and Christianity;

(4)  History. The student understands how, after the collapse of classical empires, new political, economic, and social systems evolved and expanded from 600 to 1450. The student is expected to:

(A)  explain the development of Christianity as a unifying social and political factor in medieval Europe and the Byzantine Empire;

(B)  explain the characteristics of Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy;

(E)  describe the interactions among Muslim, Christian, and Jewish societies in Europe, Asia, and North Africa;

(F)  describe the interactions between Muslim and Hindu societies in South Asia;

(I)  explain the development of the slave trade;

(K)  summarize the changes resulting from the Mongol invasions of Russia, China, and the Islamic world.

(5)  History. The student understands the causes, characteristics, and impact of the European Renaissance and the Reformation from 1450 to 1750. The student is expected to:

(A)  explain the political, intellectual, artistic, economic, and religious impact of the Renaissance; and

(B)  explain the political, intellectual, artistic, economic, and religious impact of the Reformation.

(6)  History. The student understands the characteristics and impact of the Maya, Inca, and Aztec civilizations. The student is expected to:

(A)  compare the major political, economic, social, and cultural developments of the Maya, Inca, and Aztec civilizations and explain how prior civilizations influenced their development; and

(B)  explain how the Inca and Aztec empires were impacted by European exploration/colonization.

(7)  History. The student understands the causes and impact of European expansion from 1450 to 1750. The student is expected to:

((C)  explain the impact of the Atlantic slave trade on West Africa and the Americas;

(D)  explain the impact of the Ottoman Empire on Eastern Europe and global trade;

(8)  History. The student understands the causes and the global impact of the Industrial Revolution and European imperialism from 1750 to 1914. The student is expected to:

(C)  identify the major political, economic, and social motivations that influenced European imperialism;

(D)  explain the major characteristics and impact of European imperialism; and

(E)  explain the effects of free enterprise in the Industrial Revolution.

(9)  History. The student understands the causes and effects of major political revolutions between 1750 and 1914. The student is expected to:

(A)  compare the causes, characteristics, and consequences of the American and French revolutions, emphasizing the role of the Enlightenment, the Glorious Revolution, and religion;

(D)  identify the influence of ideas such as separation of powers, checks and balances, liberty, equality, democracy, popular sovereignty, human rights, constitutionalism, and nationalism on political revolutions.

(10)  History. The student understands the causes and impact of World War I. The student is expected to:

(A)  identify the importance of imperialism, nationalism, militarism, and the alliance system in causing World War I;

(D)  identify the causes of the February (March) and October revolutions of 1917 in Russia, their effects on the outcome of World War I, and the Bolshevik establishment of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

(12)  History. The student understands the causes and impact of World War II. The student is expected to:

(A)  describe the emergence and characteristics of totalitarianism;

(B)  explain the roles of various world leaders, including Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, Hideki Tojo, Joseph Stalin, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill, prior to and during World War II; and

(C)  explain the major causes and events of World War II, including the German invasions of Poland and the Soviet Union, the Holocaust, Japanese imperialism, the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Normandy landings, and the dropping of the atomic bombs.

(13)  History. The student understands the impact of major events associated with the Cold War and independence movements. The student is expected to:

(A)  summarize how the outcome of World War II contributed to the development of the Cold War;

(B)  summarize the factors that contributed to communism in China, including Mao Zedong’s role in its rise, and how it differed from Soviet communism;

(C)  identify the following major events of the Cold War, including the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the arms race;

(D)  explain the roles of modern world leaders, including Ronald Reagan, Mikhail Gorbachev, Lech Walesa, and Pope John Paul II, in the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union;

(E)  summarize the rise of independence movements in Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia and reasons for ongoing conflicts; and

(F)  explain how Arab rejection of the State of Israel has led to ongoing conflict.

(14)  History. The student understands the development of radical Islamic fundamentalism and the subsequent use of terrorism by some of its adherents. The student is expected to:

(A)  summarize the development and impact of radical Islamic fundamentalism on events in the second half of the 20th century, including Palestinian terrorism and the growth of al Qaeda; and

(B)  explain the U.S. response to terrorism from September 11, 2001, to the present.

((18)  Economics. The student understands the historical origins of contemporary economic systems and the benefits of free enterprise in world history. The student is expected to:

(A)  identify the historical origins and characteristics of the free enterprise system, including the contributions of Adam Smith, especially the influence of his ideas found in The Wealth of Nations;

(B)  identify the historical origins and characteristics of communism, including the influences of Karl Marx;

(C)  identify the historical origins and characteristics of socialism;

(D)  identify the historical origins and characteristics of fascism;

(E)  explain why communist command economies collapsed in competition with free market economies at the end of the 20th century; and

(F)  formulate generalizations on how economic freedom improved the human condition, based on students’ knowledge of the benefits of free enterprise in Europe’s Commercial Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, and 20th-century free market economies, compared to communist command communities.

(19)  Government. The student understands the characteristics of major political systems throughout history. The student is expected to:

(A)  identify the characteristics of monarchies and theocracies as forms of government in early civilizations; and

(B)  identify the characteristics of the following political systems: theocracy, absolute monarchy, democracy, republic, oligarchy, limited monarchy, and totalitarianism.

(20)  Government. The student understands how contemporary political systems have developed from earlier systems of government. The student is expected to:

(A)  explain the development of democratic-republican government from its beginnings in the Judeo-Christian legal tradition and classical Greece and Rome through the English Civil War and the Enlightenment;

(B)  identify the impact of political and legal ideas contained in the following documents: Hammurabi’s Code, the Jewish Ten Commandments, Justinian’s Code of Laws, Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen;

(C)  explain the political philosophies of individuals such as John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Voltaire, Charles de Montesquieu, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Thomas Aquinas, John Calvin, Thomas Jefferson, and William Blackstone; and

(D)  explain the significance of the League of Nations and the United Nations.

(21)  Citizenship. The student understands the significance of political choices and decisions made by individuals, groups, and nations throughout history. The student is expected to:

(C)  identify examples of key persons who were successful in shifting political thought, including William Wilberforce.

(22)  Citizenship. The student understands the historical development of significant legal and political concepts related to the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. The student is expected to:

(A)  summarize the development of the rule of law from ancient to modern times;

(B)  identify the influence of ideas regarding the right to a “trial by a jury of your peers” and the concepts of “innocent until proven guilty” and “equality before the law” that originated from the Judeo-Christian legal tradition and in Greece and Rome;

(C)  identify examples of politically motivated mass murders in Cambodia, China, Latin America, the Soviet Union, and Armenia;

(D)  identify examples of genocide, including the Holocaust and genocide in the Balkans, Rwanda, and Darfur;

(E)  identify examples of individuals who led resistance to political oppression such as Nelson Mandela, Mohandas Gandhi, Oscar Romero, Natan Sharansky, Las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo, and Chinese student protestors in Tiananmen Square; and

(F)  assess the degree to which American ideals have advanced human rights and democratic ideas throughout the world.

(23)  Culture. The student understands the history and relevance of major religious and philosophical traditions. The student is expected to:

(A)  describe the historical origins, central ideas, and spread of major religious and philosophical traditions, including Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism, and the development of monotheism; and

(B)  identify examples of religious influence on various events referenced in the major eras of world history.

(24)  Culture. The student understands the roles of women, children, and families in different historical cultures. The student is expected to:

(A)  describe the changing roles of women, children, and families during major eras of world history; and

(B)  describe the major influences of women such as Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria, Mother Teresa, Indira Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher, and Golda Meir during major eras of world history.

(25)  Culture. The student understands how the development of ideas has influenced institutions and societies. The student is expected to:

(C)  explain the relationship among Christianity, individualism, and growing secularism that began with the Renaissance and how the relationship influenced subsequent political developments; and

(D)  explain how Islam influences law and government in the Muslim world.

Source: The provisions of this §113.42 adopted to be effective August 23, 2010, 35 TexReg 7232.

§113.43. World Geography Studies (One Credit), Beginning with School Year 2011-2012.

(b)  Introduction.

(7)  State and federal laws mandate a variety of celebrations and observances, including Celebrate Freedom Week.

(A)  Each social studies class shall include, during Celebrate Freedom Week as provided under the TEC, §29.907, or during another full school week as determined by the board of trustees of a school district, appropriate instruction concerning the intent, meaning, and importance of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, including the Bill of Rights, in their historical contexts. The study of the Declaration of Independence must include the study of the relationship of the ideas expressed in that document to subsequent American history, including the relationship of its ideas to the rich diversity of our people as a nation of immigrants, the American Revolution, the formulation of the U.S. Constitution, and the abolitionist movement, which led to the Emancipation Proclamation and the women’s suffrage movement.

(B)  Each school district shall require that, during Celebrate Freedom Week or other week of instruction prescribed under subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, students in Grades 3-12 study and recite the following text: “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness–That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed.”

(8)  Students identify and discuss how the actions of U.S. citizens and the local, state, and federal governments have either met or failed to meet the ideals espoused in the founding documents.

(c)  Knowledge and skills.

(14)  Government. The student understands the processes that influence political divisions, relationships, and policies. The student is expected to:

(B)  compare how democracy, dictatorship, monarchy, republic, theocracy, and totalitarian systems operate in specific countries; and

(15)  Citizenship. The student understands how different points of view influence the development of public policies and decision-making processes on local, state, national, and international levels. The student is expected to:

(B)  explain how citizenship practices, public policies, and decision making may be influenced by cultural beliefs, including nationalism and patriotism.

(16)  Culture. The student understands how the components of culture affect the way people live and shape the characteristics of regions. The student is expected to:

(B)  describe elements of culture, including language, religion, beliefs and customs, institutions, and technologies;

(17)  Culture. The student understands the distribution, patterns, and characteristics of different cultures. The student is expected to:

(B)  describe major world religions, including animism, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Sikhism, and their spatial distribution;

(18)  Culture. The student understands the ways in which cultures change and maintain continuity. The student is expected to:

(B)  assess causes, effects, and perceptions of conflicts between groups of people, including modern genocides and terrorism;

(19)  Science, technology, and society. The student understands the impact of technology and human modifications on the physical environment. The student is expected to:

Source: The provisions of this §113.43 adopted to be effective August 23, 2010, 35 TexReg 7232.


Call for Community Conversation Information Pushers

The Power of Compounding Activists

Join the Movement
Join us Tomorrow night at 7:30 pm CST for a
Community Conversation Town Hall on
Education in America!
Have you read Michelle Malkin’s series on the Rotten to the Core, Part III: Lessons from Texas and the Growing Grassroots Revolt? We highly recommend you read these articles and then join us on the Community Conversation presented by Women On The Wall tomorrow night at 7:30 pm CST.

The call in number is (714) 242-5220  

Or click below to listen online. Community Conversation by Women On the Wall

We are excited to have Mary Bowen a “30 yr. Texas school teacher who has thrown off her cloak of anonymity and is speaking openly about CSCOPE because she is afraid its curriculum will be whitewashed and recycled instead of kicked out of Texas schools. We will also have on the call Janice VanCleave a retired Science teacher who has been traveling across the state with her daughter Ginger Russell exposing what is actually in CSCOPE.  In addition, at 7:30 just prior to Mary and Janice we will have JoAnn Fleming on the call to discuss how CSCOPE has negatively effected her area locally especially within the Black and Hispanic community.

Lake Dallas, CSCOPE crowd shot
Last Thursday we had a situation in Lake Dallas, Texas where CSCOPE apologists showed up in mass numbers all wearing Green ready to defend CSCOPE and take on Women On The Wall. They accomplished their goal as typically is done in the community organizing world of education. They actually reserved the room right after our program was scheduled so they could present their power point program to anyone who came.   We have to give them credit, as usual they brought in people from out of town to show they had numbers behind them and over ran the meeting. But now we are taking the issue step by step and breaking it down on the Community Conversation call tomorrow night at 7:30 pm CST. You don’t want to miss it.  In preparation for the call tomorrow night watch the short video below of the Senate hearing in Austin on Jan. 31.
CSCOPE Senate Hearing
This was going to be shown at the Lake Dallas meeting and we were not able to show it.
You can also listen to the audio below of the CSCOPE apologist presentation. On the community call tomorrow we will be taking on the issue point by point and go through the Lake Dallas audio addressing each one of their talking points. We believe this will be invaluable information as you take on this issue locally. In addition it will be a wealth of information for those of you in other states who are taking on Common Core as they are closely aligned via Linda Darling Hammond. Find out here the connecting dots of Common Core, CSCOPE and the Gulen Charter Schools. 
Lake Dallas CSCOPE Meeting We know that in Texas we can not depend on the Legislature to take care of the CSCOPE issue even though many are working hard to do just that. This battle must be fought and won at the local level. Just like Common Core. In order to do this time is of the essence.Many districts are in the process of deciding if they are going to renew their CSCOPE contracts for the next school year. Now is the time for you to get educated on the issue, go to your school board meetings and demand that CSCOPE be removed from your district.

Get on the Community Conversation Conference call tomorrow night and get the talking points to take to your local school board.

Check out what Bill Hussey from Llano, Texas put out!!

CSCOPE, the controversial Texas school curriculum in over 70% of Texas school districts, was never field tested, reviewed or approved by the Texas State Board of Education. We now know through independent research, that these lessons and the CSCOPE process are based on the ideology of Marxism (Lev Vygotsky), Humanism (Linda-Darling Hammond) and Socialism (Learning through Social Constructivism). These were a few of the people who helped develop CSCOPE. Lessons with anti-American and anti-Christian slants have been discovered.
This is how CSCOPE is hurting your children:

Through Social Constructivism (Group sharing of work and grades)
1.      It removes the importance of individual merit and responsibility
2.      It downplays the importance of authority (parents and professionals) and experts
3.      It removes the security of well-defined expectations
4.      It redefines truth and facts (any answer is acceptable)
5.      It emphasizes education equity (outcome the same for all) instead of opportunity equity

Through the implementation of tests not aligned with required lessons:
1.       It provides a high stressful atmosphere in anticipation of failure
2.      When tests are repeated and answers given prior to test it promotes delayed responsibility and acceptance of cheating
3.      It promotes acceptance of substandard performances when failure is the norm.

Through the implementation of multiple classroom observances (3 minute walk-throughs ) by administrators
1.      It promotes the atmosphere that administrators do not trust the child’s teacher; so something is wrong to the child/student-models disrespect to the teacher
2.      It Interrupts the learning atmosphere of the classroom (highly distracting to ADHD children)
3.      When teachers quickly shift from what works to the rigid ineffective CSCOPE stance expecting a walkthrough, the students can sense an air of deception.

Through the implementation of substandard CSCOPE lessons
1.      It “LEAVES OUT geography, vocabulary development, cursive, spelling, grammar, systemic reading instruction, memorization of multiplication facts, and the skill practice needed for students to gain confidence.”      (Source: Teacher’s statement before the State Board of Education, emphasis added)
2.      It downplays the importance of vetted textbooks and homework

1.      Were you fully informed about the radical ideology and methodology of CSCOPE before you voted to implement it?
2.      Were you shown field-tested results of CSCOPE before you voted to implement it?
3.      Are you going to request a local review before the next vote to renew it?
4.      What steps must I do to opt out of CSCOPE and put my child in a direct-learning environment?

Call your state representatives and demand that CSCOPE receive a total review of ideology, methodology, financial impropriety, possible plagiarism, and misrepresentation to local school boards.
Your children, grandchildren and community need your action.

Bill Hussey, Llano, Texas

Join the Movement to Stop CSCOPE

Click the photo to sign the Petition and Join the movement to #StopCSCOPE

Alice Linahan is an intrepid activist, politically-active Texas Mom who has worked hard in the trenches of the Tea Party movement. She is a board member of   and TXAlliance4EthicalGovernment.Alice launched Voices Empower in 2011 in response to identifying an urgent need to engage the passive majority of voters at the National and State level during the primary process.  Voices Empower has quickly risen as an organization playing an integral part in holding politicians and the progressive/liberal media accountable by getting real stories out to Americans across the country. She is on track to re-define the meaning of “boots on the ground.” Specifically, she is implementing a communication team strategy that gives activists the tools to “ENGAGE”  and change hearts and minds vs. just a CLICK “LIKE” mentality on social media sites; therefore, the new paradigm created by Alice Linahan takes “boots on the ground” to social media platforms strategically and effectively. Citizen journalists are driving the narrative and Alice Linahan is playing a national role in its impact on the electorate. Currently Alice is working on projects at both the state and national level to save our Country from attacks within our own borders.  Alice has been published in such publications as Focus on the Family’s Citizen Magazine and Regions Magazine.Alice Linahan speaks publicly throughout the country to educate the public on how to Seek the truth ~ Share the Truth and how to Stand for the Truth taking on the media and exposing the dangers that threaten the safety and prosperity of our children and grandchildren.    Rebecca Forest is a co-founding member of WomenOnTheWall.Org (founded in May 2008) and serves as President of the organization.

Prior to 2001, Rebecca was an active advocate for nursing home reform and served as a Texas Ambassador for Operation Interdependence, a non-profit organization which provides an effective means for American’s to support U. S. armed forces deployed throughout the world.

The tragic events of 9/11/01 moved Rebecca further towards political grassroots activism and she helped to organize Austin Townhall Conservatives (“ATC”) in December of 2003.  Immigration related issues became the primary focus of her involvement with ATC as it became apparent to her that the out-of-control immigration crisis would negatively affect the futures of her two sons.

In November 2005, Rebecca co-founded the Immigration Reform Coalition of Texas (“IRCOT’) which represented the first organized network of the three (3) key immigration groups in Texas.  During the 2007, 2009, and 2011 Texas sessions the organization brought in national expert witnesses from as far away as Washington, D. C. to testify on behalf of IRCOT at various public hearings on key immigration legislation supported by the organization and helped to coordinate citizen lobbying efforts.

After five (5) years in the leadership role of IRCOT, she left to form the Texas Alliance for America Legal Defense & Education Fund (“TAALDEF”) a 501(c)(3) Texas tax deductible non-profit  which was designed to help counter the large grant-funded open-border groups such as MAALDEF and La Raza.

Rebecca speaks publicly throughout Texas to educate the public on the truth about the many dangers that threaten the safety and prosperity of America and its children.

The Devil in the Details of Comprehensive Immigration Reform

February 27, 2013

Caution, Illegal Immigration

Odd that if you repeat something enough, people actually start believing it despite facts that prove the opposite is actually true.

Since the election of President Barrack Obama, Americans have witnessed this phenomenon on a grand scale.  Day after day, we’ve watched the main stream media join in lock step with the current administration to bring about the total transformation of our nation.

Most disturbing is the determination by some Republicans to grant amnesty, legal status and a pathway to citizenship to millions of uneducated and undereducated illegal aliens.  The end result of such action will turn our formerly exceptional nation into a North American version of neighboring Third World countries.

Hours after Romney’s defeat in 2012 the main stream media tossed out the poisonous bait to the GOP leadership and they swallowed it – hook, line and sinker.  The bait is the great lie that America is unable to secure its borders or enforce its long standing immigration laws so American citizens must shut their mouths and witness their nation’s “inevitable changing demographics.”  Inevitable?  Only if our government continues down the path it is on – allowing the unarmed invasion that has been going on now for several decades.

America possesses not only the right but also the knowledge and technology to stop this nonsense immediately IF only our elected officials have the backbone and desire to speak the truth and act accordingly.   Do they?

Many Republican party elites, party leaders (at all levels), and big business owners/donors jumped on the Democrat amnesty bandwagon to give 11, 20, or 30+ million illegal aliens residing in our country legal status and a pathway to citizenship.  The truth is that those numbers will be much greater when chain migration is factored in.

So who is leading this insane suicide mission the GOP has launched?  

At the front of the pack are corporations and “Big Business” — more specifically, Republicans who got their tail ends handed to them in 2007 when the grassroots successfully rose up and killed President Bush’s attempt to force “comprehensive immigration reform” upon rule-of-law American citizens.

Since that 2007 defeat the group has been working overtime to convince lesser informed party voters and GOP leaders (at all levels) that the party must abandon its traditional Republican rule-of-law stance on immigration in order to win the Hispanic/Latino vote and future elections.  Few seem to know that history does not support that line of thought.

U.S. census stats reveal that the majority of our illegal aliens come from countries south of our border.   While immigrants from other parts of the world tend to vote Democrat once granted American citizenship, a review of Hispanic/Latino voting patterns is vital in relation to predicted demographic shifts in America and upcoming election outcomes.

To those who have been following this debate and reviewing the facts about voting patterns of Hispanics/Latinos in America over the past 32 years it is hard to call the actions of the Republican leadership anything other than utterly stupid.

Since it seems many people in our nation appear to lack common sense when it comes to critical thinking, rule-of-law Americans across the nation should be asking the following two common sense questions as they consider and discuss this extremely serious issue:

First, if there was any remote possibility that the proposed amnestied 11 – 30+ million illegal aliens would vote for Republicans do you honestly think the Democrats would be working so hard to give them amnesty and eventually the right to vote?

Secondly, based on historical stats – why would any dedicated Republican Party leader support an action that ultimately would deliver millions of new Democrat voters for decades to come while perpetuating Republican defeats?

Obviously, the Democrats would not be working so hard to give legal status/path to citizenship/amnesty or anything else to 11 – 30+ million new people if they were in any way inclined to become Republican voters!  Hello Republicans – anyone home?

Stats indicate that America’s Hispanics/Latinos in general (and immigrant populations) vote DEMOCRAT – not Republican.

Statistics on voting patterns compiled by the Pew Hispanic Center, the Center for Immigration Studies and others have provided compelling data that must be considered.

The following excerpts from a November 8, 2012 Center for Immigration Studies article by Ronald W. Mortensen, entitled “Hispanics Were Democrats Long Before Illegal Immigration Became an Issue”  should give one reason to wonder who is doing the homework for the GOP on this issue:

“… pro-illegal-immigrant elements of the Republican Party fail to acknowledge that for at least the last nine elections, Hispanics have voted heavily in favor of Democratic presidential candidates over Republican candidates by an average of 64 percent to 31 percent, as shown by data compiled by the Pew Hispanic Center.”

Year Democrat Republican
1980/Reagan/Carter) 56% 35%
1984 (Reagan/Mondale) 61% 37%
1988 (Bush/Dukakis) 69% 30%
1992 (Bush/Clinton) 61% 25%
1996 (Dole/Clinton) 72% 21%
2000 (Bush/Gore) 62% 35%
2004 (Bush/Kerry) 58% 40%
2008 (Obama/McCain) 67% 31%
2012 (Obama/Romney) 71% 27%
Average 64% 31%

Article excerpts provide additional insight on several of the referenced elections in response to a Wall Street Journal article absurdly suggesting Romney lost the 2012 election because of his stance on illegal immigration:

 “The expulsion crowd at the Journal never acknowledges the fact that pro-amnesty, “comprehensive immigration reform” leader John McCain (R-Ariz.), was rejected by 67 percent of Hispanic voters, that 72 percent of Hispanics voted against Bob Dole, that 69 percent voted against the elder Bush and that 62 percent voted against the younger Bush. So, it could be argued that Romney’s “tough” illegal immigration stance cost him only 4 percentage points of the Hispanic vote as opposed to that of McCain and that he actually picked up 6 points over Dole and 2 points more than Bush senior did.

“The bottom line is that Hispanics are largely Democrats and they don’t swing their support to pro-illegal-immigration Republicans such as McCain and or even to Bush senior, who was vice president at the time of the 1986 amnesty”.

 “In fact, after the 1986 amnesty was signed by President Reagan, the Hispanic vote for the Democratic presidential candidate (Michael Dukakis) in the next election increased by 8 percent. After McCain attempted to push through another amnesty, Hispanic support for the Democratic candidate (Barrack Obama) in the next presidential election increased by 9 percent over that received by John Kerry in the previous presidential election.”

Still have doubts as to the likelihood of future massive declines in Republican Party victories should another amnesty pass?   If so I encourage you to read an article entitled,  “Immigration, Political Realignment, and the Demise of Republican Political Prospects” by James G. Gimpel.

It certainly appears that many “Big Business” Republicans and GOP leaders could care less about the America they leave to our children and grandchildren.  If they did, they would be leading the charge for America to choose the best and brightest immigrants for legal and orderly entry into our nation.  Instead, they are doing the exact opposite.

If you value the America you grew up in, do your homework and Seek the Truth on the issue of illegal immigration.   Then … Share the Truth with you friends, neighbors, elected officials, b­­­­­­­­­usiness owners and anyone else who will listen.  Last but not least … continue to Stand for Truth and pray God gives us the strength to prevail in the battle for America’s survival.

Call for Information Pushers ~ Help spread the word about another CSCOPE scandal.

Call for Information Pushers ~ Help spread the word about this CSCOPE scandal. 


Here are links to articles written on the Texas CSCOPE Burqas Scandal. 


Muslim garb taught as alternative dress – not oppressive to women

School Makes Female Students Wear Burqas


Calling on Texas Patriots to Help #StopGulen in Loudoun, Virginia

Tomorrow night, Tues. Feb. 19th is a big meeting and we need all hands on deck to help parents in Loudoun, Virginia Stop the Gulen Network from infiltrating.  Why would we help folks in Virginia – because we know and understand the threat of a slow creeping jihad in America, we have fought back against the Race to the Top in Texas and we must stand together with fellow Americans to fight back.

Gulen in Loudoun  Why    Gulen Wants Loudoun s Money  Why

So here is your call to Action: Read the Background and be ready tomorrow night online in Texas and across the country by reading the call to action below the Background.


Loudoun County (VA) Gulen school meeting
Parents for Educational Accountability
 Invites you to a Critical Briefing:
“Will LMITA Repeat the History of Other Gulen-Related Charter Schools ?”
Remarks by Mary Addi, A Former Gulen Charter School Teacher

Featuring Information that County Residents and their Elected
Representatives Must Know About
 The Applicants, Their Associations and Other Reasons Why the Loudoun Math and IT Academy (LMITA) Application Should be Rejected
When:  Tuesday, February 19, 2013
following the end of the public comment portion of the School Board’s Final Public Hearing on the LMITA Application (which starts at 6:30 p.m.)
Where:  Room 100 A, Loudoun County Schools Administration Building
21000 Education Ct., Ashburn, VA
Sponsored by Center for Security Policy


group of Turkish-Americans, led by Fatih Kandil, an educator with extensive experience in the Gulen network, have filed an application to tap into Loudoun County and Virginia State education funding. In addition, they appear to have their eyes on the Obama Education Department’s “Race to the Top” funding for charter schools.
This is the second attempt by a group of Turkish-Americans to apply to receive government funding for a charter school in Loudoun County.

A detailed chart, linking the Loudoun Turkish applicants to the Gulen network is here: Fatih Kandil’s Direct Links to Gulen

Why Loudoun?

Loudoun County, Virginia is one of America’s wealthiest counties. Our school system is second to none. We have access to two extremely fine Science and Technology academic programs–Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJ, a Virginia State Governors School), and Loudoun’s own Academy of Science. In addition, Loudoun’s high schools all offer Advanced Placement and other challenging curriculum.

TJ consistently ranks as the top, or at least in the top three to five high schools in the nation. AOS provides an excellent science-based high school education to Loudoun high schoolers. Both these schools feature competitive entrance, and have demonstrated their proficiency at producing high-achieving graduates who go on to the finest universities.

Loudoun’s regular high schools offer a full array of science,technology and math challenges that are top notch. Our students consistently ace the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) tests for all math and science classes.

Our current school administration, the School Board and the Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) staff, along with our teachers and administrators provide a smorgasbord of services that is unrivaled across the country, and internationally. Every classroom has a smart boardTechnology is available for every student to use. Lessons across the curriculum in every high school are fullly integrated with use of technology.

LCPS high schools include the Governors Career and Technical Academy, based in the LCPS Monroe Technology Center. Many programs at Monroe Technology Center (MTC), which houses the Governor’s Career and Technical Academy of Loudoun, have science, technology, engineering and/or math imbedded into their curriculums.

What school system did the Gulen charter school applicants think they were applying for? A rural district in a less-developed state? Their proposal to better serve the needs of Loudoun’s students for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) is laughable on its face.

What is it that the Turkish education community believes they have to offer Loudoun County?

Or is the attraction what Loudoun County has to offer them? Continue readinghere. 

Call to ACTION: We will be following what is happening at the meeting tomorrow evening via Twitter. Please join us in retweeting using the hashtag#StopGulen. Join us also by posting on Facebook.

Women On The Wall Radio ~ WBTM Guest Lisa Benson

Women On the Wall will be taking on this issue and sharing information and updates on our weekly radio show on Monday mornings at 10 am CST. You will not want to miss this show.

Knowledge is Power and together we can make the difference!!

Alice Linahan

Follow @AliceLinahan on twitter and Facebook 

Voices Empower has partnered the Freedom Trailer Teams to Educate, Inspire and Motivate.

Women On The


Voices Empower

Check Out Voices Empower Articles  .

  Please attribute to Alice Linahan  with Voices Empower

Women On The Wall Radio with WBTM

Feb. 4th 2013 Show Guests/Issue:

Join in the conversation with us Monday morning at 10 am CST. Call in number 714-242-5220  

Women On the Wall Radio with hosts Alice Linahan and Rebecca Forest has a mission to Seek the TruthShare the Truth and Stand For The Truth. Tomorrow we take on the issues that matter to the safety and security of our children and we don’t hold back!!

We believe that the women of America play a central role in the protection and security of our sovereign nation. The grandmothers, mothers, daughters, and sisters of American women of all political persuasions, age and race are the stewards of the home and hearth and will stop at nothing to defend and protect their families and their country.

We are the daughters and granddaughters of the women of America’s GREATEST generation.  They answered the call to save America and the world from Hitler’s horrific plan for humanity. Once again, America was awakened.  Since 9/11, our nation’s women have been vigilantly standing watch, calling attention to the dangers facing our children and our homeland.

We are so excited to have Donna Garner Education advocate and writer for 33+ yrs. We will take on CSCOPE and specifically the TESCCC/CSCOPE who has contracted with Resources for Learning (RFL) to do an independent review of CSCOPE. Who is RFL? Are they connected with Common Core Curriculum? Donna Garner has the answers.

Here is a link to our last show on CSCOPE with Donna Garner.

The issue of CSCOPE is very important and Donna Garner does an exceptional job of explaining the history of CSCOPE and why it is so important that we push back against it.

WBTM Women On The Wall Radio with Donna Garner

We are delighted to have national security policy hawk Lisa Benson is back to up-to-date us on the important issues that effect the safety and security of our children and grandchildren. Lisa’s segment is titled- “The Subtle and Effective Jihad: The Infiltration into Community By the Muslim Brotherhood.” 

Of course Rebecca and Alice will take on the latest issues of the day. 


Knowledge is Power and together we can make the difference!!

Alice Linahan

Follow @AliceLinahan on twitter and Facebook 

Join the movement expose corruption in Texas Politics go to Tea Party 911 for a daily briefing.

Tea Party 911

Be sure and listen to all the great shows on WBTM Radio!

Chaos Radio with Mel Moss and Rick Rose

Voices Empower has partnered the Freedom Trailer Teams to Educate, Inspire and Motivate.


Women On The Wall Radio ~ Join in the conversation Monday 10 am CST. Call in number 714-242-5220

Women On The Wall Radio

Listen to internet radio with WBTM Internet Radio on Blog Talk Radio

Feb. 4th 2013 Show Guests/Issue:

Join in the conversation with us Monday morning at 10 am CST. Call in number 714-242-5220  

Women On the Wall Radio with hosts Alice Linahan and Rebecca Forest has a mission to Seek the TruthShare the Truth and Stand For The Truth. Tomorrow we take on the issues that matter to the safety and security of our children and we don’t hold back!!

We believe that the women of America play a central role in the protection and security of our sovereign nation. The grandmothers, mothers, daughters, and sisters of American women of all political persuasions, age and race are the stewards of the home and hearth and will stop at nothing to defend and protect their families and their country.

We are the daughters and granddaughters of the women of America’s GREATEST generation.  They answered the call to save America and the world from Hitler’s horrific plan for humanity. Once again, America was awakened.  Since 9/11, our nation’s women have been vigilantly standing watch, calling attention to the dangers facing our children and our homeland.

We are so excited to have Donna Garner Education advocate and writer for 33+ yrs. We will take on CSCOPE and specifically the TESCCC/CSCOPE who has contracted with Resources for Learning (RFL) to do an independent review of CSCOPE. Who is RFL? Are they connected with Common Core Curriculum? Donna Garner has the answers.

Here is a link to our last show on CSCOPE with Donna Garner.

The issue of CSCOPE is very important and Donna Garner does an exceptional job of explaining the history of CSCOPE and why it is so important that we push back against it.

WBTM Women On The Wall Radio with Donna Garner

We are delighted to have national security policy hawk Lisa Benson is back to up-to-date us on the important issues that effect the safety and security of our children and grandchildren. Lisa’s segment is titled- “The Subtle and Effective Jihad: The Infiltration into Community By the Muslim Brotherhood.” 

Of course Rebecca and Alice will take on the latest issues of the day. 


Knowledge is Power and together we can make the difference!!

Alice Linahan

Follow @AliceLinahan on twitter and Facebook 

Join the movement expose corruption in Texas Politics go to Tea Party 911 for a daily briefing.

Tea Party 911

Be sure and listen to all the great shows on WBTM Radio!

Chaos Radio with Mel Moss and Rick Rose

Voices Empower has partnered the Freedom Trailer Teams to Educate, Inspire and Motivate.


The Women On the Wall will take on CSCOPE ~ National Security ~ Monday 10 AM CST

Women On The Wall Radio with WBTM









Women On the Wall Radio with hosts Rebecca Forest and Alice Linahan has a mission to Seek the TruthShare the Truth and Stand For The Truth. Tomorrow we take on the issues that matter to the safety and security of our children and we don’t hold back!!

We believe that the women of America play a central role in the protection and security of our sovereign nation. The grandmothers, mothers, daughters, and sisters of American women of all political persuasions, age and race are the stewards of the home and hearth and will stop at nothing to defend and protect their families and their country.

We are the daughters and granddaughters of the women of America’s GREATEST generation.  They answered the call to save America and the world from Hitler’s horrific plan for humanity. Once again, America was awakened.  Since 9/11, our nation’s women have been vigilantly standing watch, calling attention to the dangers facing our children and our homeland.

CSCOPE, Dan Patrick, Women On The Wall and the 2nd Amendment. Tomorrow morning we will haveDonna Garner on the show to take on the issue of CSCOPE ~ What it means for Texas Children, Who is behind it and why it must be stopped.

DONNA GARNER - Educator for 33 years, appointed by President Reagan, Now Activist Writer

DONNA GARNER – Educator for 33 years, appointed by President Reagan, Now Activist Writer

Breaking News~ 

The Texas State Board of Education meets this coming Wednesday. At that time, two crucial people will be chosen for the three-member Executive Committee. Those three people determine the agendas and which members become committee chairs.  Barbara Cargill is the chair of the SBOE and of the Executive Committee, but there are only three on the Executive Committee. If Thomas Ratliff, who is on the Board illegally, is chosen as the Vice Chair and one more left leaner is chosen as the Secretary, then Texas Children and their future is at great risk.

 CSCOPE ~ Sen. Dan Patrick~ and the 2nd Amendment

We are excited to announce our friend and colleague Lisa Benson will do a weekly National Security briefing on the WOW radio show. Lisa is a National Security Hawk and Mom who understands the threats we face.

Tomorrow Lisa’s segment is titled :  “Houston, We Have A Problem.”

Countering Iran: A Bill Signed, Sealed, But Will It Deliver?

Written by: Lisa E. Benson, January 17, 2013

Benson Consulting Group

Facebook | CLICK HERE
Twitter | CLICK HERE



 To Learn Why – View the WOW 2012 Interactive Video “Avoidable”

Click Photo to Watch the Interactive Version of AVOIDABLE has begun a nationwide media campaign to call on Women across America to stand together to defend our Nation from threats both foreign and domestic. The video linked above is for you to share with your friends and neighbors so they will understand the true nature of the threats we face.

Click to take a pledge HERE to STAND with Women across America!

If you can donate $10, $20 or $50 right now, we’ll have the funds to build and Wall of Women to SEEK THE TRUTH – SHARE THE TRUTH AND STAND FOR THE TRUTH.


Knowledge is Power and together we can make the difference!!

Be sure and listen to all the great shows on WBTM Radio!

Chaos Radio with Mel Moss and Rick Rose

Join the movement expose corruption in Texas Politics go to Tea Party 911 for a daily briefing.

Tea Party 911

Women On The Wall joins WBTM Radio on Mondays at 10am CST

Women On The Wall Radio with WBTM

Women On the Wall Radio with hosts Rebecca Forest and Alice Linahan has a mission to Seek the Truth, Share the Truth and Stand For The Truth – 10:00 – 11:00 CST every Monday morning.

We believes that the women of America play a central role in the protection and security of our sovereign nation. The grandmothers, mothers, daughters, and sisters of American women of all political persuasions, age and race are the stewards of the home and hearth and will stop at nothing to defend and protect their families and their country.
We are the daughters and granddaughters of the women of America’s GREATEST generation.  They answered the call to save America and the world from Hitler’s horrific plan for humanity. Once again, America was awakened.  Since 9/11, our nation’s women have been vigilantly standing watch, calling attention to the dangers facing our children and our homeland.

We are excited to announce our guest on Monday January 14th will be Lisa Benson. Lisa is a National Security Hawk and Mom who understands the threats we face. Lisa will be joining us to talk about the issue of Chuck Hagel’s nomination. 

Benson Consulting Group

Facebook | CLICK HERE
Twitter | CLICK HERE
Lisa has written a must read article. 

Chuck Hagel: An Idiotic Choice? No, A Tactical Maneuver

Lisa Benson will share her insight and wisdom so we as the grandmothers, mothers, daughters and sisters of America will have the knowledge to defend our nation for future generations to come.

You will also want to be sure and read Secure America Now’s latest briefing on Chuck Hagel. Knowledge is Power!

Chuck Hagel's record



 To Learn Why – View the WOW 2012 Interactive Video “Avoidable”

Click Photo to Watch the Interactive Version of AVOIDABLE has begun a nationwide media campaign to call on Women across America to stand together to defend our Nation from threats both foreign and domestic. The video linked above is for you to share with your friends and neighbors so they will understand the true nature of the threats we face. 

Click to take a pledge HERE to STAND with Women across America!

If you can donate $10, $20 or $50 right now, we’ll have the funds to build and Wall of Women by bringing you this information so you can SEEK THE TRUTH – SHARE THE TRUTH AND STAND FOR THE TRUTH.


Please make a contribution of just $10 now. 

Why are women all across America coming together to stand on the Wall?

 Why are women all across America coming together to stand on the Wall?


Absolutely Uncertain

Join the Women Across America who are taking their place on the Wall.

Because we understand that our nation and Israel are at risk of being forever changed.

A new, 18-minute mini-documentary follows the journey of Irina, a 23-year-old liberal, Jewish New Yorker who voted for Obama in 2008.  Yet as her connection to Israel has grown, and she has learned more about the President’s policies across the Middle East and towards Israel in particular, Irina has come to realize that “when the chips are down,” the President may not “have Israel’s back” as he says.



WomenOnTheWall.Org Pledge is motivated by a single issue: National Security threats that face our nation both foreign and domestic. Based on polling provided by Secure America Now in battleground states women consider national security a “High Priority”.

Women On The Wall will fill that vacuum with a powerful, call to action for Women across America to come together to form a wall of security around our Nation to protect our children and grandchildren. “Women On The Wall” is where women all across America will unite and pledge to educate ourselves and others on the serious national security threats our nation faces. We pledge to educate fellow Americans to insure that we will not fall prey to elected leaders and Administrations that do not have America’s best interest at heart.

We will ask women to Join with Us and take their place on the Wall and help secure and save America for generations to come. We ask men join us by lifting us up onto the wall. Together we can make a difference!
1. Do You Pledge to take time to educate yourself on the serious national security threats our nation faces so that we can protect our country for future generations?
2. Do You Pledge to share information you find about National Security threats America faces with your friends and neighbors?
3. Do You Pledge to ask other women of all faiths, colors and political backgrounds across America to join us on the wall? 
Why is the Narrative so Important? This is the one issue that can bring women of all faiths, colors and political backgrounds together to fight for America. This is not a Republican issue or a Democratic issue it is an American issue. Obama is fundamentally changing the safety and security of America and our allies to an extent we may not recover from unless he is removed from office. In order to accomplish that the American people must be educated on the issue of National Security and the threats we face.WOMEN must STAND together now and demand a safe and secure nation for our families to live and thrive in.

Knowledge is Power and together we can make the difference!!  

Grassroots Activists – “Pledge” to Voters not Straus for Speakers Race in 2013


Contact Person: Alice Linahan

Contact # 972-322-8313

Email Address


Grassroots Activists –  “Pledge” to Voters not Straus for Speakers Race in 2013

AustinTexas June 13th, 2011

After vowing to remain actively engaged in the legislative process and to “keep a keen eye” on the workings of the 82nd Texas Legislature, is once again on the front lines standing side by side with Grassroots and Tea Party activists to call on Texas House of Representatives to “Pledge” support to the voters of Texas instead of to the current Speaker of the House Joe Straus.

“What we have witnessed during this legislative session is what was feared most about the election of incumbent Speaker Joe Straus,” said Rebecca Forest, Co-Founder of WomenOnTheWall.Org, “Grassroots, immigration, and Tea Party activists who were against Joe Straus during the Speaker Showdown warned of another liberal leaning session on important issues and unfortunately,  we  have been proven correct.”    In Texas the Speaker is the one who establishes the agenda because he appoints the committee chairs and the committee members. As Donna Garner grassroots activist writer states “It is the conservative legislators who have dared to rock the Straus boat and they are the ones whose legislation has largely been killed and the ones whose districts have been decimated on the redistricting maps, Garner continues “Under Straus’ leadership, this 82nd Legislative Session has not acted judiciously and promptly to pass our conservative agenda even though we were the ones who showed up in such large numbers on Nov. 2, 2010 to “take our country back.” has released a No Pledge to Straus Internet video as well as an outstanding .30 second No Pledge to Straus ad which will be aired beginning June 13th 2011 through the end of the Special Session.  Straus used the pledge card system to become the current Speaker of the House and then it appears he promised sizeable campaign contributions to legislators in exchange for their votes for him as Speaker.

“The Pledge Card system ended up giving Straus the ultimate power in the House, says Alice Linahan board member and producer of the latest videos. Linahan continues, “With that power he has killed the Conservative agenda, and because of this those Representatives who bill themselves as “Conservatives” must not “Pledge” support for his reelection as Speaker in 2013. Grassroots and Tea Party supporters will have no other option than to run an opponent against them in the 2012 primaries.”

“Straus and his supporters’ arrogance in openly fulfilling their threats perpetrated on fellow Republicans is an obvious indication of a sense of immunity from the will of the people.  On the outside, it certainly has the smell of corruption and an abuse of power.  With a closer look, there’s no doubt in my mind the stink is real; and it is certainly disgusting, states John Alaniz Temple, Tx Businessman

The Call to Action for Texans….call your State Representative and ask them to not “Pledge” support for the current Speaker of the House in 2013.

For additional information

Contact: Alice Linahan

Contact # 972-322-8313

Email Address

WOMEN ON THE WALL IS A 501(c)(4) Texas non-profit corporation.

# # #


“Don’t Retreat, Reload” – No Pledge Card!! Oust Straus Once and For All…….

Our Voices were heard and they were once again ignored. With Redistricting we have just witnessed a classic case of Texas style Good Ol’ Boy Republican establishment.

While Perry’s decision to not sign the SBOE Redistricting bill is a good thing he chose not to stand with Conservatives and Veto the bill. I have been told the reason is, had he vetoed the bill it would have gone back for a vote in the legislature and they had the votes to override his Veto. So much for a Conservative Republican majority. I was also told if he had vetoed the bill it would have gone to the Obama Justice Department and we all know Obama has it out for Texas and especially Gov. Perry since he seems to be a possible opponent in the 2012 election. The challenge is, so much of this was done behind the scenes and we do not know who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. Targets #1 and #2 for the primaries, Texas Rep. Burt Solomons and Sen. Kel Seliger.

The reason why the Texas School Board of Education Redistricting is so important to Moderate Republicans and why they are fighting to flush out Conservative Republicans is…….As they say follow the money.

It is about control of 26 1/2 Billion in education bonds and the Permanent School Fund. Be sure and get educated on who is involved in charter schools in Texas and learn about the threat of the Gulen/Cosmos foundation. Here is a start. Texas – Karen Hughes – Gulen/Cosmos Foundation

Social Studies and text books are just a side show to Rino Republicans in Austin. It is about the money!!! Although they play on everyone’s emotions and say that it is all about the children. I can tell you one thing for sure, for those Conservative SBOE Representatives who have been redistricted out it is about the children and Texas children have just been shafted by Republican in Name Only elected officials. AKA RINO’s that we put into office. My question is what are the parents of those children going to do about it.
Personally my plan is to Not Retreat but to Reload, just as Sarah Palin stated.

First Call to Action – Don’t allow the Pledge Card system to continue.
Tea Party folks – Are you with me? OUST STRAUS once and for all!!

Grassroots Activists “Pledge” Further Engagement in Texas House


Vowing to remain actively engaged in the legislative process, several Texas Tea Party groups and other conservative organizations released an Internet video today thanking “The Texas 15” — the fifteen members who voted against Rep. Joe Straus for Speaker. Noting the dismissive remarks in the press, along with what they regard as efforts by some members to extract retribution on the “15,” leaders of many conservative organizations released a high-definition video online today at expressing their thanks to those “voting on principle.”

“On November 2nd, the people of Texas sent a clear message that they’d had enough of business as usual in Austin. On January 11th, these 15 brave men and women responded to that message by standing against the establishment,” Ken Emanuelson of the Dallas Tea Party said of the video. “They stood with the people and the people won’t forget it.”

Citing recent articles by veteran capitol reporters such as Dave McNeely and others, many leaders say they find the terms used such as “Astroturf” not only inaccurate but offensive, according to Rebecca Forest, Co-Founder of WomenOnTheWall.Org, the producer of the video.

“Tea Party, immigration, pro-life groups and many members and leaders of the Texas GOP came together in a united front to replace Straus — hardly “Astroturf.” Forest continued saying, “The Straus uprising was based largely on his actions last session but even worse to some, was his inaction as he attempted to give the House members a ‘warm and fuzzy’ type of public servant experience.”

Other Conservative and Tea Party leaders revealed new initiatives designed to “keep a keen eye” on the workings of the 82nd Texas Legislature. As an example they highlighted the Texas Tea Party Patriot PAC’s Government Accountability Project which will enlist group members to shadow, report and publish factual information pertaining to elected officials’ records at the federal, state and local levels. “Citizens have an ongoing responsibility in the process of governance that ends not at the ballot box, but extends with daily observation of the votes, words and actions of our elected officials,” Suzanne Guggenheim, one of the organization’s founders, said.

Wayne Richard, a talk radio host in the DFW market and former House District 66 candidate weighed in on the issue. “In today’s political climate it is imperative we elect legislators who have the backbone to vote as their constituents’ desire. Since the opening of this current session, we have a good indication as to who is willing to stand for principle and who isn’t. The people are awake and taking interest in future elections. Texans will remember who they can count on in November 2012.”

David McNeely: Straus vote shows Right Wing groups losing power

Thanks Rep. Berman for again taking a stand for “We The People” of Texas!

Over the past several months we  have witnessed a  grassroots “uprising” in Texas thanks to the Texas House “Speaker’s Showdown.”  The Co-Founders of Women on the Wall were proud to take a stand with fellow grassroots activists across this great State.   We have many to thank for what WOW contributed to this battle.  First, Rob Hurlburt for his brilliant creation Texas House “Speaker Showdown” (in various versions) and those who donated to help pay for  it to air on TV in key Texas districts leading up to the January 11th vote.  

Among those walking the halls and grounds of the Capitol with us the past two days were  Texas Tea Party leaders/members,  immigration activists,  and many members of the Texas GOP leadership.   We were all unified in our steadfast opposition to the re-election of Joe Straus as House Speaker. 

Yesterday was truly a sad day for Texas as many in the current  body of  House Representatives completely shunned the desires of a vast number of their constituents.   Once again, Texans have Representative Leo Berman to thank for standing his ground  on principle and demanding a floor vote.  He will take a lot of heat from his fellow Representatives as his action helped to “out” the Republicans who were so desperately trying to avoid a floor vote!    This is not the first time Representative Berman has done the right thing for Texas in spite of the unpleasant consequences that follow. 

The “Speaker’s Race” was a horse of a different color to most  Texans.  The biggest obstacle activist groups faced was trying to explain the importance of  this previously understated event to those outside the loop.   While that aspect of the “Oust Straus” effort was challenging, explaining the importance of defeating huge numbers of those who voted for Joe Straus WILL NOT be a difficult task moving forward.  

During the run up to the Republican primaries, we have ample time to get our message out to the voters and we have a large number of very upset Texans organized and well connected to follow through.  We have Resolute Media and the many sponsors who helped coordinate and fund the hospitality/staging area for the Capitol events to thank for making sure months of coordinated efforts ended on a productive note  — no matter what the outcome of the vote.   Rest assured,  time and money will not be an obstacle once our networks have identified qualified challengers to those who chose the wrong path! 

If anything, the arrogance and corruption we witnessed at the “People’s House” January 10th and 11th was much worse than most of us imagined.  While many political operatives, bloggers, and media organizations try to portray the grassroots anti-Straus movement as a failure, our promise is:  SEE YOU IN 2012 — We Will Remember!!

Tea Party Caucus Membership Will Not Shield Legislators Who Vote for Straus in 2011

In defiance of calls by key conservative leaders in Texas for a Conservative Texas House Speaker in 2011, Rep. Lois Kolkhorst [R-HD13] and Rep. Beverly Woolley [R-HD136] have decided nevertheless to elect Joe Straus for a second term as House Speaker.  
In response to their decision, Women on the Wall has today released the new Houston version of their current ad campaign — Fall of the RINOS — Texas House “Speaker Showdown”TV ad which is featured on You Tube at the STOPJOEINFO Channel. The Houston version of the “Speaker Showdown” adwill air in key Houston and DFW districts in the lead up to the January 11th vote.  (View at:
“It is truly amazing that these two legislators have decided to thumb their noses at the grassroots who overwhelmingly support a change in House leadership,” said Rebecca Forest, Co-Founder and President of Women on the Wall.  “No matter what their conservative ratings have been in the past, if they vote for Straus they will face a well funded challenger in the 2012 Republican primary.”    
Heritage Alliance recently conducted a poll of 28,980 Republican primary voters in 77 GOP held Texas House districts and found that nearly 90% of the respondents wanted a more conservative speaker than Straus.  
“For starters, neither Kolkhorst nor Woolley are dyed in the wool conservatives in the same vein as Ken Paxton,” said Forest “and anyone who suggests either of these women are the “Tea Party Queens” of Texas misrepresent the truth – pure and simple.”  
“RINO hunting in Texas is really being taken to another level with Straus supporters running for cover under Sen. Dan Patrick’s newly formed “Tea Party Caucus” said Alice Linahan, a leader with the Nationwide Tea Party Coalition and Texas Project coordinator. Adding, “The caucus is rapidly being exposed as the most recent attempt to trick less informed constituents into believing Joe Straus is “conservative enough” to pass the litmus test.”  
Battle lines are being drawn in the Republican Party across the nation but most certainly in Texas where establishment GOP moderates are spending millions to hold on to their power in the House.  Conservative groups, emboldened by the recent victory in the courts (Free Market Foundation, et al. v. David A. Reisman, et al) pledge to run opposition candidates in the GOP 2012 primaries.

NEW .30 “Speaker Showdown” TV Ad to Air During Holiday Season!

Take a look a the newest version of the TREMENDOUS .30 second Texas House “Speaker’s Showdown” ad which will be aired over the holiday season leading up to the January 11, 2011 vote for Speaker. 

Be sure and share this link with your contacts and ask them to view the link, comment on the ad and most importantly — FORWARD it to their friends!!

This fight is NOT over and we are certain we will have a “true” conservative as House leader in 2011.   Now is the time to STAND!

The Texas Race for LIFE

There are so many reasons why conservative activists in Texas refuse to accept Joe Straus as Texas House Speaker during the 2011 Texas legislative session.    The man simply does not have the fighting spirit and goes to extremes to avoid conflict.  Not a very good combination given the HUGE battles facing the Texas legislature on issues most true conservatives consider worthy of all out war.     

If you doubt me, consider Straus’ quotes from several Evan Smith interviews (Texas Monthly & Texas Tribune) concerning the the 2009 “do nothing” legislative session. 

In the January 16, 2009 Texas Monthly interview, Smith pressed Straus on important issues to the “right” saying, “On abortion you are often described as a pro-choice Republican — True or False?”  Straus responded with what I consider a truly astonishing statement: 

“Oh, I kinda get tired of the pro-choice / pro-life thing.  I take issues one at a time. … What I do reject though is this intense negative campaigning over wedge issues and I really — I’m a pass the budget and go home conservative (not to label myself again).  I really don’t enjoy the endless debate over things that are meant for campaign fodder.” 

WHAT —  did he really just equate important LIFE issues (abortion in particular) to “campaign fodder”? 

While most of us are not surprised that candidates are often deceptive while campaigning, it amazes me that he continues to try to convince true pro-life conservatives that he’s on our side AFTER receiving a 100% NARAL rating.   

Then there is the clever way Straus tries to cover this tail by praising Planned Parenthood for all the great work they do on “women’s health issues” while TOTALLY discounting the fact that a big part of their “family planning” services result in aborting babies.   Excuse me … are there really not other organizations that Straus and his wife could support that provide health services to women WITHOUT providing abortions? 

Straus really puts the “Mac” in Machiavelli!

Texas finally has a super majority of Republicans serving in the House and many of those Republicans campaigned as pro-life conservatives.  This session may well be our last chance to get an ultrasound bill passed in Texas and true conservatives simply are not willing to take a chance on Joe Straus based on his own words and his disturbing nature to avoid conflict. 

MILLIONS of lives can be saved with the passage of a good Texas ultrasound bill.  While we truly are NOW THE MAJORITY in the Texas House, we need someone who will be a strong leader and fight for us. 

If history repeats itself (and it will) Republicans will manage to mess up the overwhelming victory they’ve been given and in all likihood the margins will shift again in 2012.    Time is not on our side and we don’t have the luxury of HOPING for CHANGE in the Straus style of leadership. 

Texans are DEMANDING a true conservative who understands the stakes and is willing to take risks to deliver victories on the most imporant issues of our time. 

Time to say goodbye to the “good ‘old boy”  backroom deals in Austin and the Speaker bribes of sessions past!   If House members are smart, they will take the path of Rep. Randy Weber and survive the next Republican primary season.   Based on this past election, I think all members would be wise to reconsider the nonsense about “honoring their pledge to the Speaker” and remember the people who brought them to the dance in the first place!

Texas House Speaker’s race to impact many issues including probate reform

By Lou Ann Anderson/ was pleased to join many of our grassroots activist friends and colleagues in signing a letter calling on the Texas House of Representatives to ensure the upcoming session provides conservative leadership responsive to voter sentiments expressed with the recent election.

As a Texas-based web site, EoD follows the estate abuse/probate corruption issue and works to educate the public regarding the threats such actions pose to both their personal freedom and property rights.  We believe government leaders possessing truly conservative values will be essential for a meaningful review of this issue to occur.

At, we write about Involuntary Redistribution of Assets (IRA) actions in which probate venues and probate instruments (wills, trusts, guardianships and powers of attorney) are used to loot assets of the dead, disabled or incapacitated.  With guardianships, these instruments can be used to hijack an individual’s personal freedom as well as their property.

While disgruntled family members, wannabe heirs and/or unscrupulous attorneys may lead the charge for such efforts, the legal industry as an entity comprising lawyers, judges and other court-associated personnel is also often seen as a key player.

The probate issue is about property rights – both a person’s right to designate the final distribution of their assets and a civilized society’s obligation to see that those wishes are honored.  The transfer of property from one generation to another is a time-honored American tradition that is currently threatened and will only be preserved if “the people” demand government representation that respects and will take action to defend our property rights.

The rule of law is central to fighting probate corruption as the legal system is openly used to perpetrate IRA actions while apparent complicity on the part of court officials usually goes unchallenged.  Again, conservative government leadership that believes and will take strong action to uphold the rule of law – even when it sometimes means coming after their own – is critical for probate reform.

And while individual liberty has long been a focal point in American life, with administrative ease and a relatively casual process, guardianships are becoming a more common status for Texans of all ages – some under highly questionable circumstances.  Understand that a guardianship causes the “incapacitated” person to typically lose basic rights such as the ability to sign contracts, vote, marry or divorce, buy or sell real estate, or make decisions about medical procedures.  They can also lose complete control over any property.  While minors have long had guardians, this legal suspension of  rights is now more commonly being extended to the elderly as well as those deemed disabled or incapacitated.  Guardianships are sometimes warranted, but the public and our officials must stay vigilant that neither government nor other unscrupulous individuals use this mechanism to create a new class of right-free citizens subject to exploitation on a host of fronts.

Property rights, the rule of law, individual liberty.  These all are traditional and core conservative values important to Texans throughout our state.  Voters have spoken loudly and strongly by retaining existing conservative voices and electing new ones.

The November election won conservatives a seat at the head of the table.  Let’s make sure we take it.