Texas Mom says NO to CSCOPE ~ Read WHY!!

By Jessica Feuz Kern

CSCOPE is not right for Rockwall schools. I am the parent of a kindergartener (with 2 more kids who will one day attend Rockwall schools) and I have a master’s degree in secondary English Education from Columbia Teacher’s College, where I studied several of the names brought up in arguing against CSCOPE. I also taught 9th grade English for several years in New York City’s public schools.


I need a hero to stop CSCOPE in Texas

I need a hero to stop CSCOPE in Texas

Here’s why I don’t like CSCOPE:
1. The money flow. It is paid for with tax dollars, yet we must lease it every year? And what exactly do we get? My friend and neighbor wants to help her son struggling in math, yet there is no textbook and she has very limited access to the curriculum.
2. CSCOPE is poor in quality and substance. From the grammar mistakes to tests and “assessments” not aligning with the material that the students are taught, this curriculum or curriculum management system is a waste of money. Our students (my children!) deserve better.
3. CSCOPE is rife with misrepresentations and secrecy. Why do we need HB 760 to force it to be transparent?
4. It is harmful to students. The poor quality and scripting ignores the needs of students who are struggling. Even students who are not struggling may mentally “check out” when presented with tests and other curriculum materials full of errors.
5. The ideology. Now, I am fully aware that we live in a large, diverse world, and our students need to know about it. My concern here is the timing. My friend’s 5th grader had a lesson where he needed to design a communist flag. I think students need a solid foundation in US history in elementary school before they expand their worldview in the higher grades.
6. CSCOPE devalues our teachers. Scripted lesson plans and frequent evaluations disrupt the many wonderful things that happen in our classrooms. We have good teachers and we need to let them teach.

Teachers FirstI thank those of you who have kept reading. (And this is the BRIEF list of why I don’t like CSCOPE!) Now I am not going to complain without proposing a solution. I think we need to give the power back to the teachers in our community. If we really need a curriculum management system, let’s create our own like the Highland Park ISD. It may cost more money in the short run, but in the long run it will save money and improve the quality of education in Rockwall ISD.

CSCOPE is here, it was a mistake, and now it is time to correct the mistake. I am voting for school board candidates that I believe will correct this mistake and move Rockwall forward.



Join the Movement to #StopCSCOPE ~ New Way To Fight – HB 945

Stop CSCOPE graphic
Do you want to help put a big dent in the development of CSCOPE courses in the Texas Virtual School Network?
The obsolete government entity (Harris County Department of Education) that I have been trying to shut down for the past two years is the developer/provider of the CSCOPE courses in the Texas Virtual School Network. Now I know why there are so many educational big shots trying to keep them open.
They are actually the Harris County School Trustees, an entity left over from the days when counties operated our public schools in Texas – before the onset of the ISD. Believe it or not, Harris County still elects County School Trustees over 50 years after our last countywide school closed! I have been fighting to shut them down because they are a duplicate of ESCs – thus a waste of our local tax dollars. I had no idea I was fighting CSCOPE too.
Fighting CSCOPE in TexasThe bill to close them down will be heard on Tuesday April 16th. If you will be in Austin (or know someone who will be) who also wants to take down CSCOPE, you can help by simply signing in at the Capital on Tuesday  morning in support of HB 945.
Hearing:  Tuesday, April 16, 2013
                  House Public Education Committee
                  Texas Capital Extension – Second Floor (E2)  –  Room E2.036
                  Upon final adjourn./recess. Before 10:00am
House Bill 945
Purpose:  Abolish Office of Harris County School Trustee / County Superintendent
Author:    Rep. Debbie Riddle
You must come in person to register your support “For” the bill to have your name in the public record. You do NOT need to speak.
·        You must register electronically using a House Witness Registration  kiosk or your own IPAD inside the Capital Building the day of the hearing – BEFORE your bill is heard  –
Ø  Select Hearing: House Public Education Committee
Ø  Select Agenda Item:  HB 945
Ø  Register Your Position:  FOR
Ø  Select  – you do NOT wish to testify
That’s all you have to do. You do not have to attend the hearing. Just a large number of people registering support FOR the bill would be very helpful.
Funny that I have been working on two bills, this one and CSCOPE and had no idea they were related until now.
Colleen Vera


Join the Movement to Stop CSCOPE

Click the photo to sign the Petition and Join the movement to#StopCSCOPE 

Women On the Wall  takes on the issues that matter. Sharing information and updates on our weekly radio show on Monday mornings at 10 am CST. You will not want to miss this show. We will have up to date information on CSCOPE  and guests who are the experts on education and other issues that are effecting our children and grandchildren.


Knowledge is Power and together we can make the difference!!

Alice Linahan

Follow @AliceLinahan on twitter and Facebook 

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