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18 thoughts on “The Medicalization of Education”
Dear President Trump, I realize you are a busy man and do not have the time to know what is happening to our educational system which became nationalized when the Department of Education was formed in order to carry out the brainwashing of all American children by changing their values, behaviors and feelings as taught them by their parents! This has nothing to do with teaching skills such as reading, writing and Arithmetic. It has all to do with dumbing down our kids and teaching them to become followers of a socialist state and one world government! Betty DeVos should be dismissed from her post and the Department of Education abolished at once! This woman pushes her one world government viewpoint through this curriculum known as Common Core! This department is responsible for brainwashing our kids into believing socialism/communism is good for America! Stop this agency and all those who would destroy our country and collect unconstitutional records of our children! I have written you many times about this issue only to be ignored! It is now our time to be listened to!
Dear President Trump,
My friends and I saw this play out in the 1980’s when our children were coming home with issues in learning how to read, estimating in math took prescient over absolute math facts, ie. multiplication tables, dumbed down spelling words, historical revisions and chaos in the classroom. Bully kids were rewarded by no accountability and the bullied were punished for speaking up. Cursive writing is obsolete. In college, our children are taught from bully professors who immediately seek out those students who need “re-education” in Americanism and their faith challenged in reasoning. One of our sons wore his Military fatigues to class at Mizzou because he was head of his Flight crew while his professor denounce the US policies. When our son respectfully asked his professor to return to teach the subject of the class, the professor said it was his class and he could say anything he wanted. Ian graduated #1 in his Air Force ROTC class and Phi Beta Kappa. He was an ideal student and the professor gave him and his classmates no respect. I have 8 grandchildren and very concerned about their future. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Sincerely, Susan Kallenbach PS: School Boards punish and disrespect parents when they attend meetings and speak up for all children to return to actual learning, rather than ”pschologizing” our students.
Yes please remove Betsy Devol, she is for Common Core and it is nothing but to harm our children and to dumb them down so they can control them.Repeal ESSA before it is to late.
Common core Pearson style was alledgely protested by the American Federation of teachers in person at their shareholders meeting in ENGLAND . They object to what they were not allowed to say about it because of the GAG ORDER THAT GOES WITH THE MATERIALS. So, these are said to be USA (state standards). In Ohio this is paid for with Ohio lottery money which is Education only BUT OHIO money is outsourced to pay another common core that is worse after Ohio legislators caught wind that you Alledgedly ( gag order )you can’t make change with the math and you can pass a citizenship test with its materials! Then they needed to TEST SO THE backdoored through the education committee alledgely backdoored common core but a different version in. They will teach alledgely your children to have “grit” and as described track them. So Ohio went from 5th(top)in the nation to 24th alledgedly and then the superintendents protested that they could not meet the standards so alledgely you can guess how this will go.
My daughter is dead because of foreign nations and the UN/ NATO interference. If people understood the depths of the danger their children are in living in America they overthrow the government. People would be blown away by how many ways Americans Human, Civil and Constitutional Rights have been violated. Foreign nationals taking over our country aided and abetted by the US givernemnt. They are getting away with murder literally and receiving American citizenship, attending our schools, taking our housing, our futures and our jobs. Their crimes go without investigations and American familes are treated like criminals. The DOJ, USCIS, DHS are blocking Americans from access to the information that proves these things I say are true. The government does not want Americans to know how bad things are inside our country, but mothers like me who have had to deal with the justice system and illegals had to watch watch drugs dealers from Colombian who killed hundreds of Americans get patted on their backs and told they had bright futures in America.
My family prays for you and your administration regularly.
With regards to our children, we trust that you will support and elevate parental rights and authority over OUR children’s education, health, and nurture. Please end the socialized education.
Thanks, and God bless you with wisdom and strength as only He can give.
President Trump;
Yes, you do have a lot on your plate now, but ignoring or choosing not to engage the Deep State that is the education agenda is hurting our children and the education profession, that has been taken over by the globalist. If you are serious about attacking the Deep State and fighting globalism by bringing back nationalism, you must address education. Keeping Betsy Devos in power hurts the children by denying them a sound education, like the one you received as a child.Even though you went to a private school, the difference between private and public education were not as pronounced then as they are now. We had a good public education system. Until states took the federal money. Now look what we have; a disaster. Education Reform has been a complete failure. Please act, before it’s too late. With the stroke of a pen you can kill ESSA through Executive Order. Not to do so endangers the future of every child now enrolled in pubic education.
I believe you when you say, we are a democracy and will never adapt socialism for our United States. Kindly look into how the Obama administration had successfully moved socialistic legislation directly into our school systems laying the foundation that had the potential to adversely impact our youth and families now and virtually for their entirety lives.
Thank you for continued service to our nation and the people our United States of America.
I believe you when you say, we are a democracy and will never adapt socialism for our United States. Kindly look into how the Obama administration had successfully moved socialistic legislation directly into our school systems laying the foundation that has the potential to adversely impact our youth and families now and virtually for their entirety lives.
Thank you for continued service to our nation and the people our United States of America.
Dear President Trump
Please give your attention to this issue. You already said the US would exit UNESCO, a great start. We MUST bring back authentic learning. Forget about digitized everything as it has been proven to be harmful to our children’s brain tissue. We are NOT saying ban technology outright, and realize it has it’s place. However, an overabundance of tech is NOT good either and our children are being profiled, so that their attitudes, values and dispositions can be radically transformed into those of little obedient drones. PLS PLS read “the Deliberate Dumbing Down of Education” by Charlotte Iserbyt – it will be all you need to know. Get rid of Social emotional learning and replace it with cursive, real math, real history, real science (NGSS is also Common Core in science form – NO!) We are counting on you to make this one of your primary issues bc our children have NOBODY to speak for them. Thank you for speaking on behalf of our unborn. I do believe you are trying your best to make our country better, but without examining this critical issue regarding our CHILDREN, we can never ever again make America Great> Sincerely,
I have seen the breakdown in our education system from my time in school through my grandchildren. Sadly, it is worse every year. My grandchildren are being homeschooled because of this horrible intrusion into their lives with unAmerican values being taught. But not everyone has that option to homeschool. However it is a growing trend. Doesn’t speak well for public education. It’s time to turn this around. NOW
Yes please remove Betsy Devol, she is for Common Core and it is nothing but to harm our children and to dumb them down so they can control them.Repeal ESSA before it is to late.
Dear President Trump, I realize you are a busy man and do not have the time to know what is happening to our educational system which became nationalized when the Department of Education was formed in order to carry out the brainwashing of all American children by changing their values, behaviors and feelings as taught them by their parents! This has nothing to do with teaching skills such as reading, writing and Arithmetic. It has all to do with dumbing down our kids and teaching them to become followers of a socialist state and one world government! Betty DeVos should be dismissed from her post and the Department of Education abolished at once! This woman pushes her one world government viewpoint through this curriculum known as Common Core! This department is responsible for brainwashing our kids into believing socialism/communism is good for America! Stop this agency and all those who would destroy our country and collect unconstitutional records of our children! I have written you many times about this issue only to be ignored! It is now our time to be listened to!
Dear President Trump,
My friends and I saw this play out in the 1980’s when our children were coming home with issues in learning how to read, estimating in math took prescient over absolute math facts, ie. multiplication tables, dumbed down spelling words, historical revisions and chaos in the classroom. Bully kids were rewarded by no accountability and the bullied were punished for speaking up. Cursive writing is obsolete. In college, our children are taught from bully professors who immediately seek out those students who need “re-education” in Americanism and their faith challenged in reasoning. One of our sons wore his Military fatigues to class at Mizzou because he was head of his Flight crew while his professor denounce the US policies. When our son respectfully asked his professor to return to teach the subject of the class, the professor said it was his class and he could say anything he wanted. Ian graduated #1 in his Air Force ROTC class and Phi Beta Kappa. He was an ideal student and the professor gave him and his classmates no respect. I have 8 grandchildren and very concerned about their future. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Sincerely, Susan Kallenbach PS: School Boards punish and disrespect parents when they attend meetings and speak up for all children to return to actual learning, rather than ”pschologizing” our students.
Please Stop Common Core and in order for you to do that you must Repeal ESSA. THANK YOU
Yes please remove Betsy Devol, she is for Common Core and it is nothing but to harm our children and to dumb them down so they can control them.Repeal ESSA before it is to late.
Thank you Alice, Karen and Anita!
Common core Pearson style was alledgely protested by the American Federation of teachers in person at their shareholders meeting in ENGLAND . They object to what they were not allowed to say about it because of the GAG ORDER THAT GOES WITH THE MATERIALS. So, these are said to be USA (state standards). In Ohio this is paid for with Ohio lottery money which is Education only BUT OHIO money is outsourced to pay another common core that is worse after Ohio legislators caught wind that you Alledgedly ( gag order )you can’t make change with the math and you can pass a citizenship test with its materials! Then they needed to TEST SO THE backdoored through the education committee alledgely backdoored common core but a different version in. They will teach alledgely your children to have “grit” and as described track them. So Ohio went from 5th(top)in the nation to 24th alledgedly and then the superintendents protested that they could not meet the standards so alledgely you can guess how this will go.
Dear President Trump,
Please listen to parents and Grandparents who watch this travesty of our children’s education deteriorate every day.
Thank You
My daughter is dead because of foreign nations and the UN/ NATO interference. If people understood the depths of the danger their children are in living in America they overthrow the government. People would be blown away by how many ways Americans Human, Civil and Constitutional Rights have been violated. Foreign nationals taking over our country aided and abetted by the US givernemnt. They are getting away with murder literally and receiving American citizenship, attending our schools, taking our housing, our futures and our jobs. Their crimes go without investigations and American familes are treated like criminals. The DOJ, USCIS, DHS are blocking Americans from access to the information that proves these things I say are true. The government does not want Americans to know how bad things are inside our country, but mothers like me who have had to deal with the justice system and illegals had to watch watch drugs dealers from Colombian who killed hundreds of Americans get patted on their backs and told they had bright futures in America.
Dear President Trump,
My family prays for you and your administration regularly.
With regards to our children, we trust that you will support and elevate parental rights and authority over OUR children’s education, health, and nurture. Please end the socialized education.
Thanks, and God bless you with wisdom and strength as only He can give.
~ Corie Moore
President Trump;
Yes, you do have a lot on your plate now, but ignoring or choosing not to engage the Deep State that is the education agenda is hurting our children and the education profession, that has been taken over by the globalist. If you are serious about attacking the Deep State and fighting globalism by bringing back nationalism, you must address education. Keeping Betsy Devos in power hurts the children by denying them a sound education, like the one you received as a child.Even though you went to a private school, the difference between private and public education were not as pronounced then as they are now. We had a good public education system. Until states took the federal money. Now look what we have; a disaster. Education Reform has been a complete failure. Please act, before it’s too late. With the stroke of a pen you can kill ESSA through Executive Order. Not to do so endangers the future of every child now enrolled in pubic education.
Mr. President;
I believe you when you say, we are a democracy and will never adapt socialism for our United States. Kindly look into how the Obama administration had successfully moved socialistic legislation directly into our school systems laying the foundation that had the potential to adversely impact our youth and families now and virtually for their entirety lives.
Thank you for continued service to our nation and the people our United States of America.
Mr. President;
I believe you when you say, we are a democracy and will never adapt socialism for our United States. Kindly look into how the Obama administration had successfully moved socialistic legislation directly into our school systems laying the foundation that has the potential to adversely impact our youth and families now and virtually for their entirety lives.
Thank you for continued service to our nation and the people our United States of America.
Dear President Trump
Please give your attention to this issue. You already said the US would exit UNESCO, a great start. We MUST bring back authentic learning. Forget about digitized everything as it has been proven to be harmful to our children’s brain tissue. We are NOT saying ban technology outright, and realize it has it’s place. However, an overabundance of tech is NOT good either and our children are being profiled, so that their attitudes, values and dispositions can be radically transformed into those of little obedient drones. PLS PLS read “the Deliberate Dumbing Down of Education” by Charlotte Iserbyt – it will be all you need to know. Get rid of Social emotional learning and replace it with cursive, real math, real history, real science (NGSS is also Common Core in science form – NO!) We are counting on you to make this one of your primary issues bc our children have NOBODY to speak for them. Thank you for speaking on behalf of our unborn. I do believe you are trying your best to make our country better, but without examining this critical issue regarding our CHILDREN, we can never ever again make America Great> Sincerely,
I have seen the breakdown in our education system from my time in school through my grandchildren. Sadly, it is worse every year. My grandchildren are being homeschooled because of this horrible intrusion into their lives with unAmerican values being taught. But not everyone has that option to homeschool. However it is a growing trend. Doesn’t speak well for public education. It’s time to turn this around. NOW
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Yes please remove Betsy Devol, she is for Common Core and it is nothing but to harm our children and to dumb them down so they can control them.Repeal ESSA before it is to late.