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On Wednesday, September 17, the State Board of Education (SBOE) voted 12-3 to pass an amendment that is a major step in shoring up Texas sovereignty over the Social Studies standards. 

On Friday, Sept. 19, the Texas SBOE (State Board of Education) vote 8-4 with Thomas Ratliff abstaining, Ken Mercer’s Resolution, which admonishes the College Board for their “NEW” AP U.S. History Framework and Exam. 

A video of his testimony is linked below. Listen, Learn and Pass it on and Join the Movement to stop the “New” AP U.S. History Framework and Exam! 

APUSH Provides Contempt for America in Texas High Schools

College Board Partners with Leftist Academia

bill-amesBy Bill Ames

AUSTIN, Texas (Texas Insider Report) — The recent implementation of a totally reworked Advanced Placement U. S. History (APUSH) framework has given rise to contentious debate. Mainstream American critics challenge APUSH as being anti-American. The private, APUSHLogo7unaccountable College Board APUSH creators retaliate by claiming that the new framework provides more flexibility to teachers, while addressing an alleged “whitewashing” of U. S. history.  

The debate has raged on, and does not need to be repeated here. Suffice to say that the APUSH framework, compared with most state and local standards, is like mixing oil and water.

It is time to end this debate charade, and reveal the bottom-line truth. Time to call a spade a spade. Time to cut to the chase. 

For the rest of the story go here.  

Most insightful Mom Comment: 

“Completely flaborgasted at the arrogance displayed by the College Board and their stance. This is an intolerable indoctrination of our American youth. I have a Junior that attends a private school in Dallas that is completely frustrated by the text — American Pageant — used for instruction in his APUSH class. Additionally, the required reader by Howard ZINN was even worse. He is equally saddened by classroom discussion and comments that are made by the instructor and friends aligned with liberalism, not liberty. After trying to debate the issue among friends, he is regarded as “not being as smart and not having his facts straight”. He returned from a summer credit course in history through the Hillsdale College, Hilllsdale, MI, in which the facts are taught as well as an appreciation for our exceptional country in which we are blessed to live. Are we fast headed down the road to destroy our country and the freedoms we have long enjoyed by subjecting ourselves to establishments and leaders that desire to debate the principles on which we were founded and have thrived for so many years?” ~  


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