CSCOPE ~ Controversy in the Media ~ Critics include…..


I join with Colleen Vera who commented on Ginger Russell’s post Cscope tries to Intimidate Private Citizens which links to a power point presentation to be given at the CSCOPE conference in San Antonio on Aug. 8th-9th.

Following is their power-point presentation for this upcoming Summer Cscope Conference. CSCOPE Intimidating Citizens?

Therefore I join Colleen Vera when she says……

I have a complaint against the person(s) responsible for this Power Point. My name was NOT listed as a critic of CSCOPE on slide #8. Also, no descriptions of criticisms are given. To be accurate, mine should read as follows:

“Colleen Vera – Retired Texas Teacher; critical of the fact that no one at CSCOPE, ESC 13, or TESCCC has yet to be charged with a crime for stealing property from the citizens of Texas by transferring ownership of CSCOPE to a private corporation under their own control, holding secret meetings against the Texas Open Meetings Act, and/or misuse of public funds by using public employees to staff a private corporation.”

Wade Labay promised the Texas Senate Education Committee that CSCOPE was now transparent. So people need the whole truth, not just what you want them to hear. Please have my name and the description of my criticism added to the presentation ASAP

[emailpetition id=”2″]

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About Alice

Alice Linahan is a Politically-Active Texas Mom who has worked hard in the trenches of the Grassroots Movement. As an established leader in New Media with Voices Empower and as Vice President of Women on the Wall, Alice brings audiences a servant’s voice with a heartfelt, funny tone and when the truth needs to be told in a bold, fresh manner Alice can deliver. She brings alive the stories from the trenches of the movement of parents asking… #CANiSEE what you are teaching my child that is taking America by storm. Alice is a radio talk show host of the Women On the Wall Radio Show in addition to being the Author of the upcoming “A parents journey from #CANiSEE™© to I Can SEE” study on the Common Core. Alice Linahan is a winner of the 2014 UPTON SINCLAIR AWARD with for her work as an Advocate for Securing the Best of Education Policies for the next generation of American children. Alice has been described as “Passionate in everything she does and she is proof that one person can make a difference.

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