From the Team at Secure America Now– Women we must be educated on the issue and is a great source for that education.
Check out their amazing work….
First, Secure America Now reported on the absurdity of inviting Mohammed Morsi to the United States. Then, thousands of Secure America Now users signed the Petition to Stand Up to the Moslem Brotherhood.
Now, they put it all together in an exclusive booklet, compiled from Mohamed Morsi’s very own words, with over a dozen documented sources. The truth is disturbing.
Egpyt’s new Muslim Brotherhood President is a virulent Anti-Semite and militant Islamist. We’ve put together this exclusive packet to educate the public about this truth.
Read and distribute this exclusive file on Morsi, prepared by Secure America Now analysts.
– Dowload the Online Version –
– Download the Print Version –
Print the booklet and show to others in your community. Let the public know.
And if you have not yet done so, go ahead and Sign the Morsi petition.
Knowledge is Power~