About Alice
Alice Linahan is a Politically-Active Texas Mom who has worked hard in the trenches of the Grassroots Movement.
As an established leader in New Media with Voices Empower and as Vice President of Women on the Wall, Alice brings audiences a servant’s voice with a heartfelt, funny tone and when the truth needs to be told in a bold, fresh manner Alice can deliver. She brings alive the stories from the trenches of the movement of parents asking… #CANiSEE what you are teaching my child that is taking America by storm.
Alice is a radio talk show host of the Women On the Wall Radio Show in addition to being the Author of the upcoming “A parents journey from #CANiSEE™© to I Can SEE” study on the Common Core. Alice Linahan is a winner of the 2014 UPTON SINCLAIR AWARD with EducationViews.org for her work as an Advocate for Securing the Best of Education Policies for the next generation of American children.
Alice has been described as “Passionate in everything she does and she is proof that one person can make a difference.
Thank you for your work on this important cause!
Thanks for all you di. God bless!
Need a “lesson plan” so we can take this out and speak to our state and local groups…please, would someone develop a clear, concise “talking paper” for us to use. No need to reinvent the wheel, when you all have the info…would save us the time and effort to research this topic, then write a presentation to take around to the groups and legislators.
You are right on target Debbie and we will have it out in the next week. This very thing was discussed today!! Keep in touch and we will as well. Thank you for being on the call!!
Justs discovered your group. Glad to see that you are here. I’ve been fighting this mess for thirty years! Nice to know others with the same intent. Explanations of how progressivism in our schools got started in Texas and the rest of our country is on my web site (www.marymcgarr.com). Most of the explanations are tied to the school district where I live (Katy ISD), but they are applicable to any Texas school district as school districts are all the same at this point in time.
Suggest everyone do a Google Alert on CSCOPE so that you see just how much information is out there from a great many Texas communities.
I’m brand new to this and missed your conference call. Live in state / school district that has adopted Common Core Curriculum for 2013. At this point teachers only seem to know about the grade level standards but it sounds like the same thing. What is progression of what will happen? When will teachers be faced with signing this non disclosure contract? When will they begin to see the actual lessons?