Danger of Comprehensive Sex Education in America

If you wonder where all the confusion about “sexual orientation” is coming from, take a look at some of these links.

Listen to a former Austin ISD Elementary teacher expose the LGBT Agenda starting in Pre-K at a recent event.  This will be coming to a school near you (if it’s not already there).   How can you tell?  Learn what to look for to determine if this is going on in your Texas school – you will not find out by looking at your school’s website.


Why does it seem so many young children and teens are deciding they are another gender?  This might help explain why.  


Click on the link below for a screenshot of one of the pages from the “Little Black Book.” You will not believe material like this could ever be considered acceptable for any school in America.

If you are brave enough – click on the link below to see the entire book.   Warning:  The  Material is Extremely Graphic!   Since it was published partially with public funding and was available at a public school event we think you need to know.

Little Black Book_Preview_Info




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