Call for Community Conversation Information Pushers

The Power of Compounding Activists

Join the Movement
Join us Tomorrow night at 7:30 pm CST for a
Community Conversation Town Hall on
Education in America!
Have you read Michelle Malkin’s series on the Rotten to the Core, Part III: Lessons from Texas and the Growing Grassroots Revolt? We highly recommend you read these articles and then join us on the Community Conversation presented by Women On The Wall tomorrow night at 7:30 pm CST.

The call in number is (714) 242-5220  

Or click below to listen online. Community Conversation by Women On the Wall

We are excited to have Mary Bowen a “30 yr. Texas school teacher who has thrown off her cloak of anonymity and is speaking openly about CSCOPE because she is afraid its curriculum will be whitewashed and recycled instead of kicked out of Texas schools. We will also have on the call Janice VanCleave a retired Science teacher who has been traveling across the state with her daughter Ginger Russell exposing what is actually in CSCOPE.  In addition, at 7:30 just prior to Mary and Janice we will have JoAnn Fleming on the call to discuss how CSCOPE has negatively effected her area locally especially within the Black and Hispanic community.

Lake Dallas, CSCOPE crowd shot
Last Thursday we had a situation in Lake Dallas, Texas where CSCOPE apologists showed up in mass numbers all wearing Green ready to defend CSCOPE and take on Women On The Wall. They accomplished their goal as typically is done in the community organizing world of education. They actually reserved the room right after our program was scheduled so they could present their power point program to anyone who came.   We have to give them credit, as usual they brought in people from out of town to show they had numbers behind them and over ran the meeting. But now we are taking the issue step by step and breaking it down on the Community Conversation call tomorrow night at 7:30 pm CST. You don’t want to miss it.  In preparation for the call tomorrow night watch the short video below of the Senate hearing in Austin on Jan. 31.
CSCOPE Senate Hearing
This was going to be shown at the Lake Dallas meeting and we were not able to show it.
You can also listen to the audio below of the CSCOPE apologist presentation. On the community call tomorrow we will be taking on the issue point by point and go through the Lake Dallas audio addressing each one of their talking points. We believe this will be invaluable information as you take on this issue locally. In addition it will be a wealth of information for those of you in other states who are taking on Common Core as they are closely aligned via Linda Darling Hammond. Find out here the connecting dots of Common Core, CSCOPE and the Gulen Charter Schools. 
Lake Dallas CSCOPE Meeting We know that in Texas we can not depend on the Legislature to take care of the CSCOPE issue even though many are working hard to do just that. This battle must be fought and won at the local level. Just like Common Core. In order to do this time is of the essence.Many districts are in the process of deciding if they are going to renew their CSCOPE contracts for the next school year. Now is the time for you to get educated on the issue, go to your school board meetings and demand that CSCOPE be removed from your district.

Get on the Community Conversation Conference call tomorrow night and get the talking points to take to your local school board.

Check out what Bill Hussey from Llano, Texas put out!!

CSCOPE, the controversial Texas school curriculum in over 70% of Texas school districts, was never field tested, reviewed or approved by the Texas State Board of Education. We now know through independent research, that these lessons and the CSCOPE process are based on the ideology of Marxism (Lev Vygotsky), Humanism (Linda-Darling Hammond) and Socialism (Learning through Social Constructivism). These were a few of the people who helped develop CSCOPE. Lessons with anti-American and anti-Christian slants have been discovered.
This is how CSCOPE is hurting your children:

Through Social Constructivism (Group sharing of work and grades)
1.      It removes the importance of individual merit and responsibility
2.      It downplays the importance of authority (parents and professionals) and experts
3.      It removes the security of well-defined expectations
4.      It redefines truth and facts (any answer is acceptable)
5.      It emphasizes education equity (outcome the same for all) instead of opportunity equity

Through the implementation of tests not aligned with required lessons:
1.       It provides a high stressful atmosphere in anticipation of failure
2.      When tests are repeated and answers given prior to test it promotes delayed responsibility and acceptance of cheating
3.      It promotes acceptance of substandard performances when failure is the norm.

Through the implementation of multiple classroom observances (3 minute walk-throughs ) by administrators
1.      It promotes the atmosphere that administrators do not trust the child’s teacher; so something is wrong to the child/student-models disrespect to the teacher
2.      It Interrupts the learning atmosphere of the classroom (highly distracting to ADHD children)
3.      When teachers quickly shift from what works to the rigid ineffective CSCOPE stance expecting a walkthrough, the students can sense an air of deception.

Through the implementation of substandard CSCOPE lessons
1.      It “LEAVES OUT geography, vocabulary development, cursive, spelling, grammar, systemic reading instruction, memorization of multiplication facts, and the skill practice needed for students to gain confidence.”      (Source: Teacher’s statement before the State Board of Education, emphasis added)
2.      It downplays the importance of vetted textbooks and homework

1.      Were you fully informed about the radical ideology and methodology of CSCOPE before you voted to implement it?
2.      Were you shown field-tested results of CSCOPE before you voted to implement it?
3.      Are you going to request a local review before the next vote to renew it?
4.      What steps must I do to opt out of CSCOPE and put my child in a direct-learning environment?

Call your state representatives and demand that CSCOPE receive a total review of ideology, methodology, financial impropriety, possible plagiarism, and misrepresentation to local school boards.
Your children, grandchildren and community need your action.

Bill Hussey, Llano, Texas

Join the Movement to Stop CSCOPE

Click the photo to sign the Petition and Join the movement to #StopCSCOPE

Alice Linahan is an intrepid activist, politically-active Texas Mom who has worked hard in the trenches of the Tea Party movement. She is a board member of   and TXAlliance4EthicalGovernment.Alice launched Voices Empower in 2011 in response to identifying an urgent need to engage the passive majority of voters at the National and State level during the primary process.  Voices Empower has quickly risen as an organization playing an integral part in holding politicians and the progressive/liberal media accountable by getting real stories out to Americans across the country. She is on track to re-define the meaning of “boots on the ground.” Specifically, she is implementing a communication team strategy that gives activists the tools to “ENGAGE”  and change hearts and minds vs. just a CLICK “LIKE” mentality on social media sites; therefore, the new paradigm created by Alice Linahan takes “boots on the ground” to social media platforms strategically and effectively. Citizen journalists are driving the narrative and Alice Linahan is playing a national role in its impact on the electorate. Currently Alice is working on projects at both the state and national level to save our Country from attacks within our own borders.  Alice has been published in such publications as Focus on the Family’s Citizen Magazine and Regions Magazine.Alice Linahan speaks publicly throughout the country to educate the public on how to Seek the truth ~ Share the Truth and how to Stand for the Truth taking on the media and exposing the dangers that threaten the safety and prosperity of our children and grandchildren.    Rebecca Forest is a co-founding member of WomenOnTheWall.Org (founded in May 2008) and serves as President of the organization.

Prior to 2001, Rebecca was an active advocate for nursing home reform and served as a Texas Ambassador for Operation Interdependence, a non-profit organization which provides an effective means for American’s to support U. S. armed forces deployed throughout the world.

The tragic events of 9/11/01 moved Rebecca further towards political grassroots activism and she helped to organize Austin Townhall Conservatives (“ATC”) in December of 2003.  Immigration related issues became the primary focus of her involvement with ATC as it became apparent to her that the out-of-control immigration crisis would negatively affect the futures of her two sons.

In November 2005, Rebecca co-founded the Immigration Reform Coalition of Texas (“IRCOT’) which represented the first organized network of the three (3) key immigration groups in Texas.  During the 2007, 2009, and 2011 Texas sessions the organization brought in national expert witnesses from as far away as Washington, D. C. to testify on behalf of IRCOT at various public hearings on key immigration legislation supported by the organization and helped to coordinate citizen lobbying efforts.

After five (5) years in the leadership role of IRCOT, she left to form the Texas Alliance for America Legal Defense & Education Fund (“TAALDEF”) a 501(c)(3) Texas tax deductible non-profit  which was designed to help counter the large grant-funded open-border groups such as MAALDEF and La Raza.

Rebecca speaks publicly throughout Texas to educate the public on the truth about the many dangers that threaten the safety and prosperity of America and its children.

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About Alice

Alice Linahan is a Politically-Active Texas Mom who has worked hard in the trenches of the Grassroots Movement. As an established leader in New Media with Voices Empower and as Vice President of Women on the Wall, Alice brings audiences a servant’s voice with a heartfelt, funny tone and when the truth needs to be told in a bold, fresh manner Alice can deliver. She brings alive the stories from the trenches of the movement of parents asking… #CANiSEE what you are teaching my child that is taking America by storm. Alice is a radio talk show host of the Women On the Wall Radio Show in addition to being the Author of the upcoming “A parents journey from #CANiSEE™© to I Can SEE” study on the Common Core. Alice Linahan is a winner of the 2014 UPTON SINCLAIR AWARD with for her work as an Advocate for Securing the Best of Education Policies for the next generation of American children. Alice has been described as “Passionate in everything she does and she is proof that one person can make a difference.

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