Texans here is a Thought to Ponder for the Thanksgiving Holiday. Joe Straus as Speaker?

by Alice Linahan/North Texas Navigator News EXCERPTS FOLLOW:

Texans if you are going to bet, bet on the horse. Don’t sell your soul to win. Win because of the race and because you stood on the side of Freedom and Limited Government.

“What this story gives us, is a sense that there are capabilities in each of us that are beyond what we think what we can have. Life is about finding how far you can go, how fast you can run and you never know until you try, until you run.” Randall Wallace

I would contend this is the “American Way” to win.

Here is a thought to ponder over this Thanksgiving holiday, a thought to discuss with family and friends at the dinner table in Texas.

With all we now know about the reality of the Progressive left and what they are willing to do to create a Socialist/Marxist society in America, why on earth would we allow Republican State Representatives to be bought off for their votes for Speaker of the House. Secondly, why would they allow themselves to be bought? The answer, according to some Texas State Representatives,” is this is just the way it is, that’s politics, and you people do not understand what goes on in Austin, the back door deals we must do to get things done.”

The peoples’ answer is “you are right that is politics as usual, but not anymore. We are engaged and we will stand together on principal because if we do not Texas will be lost to the Progressive/Socialist agenda.”

There is a reality on the ground you may not be aware of with respect to the Speaker of the House race in Texas; both Fiscal and Social Conservatives across the state are banding together through the Tea Party movement to take Joe Straus out of the position of Speaker of the House.

Why is this you may ask? Joe Straus is a Conservative Republican right? No, Joe Straus  is a RINO (Republican in Name Only)

Please note correction. Joe Straus was not a Democrat he  is a Liberal Republican.


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About Alice

Alice Linahan is a Politically-Active Texas Mom who has worked hard in the trenches of the Grassroots Movement. As an established leader in New Media with Voices Empower and as Vice President of Women on the Wall, Alice brings audiences a servant’s voice with a heartfelt, funny tone and when the truth needs to be told in a bold, fresh manner Alice can deliver. She brings alive the stories from the trenches of the movement of parents asking… #CANiSEE what you are teaching my child that is taking America by storm. Alice is a radio talk show host of the Women On the Wall Radio Show in addition to being the Author of the upcoming “A parents journey from #CANiSEE™© to I Can SEE” study on the Common Core. Alice Linahan is a winner of the 2014 UPTON SINCLAIR AWARD with EducationViews.org for her work as an Advocate for Securing the Best of Education Policies for the next generation of American children. Alice has been described as “Passionate in everything she does and she is proof that one person can make a difference.

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