There are so many reasons why conservative activists in Texas refuse to accept Joe Straus as Texas House Speaker during the 2011 Texas legislative session. The man simply does not have the fighting spirit and goes to extremes to avoid conflict. Not a very good combination given the HUGE battles facing the Texas legislature on issues most true conservatives consider worthy of all out war.
If you doubt me, consider Straus’ quotes from several Evan Smith interviews (Texas Monthly & Texas Tribune) concerning the the 2009 “do nothing” legislative session.
In the January 16, 2009 Texas Monthly interview, Smith pressed Straus on important issues to the “right” saying, “On abortion you are often described as a pro-choice Republican — True or False?” Straus responded with what I consider a truly astonishing statement:
“Oh, I kinda get tired of the pro-choice / pro-life thing. I take issues one at a time. … What I do reject though is this intense negative campaigning over wedge issues and I really — I’m a pass the budget and go home conservative (not to label myself again). I really don’t enjoy the endless debate over things that are meant for campaign fodder.”
WHAT — did he really just equate important LIFE issues (abortion in particular) to “campaign fodder”?
While most of us are not surprised that candidates are often deceptive while campaigning, it amazes me that he continues to try to convince true pro-life conservatives that he’s on our side AFTER receiving a 100% NARAL rating.
Then there is the clever way Straus tries to cover this tail by praising Planned Parenthood for all the great work they do on “women’s health issues” while TOTALLY discounting the fact that a big part of their “family planning” services result in aborting babies. Excuse me … are there really not other organizations that Straus and his wife could support that provide health services to women WITHOUT providing abortions?
Straus really puts the “Mac” in Machiavelli!
Texas finally has a super majority of Republicans serving in the House and many of those Republicans campaigned as pro-life conservatives. This session may well be our last chance to get an ultrasound bill passed in Texas and true conservatives simply are not willing to take a chance on Joe Straus based on his own words and his disturbing nature to avoid conflict.
MILLIONS of lives can be saved with the passage of a good Texas ultrasound bill. While we truly are NOW THE MAJORITY in the Texas House, we need someone who will be a strong leader and fight for us.
If history repeats itself (and it will) Republicans will manage to mess up the overwhelming victory they’ve been given and in all likihood the margins will shift again in 2012. Time is not on our side and we don’t have the luxury of HOPING for CHANGE in the Straus style of leadership.
Texans are DEMANDING a true conservative who understands the stakes and is willing to take risks to deliver victories on the most imporant issues of our time.
Time to say goodbye to the “good ‘old boy” backroom deals in Austin and the Speaker bribes of sessions past! If House members are smart, they will take the path of Rep. Randy Weber and survive the next Republican primary season. Based on this past election, I think all members would be wise to reconsider the nonsense about “honoring their pledge to the Speaker” and remember the people who brought them to the dance in the first place!