Is America indirectly funding the rockets and missiles that are being fired into Israel?

MARC KAHLBERG asks this question in his latest article Clinton visits Israel: Where have you been the past 4 years Mrs. Clinton?

“US President Barack Obama called Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi to underscore the necessity of ending Hamas rocket fire into Israel, and to talk about ways to de-escalate the situation. Perhaps someone should remind President Obama who funds the Hamas, the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and where a lot of the $360 Million US Dollars are actually going.

Mr. Obama, do you not think that America is indirectly funding the rockets and missiles that are being fired into Israel by the Palestinian terrorists?

When will the US administration understand that the hate generated against Israel is equal to the hate generated against America and all of the values that America stands by?

Why are we elevating the profile of the Muslim Brotherhood’s leader, Morsi as a leader in these talks with Hamas?

MorsiWho is Morsi?

From the Team at Secure America Now– put together an exclusive booklet, compiled from Mohamed Morsi’s very own words, with over a dozen documented sources. The truth is disturbing.

Egpyt’s new Muslim Brotherhood President is a virulent Anti-Semite and militant Islamist. Read and distribute this exclusive file on Morsi, prepared by Secure America Now analysts.

– Dowload the Online Version –

– Download the Print Version –

Print the booklet and show to others in your community. Let the public know.

Women on the Wall we must be educated on the issue of National Security and stand with the women of Israel. This is the Hide and Seek game their children play. Only it is not a game it is life and death. In Sderot, Israel there is only 15 seconds to take cover when the red code is activated.

Here are the latest photos out of Israel.

 Israeli mother protects her child

Israeli Children

Would you except this in America?

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About Alice

Alice Linahan is a Politically-Active Texas Mom who has worked hard in the trenches of the Grassroots Movement. As an established leader in New Media with Voices Empower and as Vice President of Women on the Wall, Alice brings audiences a servant’s voice with a heartfelt, funny tone and when the truth needs to be told in a bold, fresh manner Alice can deliver. She brings alive the stories from the trenches of the movement of parents asking… #CANiSEE what you are teaching my child that is taking America by storm. Alice is a radio talk show host of the Women On the Wall Radio Show in addition to being the Author of the upcoming “A parents journey from #CANiSEE™© to I Can SEE” study on the Common Core. Alice Linahan is a winner of the 2014 UPTON SINCLAIR AWARD with for her work as an Advocate for Securing the Best of Education Policies for the next generation of American children. Alice has been described as “Passionate in everything she does and she is proof that one person can make a difference.

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